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◆ AmpFaultActionGet()

RSIAction AmpFaultActionGet ( )
AmpFaultActionGet returns the action which will occur when an Amp Fault is triggered.
(RSIAction) Action taken on Amp Fault event.

Part of the Limits and Action Configuration method group.

Available Actions are Abort(), EStop(), Stop(), None, EStopAbort(), and EStopModify()
Sample Code:
Axis: Configuration
const double AMP_FAULT_DURATION_TIME = 1; //value in seconds
// SET
axis.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the amp
axis.AmpFaultActionSet(RSIAction.RSIActionABORT); // Set the action that will occur when there is an amp fault.
axis.AmpFaultTriggerStateSet(false); //Set the state of the amp fault.
axis.AmpFaultDurationSet(AMP_FAULT_DURATION_TIME); //Set the duration required before the Amp Fault event triggers.
// GET
var isEnabled = axis.AmpEnableGet();
var faultAction = axis.AmpFaultActionGet();
var faultTriggerState = axis.AmpFaultTriggerStateGet();
var faultDuration = axis.AmpFaultDurationGet();
Go to axis screen->Limits & Actions. In image below, AmpFaultActionGet returns the action type shown in the Amp Fault box. It is currently set to ABORT.
See also
AxisConfig.cs, and AxisConfiguration.cpp.