799 StaticInstanceMediator* _mediator;
810 static inline constexpr uint32_t NetworkStartTimeoutMillisecondsDefault = 30000;
813 static inline constexpr uint32_t AxisCountMaximum = 64;
816 static inline constexpr uint32_t MotionCountMaximum = 64;
819 static inline constexpr uint32_t NetworkNodeCountMaximum = 64;
822 static inline constexpr uint32_t RecorderCountMaximum = 64;
825 static inline constexpr uint32_t CompensatorCountMaximum = 64;
828 static inline constexpr uint32_t MathBlockCountMaximum = 64;
831 static inline constexpr uint32_t UserBufferDataCountMaximum = 1024;
834 static inline constexpr double SampleRateDefault = 1000.0;
845 static inline constexpr int32_t AxisFrameBufferSizeDefault = 1024;
867 static inline constexpr int32_t ControllerIndexDefault = 0;
873 static inline constexpr uint32_t PathLengthMaximum = 256;
880 static inline constexpr int32_t CpuAffinityDefault = -1;
886 static inline constexpr int32_t RmpThreadPriorityMaximumDefault = 45;
892 static inline constexpr int32_t RmpThreadPriorityRange = 8;
898 static inline constexpr int32_t RmpThreadPriorityMinimum = RmpThreadPriorityRange + 1;
904 static inline constexpr int32_t RmpThreadPriorityMaximum = 99;
910 static inline constexpr int32_t RmpThreadPriorityNoRealTime = 0;
925 ControllerIndex = ControllerIndexDefault;
926 std::memset(RmpPath,
'\0', PathLengthMaximum);
927 std::memset(NicPrimary,
'\0', PathLengthMaximum);
928 std::memset(NicSecondary,
'\0', PathLengthMaximum);
930 std::memset(NodeName,
'\0', PathLengthMaximum);
931#elif defined(__linux__)
932 CpuAffinity = CpuAffinityDefault;
933 RmpThreadPriorityMax = RmpThreadPriorityMaximumDefault;
953 char RmpPath[PathLengthMaximum];
959 char NicPrimary[PathLengthMaximum];
965 char NicSecondary[PathLengthMaximum];
969#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__linux__)
970 static_assert(
"_WIN32 and __linux__ defined. Double check preprocessor definitions");
971#elif !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__linux__) && !defined(DOXYGEN)
972 static_assert(
"Neither _WIN32 nor __linux__ are defined AND this is not a documentation build. Double check preprocessor definitions");
974#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(DOXYGEN)
985 char NodeName[PathLengthMaximum];
989#if defined(__linux__) || defined(DOXYGEN)
1214 virtual IO*
IOGet(int32_t nodeNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1261 virtual
void Refresh() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1270 virtual
void Shutdown() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1280 virtual
void MemoryToFile(const
char* const fileName) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1310 virtual int32_t SampleCounterGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1326 virtual
double ProcessorUsageGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1338 virtual
void ProcessorUsageClear() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1343 virtual uint32_t FirmwareTimingDeltaGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1377 virtual uint32_t SerialNumberGet(
1397 virtual
void SampleWait(uint32_t samples) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1404 virtual const
char* const ServerNameGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1407 virtual int32_t ServerPortGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1439 virtual
void SampleRateSet(
double sampleRate) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1443 virtual
double SampleRateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1462 virtual int32_t AxisCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1482 virtual
void AxisCountSet(int32_t axisCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1486 virtual
void AxisCountSet(int32_t axisCount,
bool setMotorFilterSupervisor) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1490 virtual
bool IsLicensed() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1493 virtual int32_t PackageVariantGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1496 virtual int32_t AxisLicenseCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1499 virtual
bool MechaWareLicenseGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1502 virtual int32_t UnsupportedOptionSet(int32_t option) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1528 virtual int32_t MotionCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1546 virtual
void MotionCountSet(int32_t motionCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1573 virtual int32_t UserVersionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1598 virtual
void UserVersionSet(int32_t version) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1602 virtual int32_t ExternalMemorySizeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1620 virtual
void AxisFrameBufferSizeSet(int32_t axisNumber, int32_t frameBufferSize) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1636 virtual int32_t AxisFrameBufferSizeGet(int32_t axisNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1661 virtual const
char* const FirmwareVersionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1680 virtual int32_t FirmwareOptionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1683 virtual
bool HasMechaWare() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1708 virtual int32_t MemoryGet(uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1728 virtual
double MemoryDoubleGet(uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1755 virtual
void MemoryBlockGet(uint64_t address,
void* dataStart, int32_t size) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1771 virtual
void MemorySet(uint64_t address, int32_t data) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1791 virtual
void MemoryDoubleSet(uint64_t address,
double dataDouble) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1818 virtual
void MemoryBlockSet(uint64_t address, const
void* const dataStart, int32_t size) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1838 virtual uint32_t FirmwareAddressGet(uint64_t hostAddress) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1865 virtual uint64_t HostAddressGet(uint32_t firmwareAddress) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1891 virtual int32_t BackgroundCycleCounterGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
1904 virtual uint64_t AddressFromStringGet(const
char* const addressName) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1916 virtual const
char* const StringFromAddressGet(uint64_t hostAddress) PURE_VIRTUAL;
1987 virtual
bool MotionHoldGateGet(int32_t gateNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2006 virtual
void MotionHoldGateSet(int32_t gateNumber,
bool hold) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2022 virtual int32_t NetworkNodeCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2091 virtual const
char* const NetworkEniGenerateOutputGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2094 virtual
void NetworkStart() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2118 virtual
void NetworkShutdown() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2125 virtual int32_t NetworkCounterGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2128 virtual int32_t NetworkInputCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2131 virtual int32_t NetworkInputBitSizeGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2136 virtual const
char* const NetworkInputDataTypeNameGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2140 virtual int32_t NetworkInputBitOffsetGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2144 virtual const
char* const NetworkInputNameGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2149 virtual uint64_t NetworkInputValueGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2156 virtual uint64_t NetworkInputAddressGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2161 virtual int32_t NetworkOutputCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2165 virtual int32_t NetworkOutputBitSizeGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2171 virtual const
char* const NetworkOutputDataTypeNameGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2174 virtual int32_t NetworkOutputBitOffsetGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2177 virtual const
char* const NetworkOutputNameGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2194 virtual uint64_t NetworkOutputValueGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2212 virtual
void NetworkOutputValueSet(int32_t index, uint64_t outputValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2232 virtual uint64_t NetworkOutputAddressGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2250 virtual uint64_t NetworkOutputIntendedValueGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2263 virtual
void NetworkOutputOverrideSet(int32_t index,
bool outputOverride) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2275 virtual
bool NetworkOutputOverrideGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2296 virtual
void NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet(int32_t index, uint64_t outputValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2310 virtual uint64_t NetworkOutputOverrideValueGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2326 virtual uint64_t NetworkOutputSentValueGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2331 virtual int32_t NetworkLogMessageCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2340 virtual const
char* const NetworkLogMessageGet(int32_t messageIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2343 virtual
void NetworkTimingEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2346 virtual
void NetworkTimingClear() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2349 virtual uint32_t NetworkTimingDeltaGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2352 virtual uint32_t NetworkTimingMinGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2355 virtual uint32_t NetworkTimingMaxGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2358 virtual
void NetworkTimingThresholdLowSet(uint32_t microseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2361 virtual
void NetworkTimingThresholdHighSet(uint32_t microseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2364 virtual uint32_t NetworkTimingThresholdLowCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2367 virtual uint32_t NetworkTimingThresholdHighCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2370 virtual
bool NetworkSynchronizedGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2394 virtual
void InterruptEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2414 virtual
void InterruptWake() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2443 virtual
void SyncInterruptEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2470 virtual
void SyncInterruptPeriodSet(uint32_t samples) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2491 virtual int32_t SyncInterruptWait() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2494 virtual
bool ServiceThreadStateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2506 virtual int32_t SyncInterruptHostProcessTimeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2509 virtual int32_t SyncInterruptHostProcessFlagGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2523 virtual
void SyncInterruptHostProcessFlagSet(
bool hostProcessFlag) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2535 virtual
bool SyncInterruptHostProcessStatusBitGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2546 virtual
void SyncInterruptHostProcessStatusClear() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2574 virtual
void ServiceThreadEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2602 virtual int32_t RecorderCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2621 virtual
void RecorderCountSet(int32_t recorderCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2639 virtual
void RecorderPeriodSet(uint32_t samples) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2642 virtual
void RecorderPeriodSet(int32_t recorderNumber, uint32_t samples) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2660 virtual
void RecorderCircularBufferSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2663 virtual
void RecorderCircularBufferSet(int32_t recorderNumber,
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2680 virtual
void RecorderDataCountSet(int32_t count) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2683 virtual
void RecorderDataCountSet(int32_t recorderNumber,int32_t count) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2701 virtual
void RecorderDataAddressSet(int32_t index, uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2704 virtual
void RecorderDataAddressSet(int32_t recorderNumber,int32_t index, uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2712 virtual
void RecorderDataAddressesSet(int32_t recorderNumber, const uint64_t* const addresses, int32_t addressCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2733 virtual
void RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion(
Axis *axis,
bool triggerOnMotion) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2741 virtual
void RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion(int32_t recorderNumber,
Axis *axis,
bool triggerOnMotion) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2748 virtual
void RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion(
MultiAxis *multiAxis,
bool triggerOnMotion) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2756 virtual
void RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion(int32_t recorderNumber,
MultiAxis *multiAxis,
bool triggerOnMotion) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2764 virtual
void RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t motionNumber,
bool triggerOnMotion) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2774 virtual
bool RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2791 virtual
bool RecorderEnabledGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2794 virtual
bool RecorderEnabledGet(int32_t recorderNumber ) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2812 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2815 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordCountGet(int32_t recorderNumber ) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2830 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordMaxCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2833 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordMaxCountGet(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2849 virtual
void RecorderStart() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2852 virtual
void RecorderStart(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2870 virtual
void RecorderStop() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2873 virtual
