APIs, concepts, guides, and more

10.6.2 Oct 9, 2024

  • [New] G-Code - G0 Rapid Positioning.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - Scope rearm for repeated captures.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - Scope trace scaling, improved file loading, layout.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - PreOperational support.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - local storage for settings.
  • [New] RapidCode - Axis XML OriginPositionSet if manually entered.
  • [Change] rsiconfig - better error messages if/when a Network Start or Discovery fails.
  • [Change] RapidCode - RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet() returns true from the time motion starts until it is done.
  • [Fix] RapidCode - Axis/MultiAxis MovePT() throws RSIMotionMessageTYPE_INVALID when called with RSIMotionTypePVT.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - Watch window search and filtering.

10.6.1 Sep 16, 2024

  • [New] Linux - sudo no longer required.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - Axis move furthest button and repeat motion feature.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - Scope trigger on motion.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - NIC field autocomplete.
  • [New] RapidCode - MotionController::RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet().
  • [New] RapidCodeRemote - Recorder Configuration trigger on motion added.
  • [New] RapidCodeRemote - add short_message to ErrorMessage
  • [Change] RapidCode - MotionController::MemoryGet improvements for speed and safety.
  • [Change] RMPNetwork - Better identification of Wago IO.
  • [Change] Linux - improved permissions error messages.
  • [Change] Linux - All RMP and RapidCode shared memory objects now start with RSI.
  • [Change] Linux - RMP process will not exit if its creating process is terminated.
  • [Change] ESI cache parsing errors logged to RapidENI.log.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Textbox validation error readability.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Scope markers added and circular buffer render improvements.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Logged errors copy functionality improved.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - Scope render freeze on Linux.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - List filtering.

10.6.0 Aug 29, 2024

  • [New] RMP Linux - arm64 Debian package.
  • [New] RapidCode - RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE for MovePT/MovePVT startup performance.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - supports Arm64 for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - MultiAxis layout.
  • [Change] RapidCode - RapidVector moved from Cartesian to RSI::RapidCode namespace.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Better licensing, and network last log.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - Scoping values with same name issue.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - Watch view search and select-box with no values.
  • [Fix] RapidServer - Network Status log messages are all returned, not just the last one.
  • [Fix] CustomNodeInfo - Replacement handles non-exact matches of NodeInfo entries.
  • [Fix] RMP - Improved memory mapping for INtime 7.1.
  • [Fix] RMP - Licenses will no longer expire in 2038.

10.5.5 Jul 30, 2024

  • [New] Gcode - G4 (Dwell) command.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - PDO view.
  • [New] rsiconfig - –verbose option for use with -get-serial and -check-license.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Improved network topology treeview, node page, dark theme.
  • [Fix] G-Code - Arc moves (G2/G3) with the same start and end point create full circle moves.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - password button click restored.

10.5.4 Jul 10, 2024

  • [New] NiMotion PMM support.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - scope tracking feature and improved layout/zooming.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - tree view shows network topology.
  • [New] MotionController, Axis, MultiAxis InterruptUserDataAddressGet/Set for custom data with each interrupt.
  • [New] RMPNetwork - Network clock synchronization diagnostic and adjustment options.
  • [New] MotionController address types for NETWORK_CLOCK settings.
  • [New] Elmo Platinum fault details.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - rotational units when creating a LinearKinematicModel or converting to/from quaternions.
  • [Change] GCode: rotations in degrees and rotation speed is in (degrees/minute).
  • [Change] RapidSequencer deprecated.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot: Speed of rotational moves (ABC/RPY) is in (units/second) instead of (10 units/second).
  • [Fix] RMPNetwork - AutoDetection now exchanges Inputs/Outputs without a CustomNodeInfo entry.
  • [Fix] NodeInfo.xml - Wago removed false positive digital input identification.

10.5.3 May 20, 2024

  • [New] RapidCode - Ready to build C++ sample apps included.
  • [New] Beckhoff EL1054 support.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - GCode parsing and processing error message improvements.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - SampleCounterGet/Wait.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - G92 position offsets.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - End effector and origin transforms use RobotPosition to support free axes.
  • [Change] CustomNodeInfo.xml - node details replaced at the Product level rather than the Vendor Level.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - New page layout, added network timing metrics, and general improvements.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Improved scope features and UX.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - MultiAxis buttons are no longer disabled during motion.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - GCode load & render progress bar gets stuck when the file contains no motion.
  • [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - Axis ConfigSet ErrorLimit Duration.
  • [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis StatusGet() Motion Status Bits updated.
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot - KinematicModel::IsArticulated and improved joint angle normalization.
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot - Free axes trajectories.

10.5.2 Apr 1, 2024

  • [New] INtime - Intel 2.5, 10 and 40 Gbps NICs support (requires INtime 7.1).
  • [New] RapidSetupX (Beta) - Continuous improvements.
  • [New] RapidSetup - Now suggests CustomNodeInfo entries for unintegrated nodes.
  • [New] RapidServer - Logging.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - User limits now allow more Outputs variations.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - NetworkData output pin button.

