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◆ AmpEnableGet()

bool AmpEnableGet ( )
AmpEnableGet returns the state of the Amp Enable Output.
(int32_t) 0 = amp is disabled, 1 = amp is enabled.

Part of the Dedicated I/O method group.

Sample Code:
Axis: Configuration
const double AMP_FAULT_DURATION_TIME = 1; //value in seconds
// SET
axis.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the amp
axis.AmpFaultActionSet(RSIAction.RSIActionABORT); // Set the action that will occur when there is an amp fault.
axis.AmpFaultTriggerStateSet(false); //Set the state of the amp fault.
axis.AmpFaultDurationSet(AMP_FAULT_DURATION_TIME); //Set the duration required before the Amp Fault event triggers.
// GET
var isEnabled = axis.AmpEnableGet();
var faultAction = axis.AmpFaultActionGet();
var faultTriggerState = axis.AmpFaultTriggerStateGet();
var faultDuration = axis.AmpFaultDurationGet();
Go to axis screen->Dedicated I/O tab. The High/Low state next to Amp Enable is the result of the AmpEnableGet function.
For the RMP DedicatedIOGet(RSIMotorDedicatedIn::RSIMotorDedicatedInAMP_ACTIVE) is a more accurate state of the physical drive rather than logical axis.
See also
AxisConfig.cs, and InputOutput.cs.