void RecorderStop(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2892 virtual const int32_t* const RecorderRecordDataGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2895 virtual const int32_t* const RecorderRecordDataGet(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2911 virtual
void RecorderRecordDataRetrieve() PURE_VIRTUAL;
2932 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordDataRetrieveBulk(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t recordCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2935 virtual
void RecorderRecordDataRetrieve(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2953 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordDataValueGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2956 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordDataValueGet(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2976 virtual int32_t RecorderRecordDataValueGet(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t recordIndex, int32_t dataIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2979 virtual
double RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet(int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
2982 virtual
double RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t index) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3002 virtual
double RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t recordIndex, int32_t dataIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3021 virtual
void RecorderBufferHighCountSet(int32_t bufferHighCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3024 virtual
void RecorderBufferHighCountSet(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t bufferHighCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3040 virtual
void RecorderReset() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3043 virtual
void RecorderReset(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3056 virtual int32_t RecorderBufferSizeGet(int32_t recorderNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3074 virtual
void RecorderBufferSizeSet(int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t bufferSize) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3109 virtual int32_t CompensatorCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3130 virtual
void CompensatorCountSet(int32_t compensatorCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3142 virtual int32_t CompensatorPointCountGet(int32_t compensatorNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3163 virtual
void CompensatorPointCountSet(int32_t compensatorNumber, int32_t pointCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3178 virtual int32_t CompensatorDimensionGet(int32_t compensatorNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3205 virtual
void CompensatorConfigSet(int32_t compensatorNumber, int32_t firstInputAxisNumber,
RSIAxisMasterType firstInputAxisType,
double firstInputAxisMinimum,
double firstInputAxisMaximum,
double firstInputAxisDelta, int32_t secondInputAxisNumber,
RSIAxisMasterType secondInputAxisType,
double secondInputAxisMinimum,
double secondInputAxisMaximum,
double secondInputAxisDelta, int32_t outputAxisNumber,
RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const
double* const table) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3236 virtual
void CompensatorConfigSet(int32_t compensatorNumber,
Axis* firstInputAxis,
RSIAxisMasterType firstInputAxisType,
double firstInputAxisMinimum,
double firstInputAxisMaximum,
double firstInputAxisDelta,
Axis* secondInputAxis,
RSIAxisMasterType secondInputAxisType,
double secondInputAxisMinimum,
double secondInputAxisMaximum,
double secondInputAxisDelta,
Axis* outputAxis,
RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const
double* const table) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3258 virtual
void CompensatorConfigSet(int32_t compensatorNumber, int32_t inputAxisNumber,
RSIAxisMasterType inputAxisType,
double inputAxisMinimum,
double inputAxisMaximum,
double inputAxisDelta, int32_t outputAxisNumber,
RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const
double* const table) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3280 virtual
void CompensatorConfigSet(int32_t compensatorNumber,
Axis* inputAxis,
RSIAxisMasterType inputAxisType,
double inputAxisMinimum,
double inputAxisMaximum,
double inputAxisDelta,
Axis* outputAxis,
RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const
double* const table) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3293 virtual
void CompensatorTableSet(int32_t compensatorNumber, const
double* const table) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3306 virtual
void CompensatorTableGet(int32_t compensatorNumber,
double* table) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3327 virtual
double CompensatorPositionGet(int32_t compensatorNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3346 virtual
void CompensatorTableClear(int32_t compensatorNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3356 virtual
void CompensatorDisable(int32_t compensatorNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3362 virtual
void CompensatorDisable(int32_t compensatorNumber,
bool force) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3370 virtual
void CompensatorEnable(int32_t compensatorNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3398 virtual int32_t UserLimitCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3419 virtual
void UserLimitCountSet(int32_t userLimitCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3450 virtual
RSIAction UserLimitActionGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3453 virtual int32_t UserLimitAxisNumberGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3456 virtual
double UserLimitDurationGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3459 virtual
bool UserLimitSingleShotGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3485 virtual
void UserLimitConditionSet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber,
RSIUserLimitLogic logic, uint64_t addressOfUInt32, uint32_t userLimitMask, uint32_t limitValueUInt32) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3508 virtual
void UserLimitConditionSet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber,
RSIUserLimitLogic logic, uint64_t addressOfDouble,
double limitValueDouble) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3511 virtual
RSIDataType UserLimitConditionDataTypeGet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3514 virtual
RSIUserLimitLogic UserLimitConditionLogicGet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3517 virtual uint64_t UserLimitConditionAddressGet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3520 virtual uint32_t UserLimitConditionMaskGet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3523 virtual int32_t UserLimitConditionLimitValueGet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3526 virtual
double UserLimitConditionLimitValueDoubleGet(int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3554 virtual
void UserLimitOutputSet(int32_t number, uint32_t andMask, uint32_t orMask, uint64_t outputPtr,
bool enabled) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3558 virtual
void UserLimitOutputSet(int32_t number, int32_t valueSet, uint64_t outputPtr,
bool enabled) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3562 virtual
void UserLimitOutputSet(int32_t number, uint64_t andMask, uint64_t orMask, uint64_t outputPtr,