10.5.1 Feb 16, 2024

  • [New] RapidSetupX (Beta) - Tool for Windows, Linux, & MacOS.
  • [New] RMP firmware - MathBlocks for real-time math and bit-masking operations.
  • [New] RapidServer - NetworkNode Digital and Analog I/O data types updated.
  • [New] RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis new actions map, unmap. New status is_mapped. Config set with axes_indices will AxisRemoveAll() first.
  • [Change] RapidCode - Objects upgraded to global, named locks for interprocess synchronization and safety.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - PathState returns Idle if/when joints are moved directly.
  • [Change] RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis Status amp_enabled and Motion parameters renamed.
  • [Fix] RapidCode - Default values for Axis now retrieved from RMP memory for multi-process consistency.
  • [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - RapidServer no longer recreates RapidCode object on MotionControllerConfigGet.
  • [Fix] Linux - RMPNetwork no longer outputs argument help when started via RapidCode.
  • [Fix] Linux/rsiconfig - default path separator for Axis XML files.

10.5.0 Jan 16, 2024

  • [New] DS402 Drives - Faster integration with automatic detection of most Network Indexes.
  • [New] rsiconfig - AxisFrameBufferSize support (getting/setting).
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - KinematicModelBuilder can add free axes to a kinematic model.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - RapidVector for supporting std::vector in C++ and C# added.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - RobotPosition uses RapidVector for Free Axes.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - Implement Free Axis Motion.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - G-Code motion group is modal. G1, G2, G3, G4.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - GcodeCallback support for M-Codes.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - Actual/CommandPoseGet() overloads allow different LinearUnits.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - PathPlannedPositionsGet() replaces PathPlannedPointsGet().
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - Gcode methods moved to Gcode object. Use Robot.Gcode.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - Gcode.PlannedPositionsGet() added.
  • [Change] MotionController.CreationParameters member names adjusted.
  • [Change] RMP - AxisFrameBufferSizeDefault updated to 1024 from 512.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - NetworkData pin missing color.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - Now recreates config files if corrupted.
  • [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - RapidServer improved locks for MotionController Config object counts.

10.4.4 Sep 28, 2023

  • [New] rsiconfig - "-eni" option to generate an ENI file.
  • [New] Axis::StatusBitsGet() added.
  • [New] RapidSetup - new Clean ENI cache button.-
  • [New] LS iX7NH drive support.
  • [New] RSINodeTypeBECKHOFF_EL4022 enumerated.
  • [New] RSIControllerAddressTypeNETWORK_TIMING_RECEIVE_DELTA..
  • [Change] RapidCodeRemote - Recorder record retrieval moved from Status to Action.
  • [Change] RapidCodeRemote - Axis actions, Network actions and status, Node info.
  • [Change] rsiconfig - uses System.CommandLine.

10.4.3 Jul 6, 2023

  • [New] MotionController::NetworkNodeGet() creation method.
  • [New] MotionController::Create() with parameter structure.
  • [New] CustomNodeInfo.xml includes improved descriptions and examples.
  • [New] RapidCodeRemote - SampleRate, Constants and ErrorSource added.
  • [New] Yaskawa GA700, Odear DSEX16Y16L-MW, and Odear DSA2D2Y8L support.
  • [New] RSIControllerAddressTypeNETWORK_TIMING_DELTA added.
  • [New] MotionController::FirmwareTimingDeltaGet() in RapidCode, RapidCodeRemote, RapidSetup.
  • [New] Ability to order Network Inputs Outputs by Node order (Add CustomNodeInfo.xml -> Settings -> StrictNodeOrder Tag).
  • [Change] RapidCodeRemote - reuse AddressInfo message for Network and Node IO.
  • [Change] ENI generation handles missing expected entries in ESI files.
  • [Change] SMC-EX260 Outputs autodetected.
  • [Fix] MotionController configuration changes (AxisCountSet(), etc.) now throw if any Axis is in motion or any Recorder is recording.
  • [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - Axis::StopTimeSet and Axis::EStopTimeSet().

10.4.2 Apr 14, 2023

  • [New] RSIAxisAddressTypePOST_TRAJECTORY_GEARING_POSITION added to allow calculations with current gear position.

10.4.1 Mar 27, 2023

  • [New] RapidCode for Python 3.10.
  • [New] RapidSetup - Sequencer globals clear button and running scripts display.
  • [New] RSIAxisAddressTypeAMP_ENABLE_AMP_FAULT_TIMEOUT to get/set the time before an Amp Fault after AmpEnableSet(true).
  • [New] RapidSequencer - GlobalVariablesClear RPC.
  • [New] RapidSequencer - compiler now emits error when redefining global variable as another type.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer - EngineTaskListGet TaskInfo source and compiled filenames.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - ClearAllFaults action from tree view item.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - Dashboard view not fully expanding.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - Sequencer globals boolean property selection.
  • [Fix] Beckhoff EP4378 analog input support.

