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◆ IOExists()

bool IOExists ( )
IOExists checks for Digital/Analog In/Out on the Node to confirm that it is in fact an IO node.
(bool) True if the NODE contains IO, False if it does NOT.
Sample Code:
// -- C++ -- //
if (anIOobject->IOExists())
printf("Test Passed: anIOobject is in fact an IO Object.\n");
printf("Test Failed: anIOobject does NOT contain any digital or analog IO.");
// -- C# -- //
if (anIOobject.IOExists())
Console.Writeline("Test Passed: anIOobject is in fact an IO Object.");
Console.Writeline("Test Failed: anIOobject does NOT contain any digital or analog IO.");
A basic Slice IO module without any IO modules attached will return FALSE until a Digital/Analog In/Out slice is attached.