Enumerator |
RSIActionNONE | None - do not perform any action.
RSIActionSTOP | Stop - decelerate in StopTime (can be resumed)
RSIActionE_STOP | E-Stop - decelerate in EStopTime and leave in error state.
RSIActionE_STOP_ABORT | E-Stop then Abort.
RSIActionE_STOP_MODIFY | E-Stop using a Deceleration and Jerk Percent.
RSIActionE_STOP_MODIFY_ABORT | E-Stop using a Deceleration and Jerk Percent then Abort.
RSIActionE_STOP_CMD_EQ_ACT | E-Stop then set Command position equal to Actual Position.
RSIActionABORT | Abort - disable the amplifier, zero filter output, leave in error state.
RSIActionRESUME | Resume a paused motion.
RSIActionTRIGGERED_MODIFY | Trigger motion to zero velocity using Deceleration and Jerk Percent.