10.4.0 Jan 20, 2023

  • [New] RapidCodeRemote and RapidSequencer .proto files released.
  • [New] cartesianrobot.h released.
  • [New] MDP and IO Link support.
  • [New] Wago support.
  • [New] ifm AL1930 support.
  • [New] Sanyo Denki RS3 support.
  • [New] Beckhoff EL6900 Safety support.
  • [Change] RsiError adds objectIndex field and is displayed in RapidSetup.
  • [Change] CartesianRobot - path motion algorithm optimized for velocity and acceleration with small lines.
  • [Change] rsiconfig - errors if ExpectedNodeCount is greater than the discovered node count.
  • [Change] CartesianRobot - .NET operator overrides renamed.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - Axis page ABORT button sometimes fails to abort proper axis index. (introduced 10.3.10)

10.3.14 Sep 30, 2022[⚠️](#"Please use version 10.4.0 or greater")

  • [New] Festo CMMT-AS Home bit added.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot - EStop(), Abort(), Stop(), EStopAbort() added.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - MultiAxis StopTime and EStopTime settings.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - PathRun() and GcodeRun() changed to Run().
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - Able to move axes independently (and command robot motion after)
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot - Run() no longer calculates internal timeout.
  • [Fix] RMPNetwork - discovery delay for slow system/drive combinations (rare).

10.3.13 Sep 20, 2022[⚠️](#"Please use version 10.4.0 or greater")

  • [Change] RapidSetup -.NET Framework 4.6.1 now required.
  • [Change] rsiconfig - RSINodeTypeUNKNOWN skips NetworkNode type checking.
  • [Fix] RapidCode - Corrected Beckhoff EL1088 and EL2008 RSINodeType enum values.
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot - Resolve time rounding issue.
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot - PathPlannedPointsGet() matches run points.

10.3.12 Sep 14, 2022[⚠️](#"Please use version 10.4.0 or greater")

  • [New] Cartesian Robot - PathIsRunning() and GcodeIsRunning().
  • [New] RSIAxisAddressTypeFRAME_INDEX and FRAME_LOAD_INDEX for streaming motion recordings.
  • [Change] Bonfiglioli Agile drive - increased SafeOp to Op timeout.
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot final line velocity fixed.

10.3.11 Sep 2, 2022[⚠️](#"Please use version 10.4.0 or greater")

  • [New] NodeInfo - SafeopOpTimeout adjustment added.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - path moves can be shorter than StopTime.
  • [Change] Cartesian Robot - path motion updates forward kinematics from joints positions before the first move.
  • [Fix] Cartesian Robot - path motion improved when using small decelerations.

10.3.10 Aug 23, 2022[⚠️](#"Please use version 10.4.0 or greater")

  • [New] CustomNodeInfo.xml feature.
  • [New] RapidSetup - Network IO screen: Single location to see all IO.
  • [New] Fastech Ezi-IO EtherCAT AD08, IN16OUT16, DA04 support.
  • [Change] RMPNetwork discovery requests nodes transition to Init state.
  • [Change] Adjusted enable behavior to ensure always setting of intended firmware value.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - Error screen new design.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - GCode navigation issue.

10.3.9 Jul 5, 2022

  • [New] MultiAxis.AmpEnableGet().
  • [New] RapidCode constants.
  • [New] rsiconfig.exe - SampleRate added to XML settings.
  • [Change] Improved Axis AMP_FAULT when AmpEnableSet(true) times out at high sample rates.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - GCode UI redesign.
  • [Change] Rapidsetup - Sequencer IDE Improvements.
  • [Change] Cartesian Motion API - Simplify offset transforms.
  • [Change] Cartesian Motion API - Configurable internal motion buffer
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - Sequencer discovery improvement.
  • [Fix] RapidCodeRT - support for trial serial numbers.

10.3.8 Jun 1, 2022

  • [New] MotionController.RecorderDataAddressesSet(...) for setting multiple addresses at once.
  • [Change] FSoE now supports multiple Black Channels.
  • [Change] MotionController configuration methods (AxisCountGet(), etc.) execution time improved.
  • [Fix] BodeTool Plant measurement for RMP.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup IO label name issue.

10.3.7 May 20, 2022

  • [New] Kollmorgen AKD2G drive support.
  • [New] Nanotec PD4 drive support.
  • [New] rsiconfig.exe network start timeout field.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot improved configurability of kinematic models.
  • [New] ENI generation errors for networks with too many nodes or PDOs.
  • [New] AxisAddressType Demand Scale Channels 0-3.
  • [Change] Kollmorgen S700 Operation Mode support added.
  • [Change] Streamlined Mitsubishi J5 implementation.
  • [Change] Lexium28 General IO and FaultInfo.
  • [Change] rsiconfig.exe no longer probes twice.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer moved into RapidServer.exe/rta.
  • [Change] RMPNetwork improved acyclic frame reading for large networks (>50 nodes).
  • [Fix] Beckhoff EL1088, ESD ESXDI08, and ControlTechniques 753 no longer show up as unknown nodes.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup MultiAxis page performance improvements.

