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RSINetworkEniResult NetworkEniGenerate | ( | ) |
Generate the network ENI file, EtherCAT.xml. NetworkEniGenerate internally invokes the rsiconfig command with the -eni
option, using the path specified by MotionController::CreationParameter::RmpPath.
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultSUCCESS | ENI file generated successfully. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultMISSING_ESI_FILES | Add ESI file with correct Vendor, Product, Revision to the ESI folder. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultCONFIG_NOT_DETECTED | Failed Configuration creation or 0 slaves to add to it. Did you move your ESI folder? |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultNODE_INFO_ERROR | Error(s) in NodeInfo.xml. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultUNKNOWN_FAILURE | Fall through case. Contact RSI with details about your changes to the various XMLs. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultENI_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS | Use overload which overwrites or be glad we didn't just delete your old file. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultFAILED_TO_CREATE_ENI_BUILDER | Did not create ENIBuilder internal object. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultTOO_MANY_NODES | The ENI was generated properly but has more nodes than can be supported by the RMP. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultTOO_MANY_PDO_INPUTS | The ENI has too many PDO Inputs for RMP. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultTOO_MANY_PDO_OUTPUTS | The ENI has too many PDO Outputs for RMP. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultTOO_MANY_PDO_BYTES | The total size of the PDO bytes is too large for RMP. |
RSINetworkEniResult::RSINetworkEniResultDISCOVERED_ZERO_NODES | There were no nodes discovered on the network so we could not generate an ENI file. |
RsiError | with RSIErrorMessage::RSI_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED in INtime. |
RsiError | with RSIErrorMessage::RSI_ERROR_MESSAGE_DYNAMIC If rsiconfig returns non-zero or cannot run. |