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◆ MathBlockCountSet()

void MathBlockCountSet ( int32_t mathBlockCount)
MathBlockCountSet will configure the number of MathBlocks processed by the controller firmware.
mathBlockCountThe MathBlock count.
Important usage instructions for all RapidCode object count set methods:
This should be done after successful MotionController::Create but before any RapidCode object creation, (MotionController::AxisGet, MotionController::MultiAxisGet, etc.) as changing object counts will reconfigure the RMP's dynamic memory allocation which invalidates all preexisting RapidCode objects.
See also
AxisCountSet, MotionCountSet, RecorderCountSet, UserLimitCountSet, MathBlockCountSet, CompensatorCountSet

Part of the MathBlock method group.

CalculateAccelerationFromVelocity.cpp, DifferenceOfPositionUserLimit.cpp, MathBlock.cs, and SampleAppsHelper.h.