10.3.6 Apr 7, 2022

  • [New] AmpEnableSet() improved. Waits for AMP_ACTIVE before discontinuing command=actual.

10.3.5 Apr 4, 2022

  • [New] AddressDataTypeGet() added to MotionController, Axis and MultiAxis.
  • [New] Cartesian Robot point-to-point moves: absolute and relative.
  • [Change] Cartesian namespace for Robot, Path and G-code.
  • [Change] Mitsubishi MR-J5 - Additional error messages and default Home bit.

10.3.4 Feb 1, 2022

  • [New] Axis/MultiAxis AmpEnableSet() overload for timeout waiting for AMP_ACTIVE.
  • [New] G-Code work offsets (codes G54-G59).
  • [New] TPM SVR-K221 drive support.
  • [New] JVL Mac400 drive initial support.
  • [New] Elmo Platinum drive initial support.
  • [Change] Axis/MultiAxis MoveRelative() additional thread-safe locking.
  • [Change] Axis/MultiAxis MoveRelative() restores relative attribute mask on failure.
  • [Fix] Axis homing with custom home input issue (introduced in 10.3.2).
  • [Fix] Axis.HomeTravelDistanceSet(STAGE_FOUR) interference with HomeBehavior.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer - improved error message when compiling missing file.

10.3.3 Dec 15, 2021

  • [Change] RapidCodeObject::CacheEnableSet() removed.
  • [Change] Expanded Linmot implementation to include more drives.
  • [Change] RapidSetup polling performance improvements (lower CPU usage).
  • [Change] Jenny Science XENAX drive support.

10.3.2 Nov 17, 2021

  • [New] CartesianRobot class for advanced path motion and G-Code with kinematics.
  • [New] RapidSetup Dashboard.
  • [New] RapidSetup NetworkData filtering and pinning.
  • [New] RapidSetup mouse wheel zoom.
  • [New] MotionController.InterruptUserDataDoubleGet().
  • [Change] RMPNetwork auto-detect link speed support.
  • [Change] Axis.TargetPositionGet() support restored.
  • [Change] Axis.AddressGet() includes RSIAxisAddressTypeTARGET_POSITION.
  • [Change] Axis improved homing methods support low trigger state.
  • [Change] K-bus support restored.
  • [Change] Technosoft iPOS8015 support.
  • [Change] Beckhoff EL2819 support.
  • [Change] Mitsubishi JET drive support.
  • [Change] Linmot C1250 drive support.
  • [Change] Beckhoff EL2505 default IO support.
  • [Change] Beckhoff EL6910 without Safety.xml support.
  • [Fix] Axis torque mode gantry supports PIV filter.
  • [Fix] VM3 - fix writing double precision values.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer - improved stepping out of loops when debugging.
  • [Fix] Resolved issues with some drives not starting as the first node in the network.

10.3.1 Sep 2, 2021

  • [New] Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) support (requires feature license).
  • [New] RapidSequencer C# API.
  • [Change] Nidec M750 drive support.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - new UI for the G-Code feature.
  • [Change] RapidCode - checking for INtime minimum version of 6.4.x.
  • [Change] NodeInfo - Yaskawa default support of Velocity Actual added.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer - improve idle performance.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer - discovery speed improvement.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer - UI improvements.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer - fix output when debugging.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer - fix uninitialized integrals in compiler errors.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - improved handling of missing ESI files.

10.3.0 Aug 18, 2021

  • [New] RapidSetup Sequencer IDE vastly improved.
  • [Change] RapidSetup requires .NET Framework 4.6.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer requires INtime 6.4.21125.2.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer changed server architecture to be fully asynchronous.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer migrated IPC/RPC mechanisms to gRPC.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer with various general improvements.

10.2.4 Aug 18, 2021

  • [Change] Additional Lenze error code support.
  • [Fix] DumpDiff and VM3 (-load) license errors.

10.2.3 Jul 7, 2021

  • [New] G-Code functionality added to MultiAxis.
  • [Change] AMC FlexPro drive support.
  • [Change] Capitan XCR drive support.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - fixed Axis page where error source was not being cleared.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup now shows all startup exceptions.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup issue displaying UserUnits on Axis and MultiAxis.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup multi-selection I/O style improved for readability.
  • [Fix] Axis.MotionCamMasterStartGet() issue resolved.

10.2.2 May 5, 2021

  • [Change] MultiAxis input arrays are no longer modified.
  • [Change] RapidCode API arrays updated with const contract.
  • [Fix] ENI generation issue with multiple Beckhoff EK11xx nodes (port type failure).
  • [Fix] Beckhoff EL7041 ESI file updated for RMP compatibility.

10.2.1 Feb 16, 2021

  • [New] RsiError message improvements.
  • [New] Visual C++ 2019 x64 redistributables included in installer.
  • [New] RapidCode64.dll embedded in RapidCode64.NET.dll (also true for x86 DLLs).
  • [Change] Schneider ILA support.
  • [Change] Mitsubishi MRJ5 MultiAxis drive support.
  • [Fix] Legacy license file issue.

