![]() |
APIs, concepts, guides, and more
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Enumerator | |
RSIAxisAddressTypeACTUAL_POSITION | Actual Position. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCOMMAND_POSITION | Command Position. |
RSIAxisAddressTypePOSITION_ERROR | Position Error. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeACTUAL_VELOCITY | Actual Velocity. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCOMMAND_VELOCITY | Command Velocity. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCOMMAND_ACCELERATION | Command Acceleration. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeSTATUS | Axis Status. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeMOTION_STATUS | Motion Status. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND | Filter Output (the commanded torque sent to the drive) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDIGITAL_OUTPUTS | Digital Output (general purpose) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDIGITAL_INPUTS | Digital Input (general purpose) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEDICATED_OUTPUTS | Dedicated Outputs (Amp Enable, Brake, etc) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEDICATED_INPUTS | Dedicated Inputs (Home, Limits, Amp Fault, etc) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeMOTION_ID | Motion Identifier. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeMOTION_ELEMENT_ID | Motion Element Identifier (element within the motion) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeENCODER_PRIMARY | Primary Encoder position. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeENCODER_SECONDARY | Secondary Encoder position. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_GAIN_KP | Proportional Gain. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeENCODER_PRIMARY_DELTA | Primary Encoder position delta. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeENCODER_SECONDARY_DELTA | Secondary Encoder position delta. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_SMOOTHED_VELOCITY | Smoothed velocity estimate from the filter object. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_PRIMARY_POINTER | Filter Primary Pointer for Gantry use. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_SECONDARY_POINTER | Filter Secondary Pointer for Gantry use. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_PRIMARY_COEFF | Filter Primary Coefficient for Gantry use. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_SECONDARY_COEFF | Filter Secondary Coefficient for Gantry use. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFILTER_VELOCITY_POINTER | Filter Velocity Pointer (points to feedback delta) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeAXIS_LINK | Axis Link for Gantry use. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_PRIMARY_OUTPUT | Motor Config Demand Output Channel 0. Useful for Created Axes. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeENCODER_PRIMARY_POINTER | Encoder[0].Ptr. Useful for Created Axes. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_ONE_OUTPUT | Motor Config Demand Output Channel 1. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_TWO_OUTPUT | Motor Config Demand Output Channel 2. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_THREE_OUTPUT | Motor Config Demand Output Channel 3. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_PRIMARY_INPUT | Motor Config Demand Input Channel 0. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_ONE_INPUT | Motor Config Demand Input Channel 1. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_TWO_INPUT | Motor Config Demand Input Channel 2. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_THREE_INPUT | Motor Config Demand Input Channel 3. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCONTROL_MODE_PRIMARY_MAP | 0xFFFFxxxx. xxxx=FFF0 for 1, FF10 for 2, F210 for 3, and 3210 for 4 Demand Channel(s) Processed. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeAXIS_CONFIG_FEEDBACKPTR_ZERO | AxisConfig FeedbackPtr[0]. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeAXIS_CONFIG_FEEDBACKPTR_ONE | AxisConfig FeedbackPtr[1]. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeTARGET_FEEDRATE | Target FeedRate. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeTC_ACTUAL_POSITION | (internal) Trajectory Calculator Actual Position |
RSIAxisAddressTypeTC_COMMAND_POSITION | (internal) Trajectory Calculator Command Position |
RSIAxisAddressTypeMOTOR_DATA_STATUS | Motor Status. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCOMPENSATION_CURRENT_VALUE | Compensation value, where multiple compensators can write. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCOMPENSATION_FINAL_VALUE | Final Compensation value, the value subtraced from ActualPosition and added to position demand. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeBACKLASH_VALUE | The resuling backlash compensation value. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeTARGET_POSITION | Target Position. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEDICATED_INPUTS_POINTER | Pointer to Dedicated Inputs (Home, Limits, Amp Fault, etc) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeAMP_ACTIVE_SUPPORTED | Will be automatically set true for drives which support AMP_ACTIVE (read-only) |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDS402_SUPPORTED | Will be automatically set true for drives which support the DS402 standard. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_PRIMARY_SCALE | Motor Config Demand Scale Channel 0. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_ONE_SCALE | Motor Config Demand Scale Channel 1. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_TWO_SCALE | Motor Config Demand Scale Channel 2. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeDEMAND_CHANNEL_THREE_SCALE | Motor Config Demand Scale Channel 3. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFRAME_INDEX | The index of the frame currently executing. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeFRAME_LOAD_INDEX | The index of the last loaded frame. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeAMP_ENABLE_AMP_FAULT_TIMEOUT | The timeout in seconds after which an Amp Fault will occur if the Axis does not enable after calling AmpEnableSet(true). |
RSIAxisAddressTypePOST_TRAJECTORY_GEARING_POSITION | The gear position applied to this axis by Post Trajectory Gearing. |
RSIAxisAddressTypeCURRENT_FEEDRATE | Current FeedRate. |
Definition at line 433 of file rsienums.h.