Enumerator |
RSIMotionAttrMaskBEHAVIOR | (Default)
RSIMotionAttrMaskDELAY | Inserts a pause before the beginning of the move. MotionDelaySet contains the length of the delay.
RSIMotionAttrMaskRELATIVE | The position values for the move are interpreted relative to the current position.
RSIMotionAttrMaskID | (Default)
RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_HANDSHAKE | Does NOT wait for the handshake between the software and controller to begin the motion trajectory profile execution. This attribute is useful for faster function call return times, typically in single threaded or time critical applications.
RSIMotionAttrMaskHOLD | Prevents the move from executing until a specific trigger condition is met. See MotionHold methods.
RSIMotionAttrMaskOUTPUT | Sets or clear bits after the move.
RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_WAIT | Does NOT wait for the controller to acknowledge the commanded move, does NOT wait for the controller to return an error code, and applies the conditions for NO_HANDSHAKE. This attribute is useful for faster function call return times, typically in single threaded or time critical applications.
RSIMotionAttrMaskELEMENT_ID | (Default)
RSIMotionAttrMaskRETAIN |
RSIMotionAttrMaskEMPTY_COUNT | (Default)
RSIMotionAttrMaskLOW_COUNT |
RSIMotionAttrMaskAPPEND | Append motion.
RSIMotionAttrMaskAUTO_START | Auto Start.
RSIMotionAttrMaskSYNC_END | Synchronize end of motion for all axes.
RSIMotionAttrMaskSYNC_START | Synchronize start of motion for all axes.
RSIMotionAttrMaskREPEAT | Repeat.
RSIMotionAttrMaskMASTER_START | Master Start.
RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_BACKTRACK | No Backtrack.
RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_BACKTRACK_HOLD | No Backtrack Hold.
RSIMotionAttrMaskEVENT | Event.
RSIMotionAttrMaskFINAL_VEL | Final Vel.
RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_REVERSAL | No Reversal.
RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE | Skip the InterruptEnableSet() in MovePT() and MovePVT() when motion is starting.