10.2.0 Jan 21, 2021

  • [New] NodeInfo.xml <Unsupported state="bootstrap" /> support.
  • [New] Axis.BacklashValueGet() added.
  • [Change] RapidSetup and utilities provided as 64-bit (x64) apps instead of 32-bit (x86).
  • [Change] RSI.System.dll code moved into RapidCode64.Net.dll.
  • [Change] ENI generation library update.
  • [Change] Leadshine CS3E Drive support.
  • [Change] Hiwin ED1F support.
  • [Change] MotionController.SerialNumberGet() returns an unsigned 32-bit integer.
  • [Change] Schneider drive warning support.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - when changing MultiAxisCount.

10.1.2 Nov 11, 2020

  • [Change] Festo CMMT supported.
  • [Change] Axis.OperationModeGet/Set are now supported with all DS402 axes.
  • [Fix] Sequencer UI components license no longer missing.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Axis velocity jogging issue.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Master homing issue.

10.1.1 2020-10-20

  • [New] RapidCode / RMP firmware version mismatch warning.
  • [New] RapidSequencer array support.
  • [Change] MotionController::FirmwareVersionGet returns const char*.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer Globals API simplification.
  • [Change] Mitsubishi MR-J5 support.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Sequencer output window loading issue.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer XML creation issue.
  • [Fix] RapidSequencer node selection issue.

10.1.0 2020-10-08

  • [New] eRMP support in MotionScope, VM3 and other command-line utilities.
  • [Change] Copley XEL support.
  • [Change] Documentation moved to rsi.h. Enumerations now in rsienums.h.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup phantom axes display properly.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Drive Based Homing can now be canceled.

10.0.5 2020-09-17

  • [New] Digital Outputs added to Fuji Alpha7.
  • [Change] RapidSetup MultiAxis rework.
  • [Change] Better support for Realtek NICs.
  • [Change] Drive based homing supported for nodes with cyclic ModeOfOperation exchange.
  • [Fix] Use current working directory for utilities (VM3, MotionScope, etc).
  • [Fix] Drive based homing would be disabled if you had more than one node of the same type.

10.0.4 2020-09-08

  • [New] FileName member added to RsiError.
  • [Change] MotionController::Create error messages more descriptive.

10.0.3 2020-09-01

  • [New] RapidSequencer global variables.
  • [Change] EtherCATNodeInfo.xml renamed to NodeInfo.xml.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer Language and Editor improvements.
  • [Change] Nexcom NEIO1812 support.
  • [Change] Delta R1 Pulse Module support.
  • [Change] Sick Flexi Soft Safety Controller support.
  • [Change] RapidSequencer improvements.

10.0.2 2020-08-05

  • [New] Expanded IOPoints to work with memory addresses and network PDOs.
  • [New] rsiconfig.exe adds serial number and licence checking with –help option.
  • [New] RapidSetup dark theme.
  • [Change] C# and RapidSequencer sample apps updated.
  • [Change] Kollmorgen AKD-N drive support.
  • [Change] B&R X20 System support.
  • [Change] Moons STF stepper drive support.
  • [Change] Moons SSDC Series Step-Servo drive support.
  • [Change] Fuji Electric Alpha7 drive support.
  • [Change] Fastech Ezi-SERVOII Mini stepper drive support.
  • [Change] Beckhoff P module support.
  • [Change] Panasonic Minas 6 support.

10.0.1 2020-07-02

  • [Change] RSI version improvements.

10.0.0 2020-06-30

  • [New] RapidSequencer and RapidSequencerRT.
  • [New] RapidCodeRT libraries.
  • [New] Run RMP on any INtime node.
  • [New] Delta R1 Series IO support.
  • [Change] INtime 6.4.20030.1 or higher required.
  • [Change] RapidCode libraries renamed.
  • [Change] RapidCode requires 2015/2017/2019 VC runtime.
  • [Change] rsi.h uses stdint types (ex int32 => int32_t).

8.3.2 2020-06-08

  • [New] Yaskawa SGD7S 400V support.
  • [New] CTB GH support.
  • [New] EP4378 support.
  • [New] Network Data Type Getters.
  • [New] Error Code support for Copley Drives: XEC, TE2, and XE2.
  • [Change] Offline documentation is now zipped HTML, included with releases (not CHM).
  • [Change] Improved CompensatorConfigSet.
  • [Fix] Yaskawa SGDV default PDO entry changes.

8.3.1 2020-04-28

  • [Fix] RMP firmware internal memory structure changes prevent a rare MultiAxis TRIGGERED_MODIFY bug.

8.3.0 2020-04-14

  • [New] Ability to create Compensators with the same input and output Axis.
  • [Change] Compensators use raw encoder counts and not User Units.
  • [Change] Fastech EZI-SERVO EtherCAT drive support.
  • [Change] Fastech EZI-SERVO ALL drive support.
  • [Change] SDO Read/Write and AKDASCIICommand() thread-safe locking.
  • [Fix] VM3 when viewing memory dump file's word orientation for 64-bit double precision values.