bool enabled) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3566 virtual
void UserLimitOutputSet(int32_t number,
double limitValueDouble, uint64_t outputPtr,
bool enabled) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3583 virtual
void UserLimitOutputSet(int32_t number,
RSIDataType dataType, uint64_t inputPtr, uint64_t outputPtr,
bool enabled) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3586 virtual
bool UserLimitOutputEnableGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3589 virtual
RSIDataType UserLimitOutputDataTypeGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3592 virtual uint64_t UserLimitOutputAddressGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3595 virtual uint64_t UserLimitOutputInputAddressGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3598 virtual uint32_t UserLimitOutputAndMaskGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3601 virtual uint32_t UserLimitOutputOrMaskGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3604 virtual int32_t UserLimitOutputValueGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3607 virtual uint64_t UserLimitOutputAndMask64Get(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3610 virtual uint64_t UserLimitOutputOrMask64Get(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3614 virtual
double UserLimitOutputDoubleGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3636 virtual
bool UserLimitStateGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3658 virtual
bool UserLimitEnableGet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3661 virtual
void UserLimitEnableSet(int32_t number,
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3677 virtual
void UserLimitDisable(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3690 virtual
void UserLimitReset(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3701 virtual int32_t UserLimitCountMax() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3720 virtual
void UserLimitInterruptUserDataAddressSet(int32_t number, uint32_t userDataIndex, uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3723 virtual uint64_t UserLimitInterruptUserDataAddressGet(int32_t number, uint32_t userDataIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3741 virtual int32_t MathBlockCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3753 virtual
void MathBlockCountSet(int32_t mathBlockCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3809 static inline constexpr uint32_t SDOTimeoutMillisecondsDefault = 100;
3826 virtual
3829 virtual
bool IsSynqNet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3839 virtual
3842 virtual
bool DigitalInGet(int32_t digitalInNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3845 virtual
bool DigitalOutGet(int32_t digitalOutNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3848 virtual
void DigitalOutSet(int32_t digitalOutNumber,
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3851 virtual int32_t AnalogInGet(int32_t analogChannel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3854 virtual int32_t AnalogOutGet(int32_t analogChannel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3857 virtual
void AnalogOutSet(int32_t analogChannel, int32_t analogValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3866 virtual int32_t DigitalInCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3869 virtual int32_t DigitalOutCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3872 virtual int32_t AnalogInCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3875 virtual int32_t AnalogOutCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3879 virtual int32_t SegmentCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
3882 virtual int32_t SegmentDigitalInCountGet(int32_t segmentNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3885 virtual int32_t SegmentDigitalOutCountGet(int32_t segmentNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3888 virtual int32_t SegmentAnalogInCountGet(int32_t segmentNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3891 virtual int32_t SegmentAnalogOutCountGet(int32_t segmentNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3894 virtual int32_t SegmentIDGet(int32_t segmentNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3908 virtual uint64_t DigitalInAddressGet(int32_t bitNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3922 virtual int32_t DigitalInMaskGet(int32_t bitNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3936 virtual uint64_t DigitalOutAddressGet(int32_t bitNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3950 virtual int32_t DigitalOutMaskGet(int32_t bitNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3963 virtual uint64_t AnalogInAddressGet(int32_t channel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3976 virtual int32_t AnalogInMaskGet(int32_t channel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
3989 virtual uint64_t AnalogOutAddressGet(int32_t channel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4002 virtual int32_t AnalogOutMaskGet(int32_t channel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4017 virtual int32_t ServiceChannelRead(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4022 virtual int32_t ServiceChannelRead(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount, uint32_t timeoutMilliseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4036 virtual const
char* const ServiceChannelReadString(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4041 virtual const
char* const ServiceChannelReadString(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount, uint32_t timeoutMilliseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4058 virtual
void ServiceChannelWrite(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount, int32_t sdoValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4065 virtual
void ServiceChannelWrite(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount, int32_t sdoValue, uint32_t timeoutMilliseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4079 virtual
void ServiceChannelWrite(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount, const
char* const stringValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4088 virtual
void ServiceChannelWrite(int32_t index, int32_t subIndex, int32_t byteCount, const
char* const stringValue, uint32_t timeoutMilliseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4095 virtual
char* AKDASCIICommand(const
char* const command) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4098 virtual
void ClearFaults(int32_t axisNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4101 virtual uint32_t VendorIdGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4115 virtual const
char* const NameGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4129 virtual const
char* const ProductNameGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4143 virtual const
char* const VendorNameGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4146 virtual uint32_t ProductCodeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4149 virtual uint32_t RevisionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4152 virtual uint32_t StationAliasGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4155 virtual const
char* const SerialNumberGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4158 virtual uint32_t AxisCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4161 virtual uint16_t StatusWordGet(int32_t axisIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4222 virtual int32_t AxisCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4252 virtual