8.2.1 2020-03-11

  • [Fix] Triggered Modify behavior with streaming motion.
  • [Fix] dumpframes, dumpevents and bodetool utilities no longer complain of missing license file.

8.2.0 2020-02-19

  • [New] Support for INtime USB keys with 32-bit serial numbers (was 16-bit).
  • [New] Position compensation tables: 1D and 2D, multiple compensators additive.
  • [New] Oriental NETC01 support.
  • [New] rsiConfig now supports Recorders and Compensators.
  • [Change] EtherCATNodeInfo.xml Yaskawa digital IO changes.
  • [Change] RMPNetwork - reduced FoE logging when transferring large files or using a small mailbox.
  • [Change] C4251 and C4091 C++ warnings eliminated.
  • [Fix] rsiConfig - Fixed problem setting Axis XML without path.

8.1.9 2020-01-31

  • [Change] Default FoE Mailbox size set to 128 bytes.

8.1.8 2020-01-21

  • [New] Improved DS402 Master Based Homing.
  • [New] Adding MOTOR_DATA_STATUS to AddressGet.
  • [New] RapidSetup displays packet error counters.
  • [New] XE2 support.
  • [Change] RapidSetup Error Messages redesign.
  • [Change] SMC_EX600 Updates.
  • [Change] rsiConfig expanded path support.
  • [Change] RapidSetup MessageBox and NetworkData PDO Input Changes.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with FoE at the end of some transfers.
  • [Fix] Fixed a rare initialization issue with UserLimit Setup.

8.1.7 2019-09-09

  • [Fix] SDO status buffer created once per node rather than once per call.
  • [Fix] PageFault related to continuous SDO reads during loss of network.

8.1.6 2019-08-29

  • [New] iBase TPM STP-K121 drive support.
  • [New] rsiConfig -generate will create an ENI file if missing.
  • [Change] RapidSetup - desktop shortcut includes version number.
  • [Change] EtherCATNodeInfo.xml now supports comments.
  • [Change] SMC-EX600 support.
  • [Change] EL9510 support.
  • [Fix] PageFault related to running RMPNetwork.rta without RMP.rta running.
  • [Fix] PageFault related to multi-axis drive IO.

8.1.5 2019-07-08

  • [New] UserLimit Output feature can copy any value in firmware to output.
  • [New] TC_ACTUAL_POSITION & TC_COMMAND_POSITION added to RSIAxisAddressTypes.

8.1.4 2019-06-28

  • [New] Axis.DriveIndexGet support.
  • [New] NetworkNode.AxisCountGet() added.
  • [New] Custom timeouts available with overloads to NetworkStart and Service Channel functions.
  • [New] Custom ControlWord Bits On/Off added to EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [New] Expanded options available to NetworkOutputAddressGet.
  • [New] Working Directory Display Added to File Tab.
  • [Change] Added Digital Inputs/Outputs and Actual Velocity to default Yaskawa implementation.
  • [Change] Improved SDO Error messages.
  • [Change] Improved IO support for EtherCAT IO Nodes.
  • [Change] Missing ESI File Dialog Rework.
  • [Change] NetworkStart set to timeout after 30 seconds.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with Remote Desktop when using USB dongle licenses.
  • [Fix] Fixed Error 7170 (thread running) when calling MotionController::Delete().

8.1.3 2019-04-02

  • [Change] RapidSetup Axis and MultiAxis repeat motion disabled on errors, amp disabled, and switching views.
  • [Change] RMPNetwork sets Amp Fault for each axis on shutdown.
  • [Change] UserLimit methods now use cached AxisCount to improve performance.
  • [Change] SourceNameGet() no longer throws exception when it cannot read extra Amp Fault text.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - SDO Read/Write string values.
  • [Fix] 64-bit RapidCode libraries now support tracing and home logging.
  • [Fix] RMPNetwork intermittent shutdown issues when nodes lose power or are disconnected.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - Axis Master-based Homing: Move To Zero and Log Homing were reversed.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - unable to set Home Method 18.

8.1.2 2019-03-06

  • [New] 64 bit library support for INtime USB keys.
  • [Change] Reworked Exceptions, Properties, and Commands in RapidSetup.
  • [Change] No longer report logging messages to stdout for trace/homing.
  • [Fix] Fixed an Issue which showed two AI & AO for AKDs.

8.1.1 2019-02-07

  • [New] FoE (File over EtherCAT) added to the RMP.
  • [Change] Minor tweaks made to RapidSetup.

8.1.0 2019-02-01

  • [New] User Limits in RapidSetup.
  • [New] User Limits Single-Shot feature.
  • [New] User Limits API additions to get configurations.
  • [New] MotionController::AddressFromString and StringFromAddress methods.
  • [New] Support for INtime USB keys.
  • [Change] Additional Beckhoff Analog Input detection.
  • [Change] UserLimitConditionSet for 32-bit masking now uses uint32 for bitmasking types.
  • [Change] UserLimitConditionSet for 64-bit double comparison no longer requires a mask parameter.
  • [Change] Global Mutex for windows services.
  • [Change] RapidSetup error reporting improvements.