void TriggeredModify() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4280 virtual
void Stop() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4306 virtual
void Resume() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4332 virtual
void EStop() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4354 virtual
void EStopAbort() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4372 virtual
void EStopModify() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4376 virtual
void EStopModifyAbort() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4399 virtual
void Abort() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4427 virtual
void ClearFaults() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4455 virtual
void AmpEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4486 virtual int32_t AmpEnableSet(
bool enable, int32_t ampActiveTimeoutMilliseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4508 virtual
void Map() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4527 virtual
void Unmap() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4533 virtual
bool IsMapped() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4551 virtual
void FeedRateSet(
double rate) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4571 virtual
double FeedRateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4654 virtual const
char* const SourceNameGet(
RSISource source) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4678 virtual int32_t MotionDoneWait() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4706 virtual int32_t MotionDoneWait(int32_t waitTimeoutMilliseconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4728 virtual
bool MotionDoneGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4768 virtual uint64_t StatusBitsGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4802 virtual
void InterruptEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4817 virtual
void InterruptWake() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4838 virtual
double StopTimeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4855 virtual
void StopTimeSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4872 virtual
double EStopTimeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4889 virtual
void EStopTimeSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4907 virtual
double MotionDelayGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4929 virtual
void MotionDelaySet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
4951 virtual uint16_t MotionIdGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4970 virtual
void MotionIdSet(uint16_t
4973 virtual uint16_t MotionIdExecutingGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4976 virtual uint16_t MotionElementIdExecutingGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
4992 virtual
double MotionFinalVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5001 virtual
void MotionFinalVelocitySet(
double finalVelocity) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5069 virtual int32_t MotionHoldGateNumberGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5090 virtual
void MotionHoldGateNumberSet(int32_t gateNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5108 virtual
double MotionHoldTimeoutGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5128 virtual
void MotionHoldTimeoutSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5153 virtual
bool MotionHoldGateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5177 virtual
void MotionHoldGateSet(
bool hold) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5195 virtual int32_t MotionHoldAxisNumberGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5213 virtual
void MotionHoldAxisNumberSet(int32_t number) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5232 virtual
double MotionHoldAxisPositionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5250 virtual
void MotionHoldAxisPositionSet(
double position) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5274 virtual uint64_t MotionHoldUserAddressGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5292 virtual
void MotionHoldUserAddressSet(uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5309 virtual int32_t MotionHoldUserMaskGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5326 virtual
void MotionHoldUserMaskSet(int32_t holdMask) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5343 virtual int32_t MotionHoldUserPatternGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5360 virtual
void MotionHoldUserPatternSet(int32_t pattern) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5363 virtual
void MotionAttributeMaskDefaultSet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5472 virtual
void MovePT(
RSIMotionType type, const
double* const position, const
double* const time, int32_t pointCount, int32_t emptyCount,
bool retain,
bool final) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5511 virtual
void MovePVT(const
double* const position, const
double* const velocity, const
double* const time, int32_t pointCount, int32_t emptyCount,
bool retain,
bool final) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5542 virtual
void MovePVAJT(const
double* const position, const
double* const velocity, const
double* const acceleration, const
double* const jerk, const
double* const time, int32_t pointCount, int32_t emptyCount,
bool retain,
bool final) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5548 virtual
void StreamingOutputAdd(int32_t onMask, int32_t offMask, uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5571 virtual
void StreamingOutputAdd(int32_t onMask, int32_t offMask, uint64_t address, int32_t ptPointIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5577 virtual
void StreamingOutputAdd(RapidCode::
IOPoint* point,
bool on) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5597 virtual
void StreamingOutputAdd(RapidCode::
IOPoint* point,
bool on, int32_t ptPointIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5614 virtual
void StreamingOutputsClear() PURE_VIRTUAL;
5635 virtual
void StreamingOutputsEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5656 static inline constexpr uint32_t NetworkIndexInvalid = 65535;
5659 static inline constexpr double AmpEnableAmpFaultTimeoutSecondsDefault = 1.0;
5720 virtual void MoveTrapezoidal(
double position,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5743 virtual void MoveTrapezoidal(
double position,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel,
double finalVel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5808 virtual void MoveSCurve(
double position,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel,
double jerkPct) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5825 virtual void MoveSCurve(
double position,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel,
double jerkPct,
double finalVel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5944 virtual void MoveRelative(
double relativePosition,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel,
double jerkPct) PURE_VIRTUAL;
5954 virtual void MoveRelative(
double relativePosition,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel,
double jerkPct,
double finalVel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6029 virtual
void ActualPositionSet(
double position) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6047 virtual
double CompensationPositionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6061 virtual
void CompensationPositionSet(
double position) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6074 virtual
double TargetPositionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6095 virtual
double CommandPositionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6128 virtual
void CommandPositionSet(
double position) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6153 virtual
void CommandPositionDirectSet(
double position) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6171 virtual
double OriginPositionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6195 virtual
void OriginPositionSet(
double position) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6217 virtual
double PositionErrorGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6240 virtual
double CommandVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6264 virtual
double ActualVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6286 virtual
double CommandAccelGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6289 virtual
double CommandJerkGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6334 virtual
double UserUnitsGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6358 virtual
void UserUnitsSet(
double countsPerUserUnit) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6361 virtual
double UserUnitsToCounts(
double userUnits) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6364 virtual
double CountsToUserUnits(
double counts) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6385 virtual int32_t FramesToExecuteGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6414 virtual
void Home() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6419 virtual
void Home(
bool moveToZero) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6484 virtual
double HomeOffsetGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6505 virtual
void HomeOffsetSet(
double offset) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6525 virtual
double HomeVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6551 virtual
void HomeVelocitySet(
double velocity) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6557 virtual
void HomeVelocitySet(
RSIHomeStage homeStage,
double velocity) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6574 virtual
double HomeSlowVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6591 virtual
void HomeSlowVelocitySet(
double velocity) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6611 virtual
double HomeAccelerationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6637 virtual
void HomeAccelerationSet(
double accel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6642 virtual
void HomeAccelerationSet(
RSIHomeStage homeStage,
double accel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6661 virtual
double HomeDecelerationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6686 virtual
void HomeDecelerationSet(
double decel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6691 virtual
void HomeDecelerationSet(
RSIHomeStage homeStage,
double decel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6711 virtual
double HomeJerkPercentGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6736 virtual
void HomeJerkPercentSet(
double percent) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6742 virtual
void HomeJerkPercentSet(
RSIHomeStage homeStage,
double percent) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6763 virtual
void HomeCancelSet(
bool cancel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6783 virtual
bool HomeStateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6797 virtual
void HomeStateSet(
bool homed) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6803 virtual
void HomeLimitCustomConfigSet(uint64_t address, int32_t bitIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6806 virtual
void HomeLimitCustomConfigReset() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6809 virtual uint64_t HomeLimitCustomConfigAddressGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6813 virtual int32_t HomeLimitCustomConfigBitIndexGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6837 virtual
void HomeTravelDistanceSet(
RSIHomeStage stage,
double distanceToTravel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6873 virtual
void HomeBehaviorSet(
RSIAction behavior) PURE_VIRTUAL;
6899 virtual uint16_t StatusWordGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6932 virtual
bool NegativeLimitGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6957 virtual
bool PositiveLimitGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
6987 virtual
bool HomeLimitGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7016 virtual
bool HomeSwitchGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7038 virtual
bool AmpFaultGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7063 virtual
bool AmpEnableGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7338 virtual
double AnalogInGet(int32_t channel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7359 virtual
double EStopDecelerationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7375 virtual
void EStopDecelerationSet(
double decel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7387 virtual
double EStopJerkPercentGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7406 virtual
void EStopJerkPercentSet(
double jerkPct) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7417 virtual
double TriggeredModifyDecelerationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7436 virtual
void TriggeredModifyDecelerationSet(
double decel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7448 virtual
double TriggeredModifyJerkPercentGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7467 virtual
void TriggeredModifyJerkPercentSet(
double jerkPct) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7470 virtual int32_t FrameBufferSizeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7473 virtual
void FrameBufferSizeSet(int32_t frameSize) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7494 virtual uint16_t MotionIdExecutingGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7516 virtual uint16_t MotionElementIdExecutingGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7525 virtual
double MotionFinalVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7528 virtual
void MotionFinalVelocitySet(
double finalVelocity) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7531 virtual
double DefaultVelocityGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7534 virtual
void DefaultVelocitySet(
double velocity) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7537 virtual
double DefaultAccelerationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7540 virtual
void DefaultAccelerationSet(
double acceleration) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7543 virtual
double DefaultDecelerationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7546 virtual
void DefaultDecelerationSet(
double deceleration) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7549 virtual
double DefaultJerkPercentGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7552 virtual
void DefaultJerkPercentSet(
double jerkPercent) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7555 virtual
double DefaultPosition1Get() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7558 virtual