8.0.8 2018-11-28

  • [New] Added Rollover support for more feedback resolutions.
  • [Fix] Fixed an AKD Index Homing issue caused by changes in newer firmware.

8.0.7 2018-10-30

  • [New] Parker Drive support.
  • [New] Sick Encoder support.
  • [New] axisControlwordOutputGet added to NetworkAPI.

8.0.6 2018-10-01

  • [Change] Added two gains to the PIV Tuning Window.
  • [Fix] Motion Scope startup issue.
  • [Fix] StreamingOutputs frame allocation issue.
  • [Fix] 64-bit library fixes for FeedbackPointerGet/FeedbackPointerSet, NetworkStart and NetworkIndexGet.

8.0.5 2018-09-28

  • [New] FilterDualLoop is now supported with the RMP.
  • [Change] IO Node Address and Mask accessors improved.
  • [Change] Panasonic drives now use the new IO Implementation of EtherCATNodeInfo.
  • [Fix] Fixed an Issue with User Limit creation.
  • [Fix] Fixed an Issue with Beckhoff Stepper Limits.

8.0.4 2018-09-21

  • [Change] ABB Microflex EtherCATNodeInfo Changes.

8.0.3 2018-09-18

  • [New] INVT DA200 support.
  • [New] ABB Microflex support.
  • [Change] Improved Datagram/Sync0 Alignment.
  • [Change] Name change removing Axis from NetworkIndexSet, NetworkIndexGet, & NetworkIndexType.
  • [Change] Various minor RapidSetup Improvements
  • [Fix] Analog Outputs now work from an IO Page.
  • [Fix] System Time no longer adjusted when in Master Shift Mode.

8.0.2 2018-08-13

  • [New] Secondary Feedback support for DS402 Drives.
  • [New] DS402 16 Bit Encoder support.
  • [New] NetworkAxisIndexSet & NetworkAxisIndexGet Added.
  • [New] MultiAxis AddressGet Added.
  • [New] FeedRate can be set with User Limits.
  • [Change] Generic DS402 reworked to be more flexible.

8.0.1 2018-07-09

  • [New] AL Status & Code collected by the EtherCAT Master.
  • [New] Data Link Layer now accessible via ServiceChannel calls.
  • [Change] RMP Velocity Mode processing now enabled by default.
  • [Fix] Fixed two issues with Beckhoff Steppers.

8.0.0 2018-06-18

  • [New] New Version RapidSetup - requires .NET 4.5.
  • [New] UserData for UserLimits. See UserLimits Topic, InterruptUserDataGet, and UserLimitInterruptUserDataAddressSet.
  • [New] Lenze I550 support.
  • [New] UserLabels for MultiAxis.
  • [New] IO NumberGet returns the associated Node Number.
  • [Change] SynqNet Capture functions removed from RMP Releases.

7.4.2 2018-05-24

  • [New] Additional configurations of S700s supported.

7.4.1 2018-05-17

  • [New] Index support for S700 Master Homing.
  • [New] Mitsubishi MR-J4-TM support.
  • [Change] Festo CMMP now starts up in CSP rather than IP.
  • [Change] Changed Sync0 start time to about 80 milliseconds out.
  • [Change] Axis default parameters stored in RMP memory.
  • [Change] NetworkNode defaults to ThrowExceptions(true).
  • [Change] Improved Repeat Camming Implementation.
  • [Fix] Fixed a issue reading SDO Integers after reading Strings.
  • [Fix] Fixed a issue with IO showing up on the wrong Node.

7.4.0 2018-03-27

  • [Change] Streaming Outputs API simplified.
  • [Change] Beckhoff ESI files updated.
  • [Change] Modify Events + MultiAxis + Gearing now supported.
  • [Fix] MultiAxis Streaming Outputs fixed when there are multiple streaming outputs per PT point.

7.3.5 2018-03-16

  • [New] Save RMP MemoryToFile menu item added to RapidSetup.
  • [New] AKD implementation now uses DS402 model.
  • [New] S700 support.
  • [New] RSIActionE_STOP_MODIFY_ABORT and RapidCodeMotion::EStopModifyAbort() added.
  • [New] MotionController NetworkOutputIntendedValueGet, NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet, NetworkOutputOverrideValueGet, NetworkOutputSentValueGet functions added.
  • [Change] IO rework. Support for multi-bit Digital PDO Entries.
  • [Change] Axis default velocity, acceleration and deceleration set to 1.0

7.3.4 2018-01-09

  • [New] RSIActionTRIGGERED_MODIFY and associated functions added.
  • [New] Triggered Modify support for Master Based Homing (HomeBehaviorGet/Set).
  • [New] motorStatusGet Added to RMPNetworkAPI.
  • [Change] RapidSetup C# improvements.

7.3.3 2017-12-14

  • [New] DS402 Drive based Homing Control added to RapidSetup.
  • [New] Backlash Compensation added for Position Mode.
  • [New] MotionController.MemoryToFile function added.
  • [Fix] EStopModify no longer causes out of frames EStop in firmware 918A5
  • [Fix] MultiAxis Streaming Outputs fixed.