void DefaultPosition1Set(
double position1) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7561 virtual
double DefaultPosition2Get() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7564 virtual
void DefaultPosition2Set(
double position2) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7567 virtual
double DefaultRelativeIncrementGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7570 virtual
void DefaultRelativeIncrementSet(
double relativeIncrement) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7624 virtual
void AmpFaultActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7647 virtual
bool AmpFaultTriggerStateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7670 virtual
void AmpFaultTriggerStateSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7692 virtual
double AmpFaultDurationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7714 virtual
void AmpFaultDurationSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7792 virtual
bool HomeTriggerStateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7814 virtual
void HomeTriggerStateSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7837 virtual
double HomeDurationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7861 virtual
void HomeDurationSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7891 virtual
RSIAction ErrorLimitActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7919 virtual
void ErrorLimitActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7943 virtual
double ErrorLimitTriggerValueGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
7966 virtual
void ErrorLimitTriggerValueSet(
double triggerValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
7989 virtual
double ErrorLimitDurationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8013 virtual
void ErrorLimitDurationSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8039 virtual
RSIAction HardwareNegLimitActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8065 virtual
void HardwareNegLimitActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8090 virtual
bool HardwareNegLimitTriggerStateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8115 virtual
void HardwareNegLimitTriggerStateSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8139 virtual
double HardwareNegLimitDurationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8164 virtual
void HardwareNegLimitDurationSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8190 virtual
RSIAction HardwarePosLimitActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8216 virtual
void HardwarePosLimitActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8238 virtual
bool HardwarePosLimitTriggerStateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8263 virtual
void HardwarePosLimitTriggerStateSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8287 virtual
double HardwarePosLimitDurationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8311 virtual
void HardwarePosLimitDurationSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8338 virtual
RSIAction SoftwareNegLimitActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8363 virtual
void SoftwareNegLimitActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8387 virtual
double SoftwareNegLimitTriggerValueGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8411 virtual
void SoftwareNegLimitTriggerValueSet(
double triggerValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8436 virtual
RSIAction SoftwarePosLimitActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8461 virtual
void SoftwarePosLimitActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8485 virtual
double SoftwarePosLimitTriggerValueGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8509 virtual
void SoftwarePosLimitTriggerValueSet(
double triggerValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8536 virtual
RSIAction EncoderFaultActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8562 virtual
void EncoderFaultActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8633 virtual
double EncoderFaultDurationGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8656 virtual
void EncoderFaultDurationSet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8659 virtual
RSIAction NodeFailureActionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8662 virtual
void NodeFailureActionSet(
RSIAction action) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8705 virtual
bool LimitTriggerStateGet(
RSIEventType limit) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8708 virtual
void LimitTriggerStateSet(
RSIEventType limit,
bool triggerState) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8711 virtual
double LimitTriggerValueGet(
RSIEventType limit) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8714 virtual
void LimitTriggerValueSet(
RSIEventType limit,
double triggerValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8717 virtual
double LimitDurationGet(
RSIEventType limit) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8720 virtual
void LimitDurationSet(
RSIEventType limit,
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8741 virtual
double PositionToleranceFineGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8756 virtual
void PositionToleranceFineSet(
double tolerance) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8771 virtual
double PositionToleranceCoarseGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8789 virtual
void PositionToleranceCoarseSet(
double tolerance) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8804 virtual
double VelocityToleranceGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8819 virtual
void VelocityToleranceSet(
double tolerance) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8835 virtual
double SettlingTimeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8851 virtual
void SettlingTimeSet(
double time) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8869 virtual
bool SettleOnStopGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8888 virtual
void SettleOnStopSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8906 virtual
bool SettleOnEStopGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8923 virtual
void SettleOnEStopSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8941 virtual
bool SettleOnEStopCmdEqActGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
8958 virtual
void SettleOnEStopCmdEqActSet(
bool state) PURE_VIRTUAL;
8999 virtual
void MotorTypeSet(
RSIMotorType type) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9088 virtual
double BrakeApplyDelayGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9107 virtual
void BrakeApplyDelaySet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9124 virtual
double BrakeReleaseDelayGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9143 virtual
void BrakeReleaseDelaySet(
double seconds) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9146 virtual
void ClosedLoopStepperSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9149 virtual int32_t ClosedLoopStepperVersionGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9155 virtual
void EncoderPointerSet(
RSIMotorFeedback encoder, uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9162 virtual
void FeedbackDeltaPointerSet(
RSIAxisPositionInput input, uint64_t address) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9187 virtual int32_t EncoderRatioNumeratorGet(
RSIMotorFeedback encoder) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9190 virtual int32_t EncoderRatioDenominatorGet(
RSIMotorFeedback encoder) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9213 virtual
void EncoderRatioSet(
RSIMotorFeedback encoder, int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9216 virtual const
char* const EncoderRatioPrimaryGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9219 virtual
void EncoderRatioPrimarySet(
char* numeratorCommaDenominator) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9222 virtual const
char* const EncoderRatioSecondaryGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9225 virtual
void EncoderRatioSecondarySet(
char* numeratorCommaDenominator) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9228 virtual int32_t EncoderCountGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9232 virtual
void EncoderCountSet(int32_t count) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9289 virtual int32_t MotorFaultMaskGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9316 virtual
void MotorFaultMaskSet(int32_t faultMask) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9345 virtual
void GearingEnable(int32_t masterAxisNumber,
RSIAxisMasterType masterFeedbackSource, int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9350 virtual
void GearingEnable(
Axis* masterAxis,
RSIAxisMasterType masterFeedbackSource, int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9370 virtual
void GearingRatioChange(int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9388 virtual
void GearingDisable() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9391 virtual int32_t GearingNumeratorGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9394 virtual int32_t GearingDenominatorGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9397 virtual
bool GearingEnableGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9416 virtual int32_t GearingMasterAxisNumberGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9454 virtual
double MotionCamMasterStartGet(
Axis* master) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9470 virtual
void MotionCamMasterStartSet(
Axis* master,
double startPosition) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9488 virtual int32_t MotionCamRepeatFromGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9507 virtual
void MotionCamRepeatFromSet(int32_t repeatFrom) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9526 virtual
void MotionCamRepeatStop() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9550 virtual
void MoveCamLinear(int32_t masterAxisNumber,
RSIAxisMasterType masterFeedbackSource, const
double* const masterDistances, const
double* const slavePositions, int32_t pointCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9581 virtual
void MoveCamCubic(int32_t masterAxisNumber,
RSIAxisMasterType masterFeedbackSource, const
double* const masterDistances, const
double* const slavePositions, const
double* const gearRatios, int32_t pointCount) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9600 virtual int32_t DriveIndexGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9620 virtual
double BacklashWidthGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9634 virtual
void BacklashWidthSet(
double width) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9648 virtual
double BacklashRateGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9662 virtual
void BacklashRateSet(
double rate) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9675 virtual
double BacklashValueGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9796 virtual
void FilterCoeffSet(
RSIFilterGainPIVCoeff coeff, int32_t gainTable,
double coeffValue) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9832 virtual int32_t FilterGainTableGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9862 virtual
void FilterGainTableSet(int32_t gainTable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9880 virtual int32_t FilterGainTableSizeGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9883 virtual
double FilterOutputGet(
9897 virtual
double FilterLowPassGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9914 virtual
void FilterLowPassSet(
double frequency) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9938 virtual
bool FilterGainSchedulingGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9942 virtual
void FilterGainSchedulingSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9945 virtual
bool IsTuneable() PURE_VIRTUAL;
9963 virtual
void PostFilterLowPassSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double frequency) PURE_VIRTUAL;
9980 virtual
void PostFilterUnityGainSet(int32_t sectionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10000 virtual
void PostFilterSingleOrderSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double aOne,
double bZero,
double bOne) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10017 virtual
void PostFilterHighPassSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double cornerFreq) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10036 virtual
void PostFilterNotchSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double centerFreq,
double bandwidth) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10056 virtual
void PostFilterResonatorSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double centerFreq,
double bandwidth,
double gain) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10076 virtual
void PostFilterLeadLagSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double lowGain,
double highGain,
double centerFreq) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10093 virtual
void PostFilterClear(int32_t sectionNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10115 virtual
void PostFilterBiquadSet(int32_t sectionNumber,
double aOne,
double aTwo,
double bZero,
double bOne,
double bTwo) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10118 virtual const
char* const PostFilterInfoGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10146 virtual const
char* const UserLabelGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10168 virtual
void UserLabelSet(const
char* const userLabel) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10177 virtual
void PostTrajectoryGearingEnableSet(
bool enable) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10180 virtual
bool PostTrajectoryGearingEnableGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10183 virtual
void PostTrajectoryGearingMasterAxisSet(int32_t masterAxisNumber) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10186 virtual int32_t PostTrajectoryGearingMasterAxisGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10189 virtual
void PostTrajectoryGearingMultiplierSet(
double multiplier) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10192 virtual
double PostTrajectoryGearingMultiplierGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10231 virtual
void NetworkIndexSet(
RSINetworkIndexType indexType, uint32_t newIndex) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10243 virtual
double BacklashHysteresisLimitGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10251 virtual
void BacklashHysteresisLimitSet(
double hysteresisLimit) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10276 virtual
bool StepperMotorLoopbackGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;
10301 virtual
void StepperMotorLoopbackSet(
bool loopback) PURE_VIRTUAL;
10330 virtual uint64_t GearingMasterAddressGet() PURE_VIRTUAL;