7.3.2 2017-11-21

  • [New] NewtorkOutputOverride Get/Set added. RapidSetup Network I/O checkbox added.
  • [New] RSIVersionMajor(), RSIVersionMinor(), RSIVersionMicro() added.
  • [New] NetworkNode ProductNameGet and VendorNameGet added.
  • [Change] RapidSetup tuning visibility.
  • [Change] IOPoint objects are now deleted when the MotionController is deleted.

7.3.1 2017-10-27

  • [New] SMC EX260 EtherCAT module support.
  • [Fix] MotionScope, VM3, DumpDiff, RapidWorkbench fixes.

7.3.0 2017-10-25

  • [New] RSIQVC64 and RSIQDNET64 added for 64-bit support.
  • [New] SDO Writes support for Axis Configuration xmls.
  • [New] Added RSIVersionMajor(), RSIVersionMinor(), RSIVersionMicro() to RapidCodeObject.
  • [Change] RMP and MPI upgraded to 918A4 and 04.04.02.
  • [Change] Improved Copy/Paste inside RapidSetup.

7.2.6 2017-10-02

  • [New] Keyence NU-EC1 support.
  • [Change] RapidWorkbench for AKD - improvements when switching axes.
  • [Change] Service channel SDO read execution time reduced.
  • [Fix] Streaming Outputs only worked for 1 axis.

7.2.5 2017-09-20

  • [New] Copley TE2 Stepnet Plus drive support.
  • [New] CTB drive support.
  • [New] MultiAxis node support.
  • [Change] MotorDemandMode Get/Set/Enum replaced with OperationMode Get/Set/Enum and supported with EtherCAT.

7.2.4 2017-09-16

  • [Fix] Post Trajectory Gearing fixed.

7.2.3 2017-09-14

  • [New] Schneider LXM28E EtherCAT drive support.
  • [New] Additional Elmo & Schneider Error Messages supported.
  • [Fix] Network process shutdown improvements.

7.2.2 2017-08-29

  • [Change] ProcessorUsage info adjustments in RapidSetup.
  • [Change] MotionScope easier to access in RapidSetup.
  • [Fix] StatusBitGet fixes for MultiAxis objects.

7.2.1 2017-08-21

  • [New] Estun ProNet EtherCAT drive support.
  • [New] Home Stage settings saved to/from Axis XML.
  • [Change] RMP and RMPNetwork thread synchronization improvements.
  • [Fix] Axis XML no longer fails with ambiguous method exception.

7.2.0 2017-08-03

  • [New] Elmo EtherCAT drives support.
  • [New] Beckhoff EL7041 steppers support.
  • [New] NetworkTiming Feature in RapidSetup.
  • [Change] SynqNet deprecated.
  • [Change] AddEntry to PDOs without RemoveContent.
  • [Change] Axis numbers to Homing Logging.
  • [Change] Synchronization diagnostics and filterDepth improvements.
  • [Change] RTOS Start/Stop.
  • [Change] Improved IO identification in EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [Change] RapidENI error on modify a fixed PDO.
  • [Fix] AdjustTimer improved for Skylake processors.

7.1.2 2017-06-02

  • [New] Added RSIHomeStageSTAGE_FOUR. Covers motion to Zero after HomeOffsetSet has been used.
  • [New] Added support for Copley's XEC-230-12 drive.
  • [New] Added TraceFileClose. The ability to Close a file that was open for logging.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with vendor and product ids above the max int size.

7.1.1 2017-05-22

  • [Change] Added some additional Homing logging.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue where some systems would report different identifiers when running with reduced privileges.

7.1.0 2017-05-15

  • [New] RapidCode no longer requires Windows Administrator privileges
  • [New] Improved SourceNameGet to include more information about RMP Amp Faults for most drives.
  • [New] Yaskawa EtherCAT Torque/Velocity Mode support.
  • [New] Added support for Applied Motion Products SS EtherCAT drive.
  • [New] Added support for Panasonic MMDHT2C09BD1 EtherCAT drive.
  • [New] RSIMotorDedicatedInWARNING now supported for EtherCAT AKDs.
  • [New] Homing Moves during RSIHomeStage_TWO & RSIHomeStage_THREE now have their own velocity, accel, decel, and jerk values which can be set independent of RSIHomeStage_ONE
  • [New] Homing Logging Added. Use Axis.TraceMaskOnSet(RSITraceCUSTOM) & Axis.TraceFileSet(fileName) to use.
  • [New] TraceInjectMessage(RSITrace traceLevel, msg) to add your own messages to the output log.
  • [Change] Improved Beckhoff EJ3004, EL1259, EL3064, & EL3356 Implementations.
  • [Change] Made changes to pNetwork values saved by an EtherCAT AKD.
  • [Change] Region locking for PDO read/write data.
  • [Fix] Custom Home configuration initialized properly.

7.0.16 2017-03-23

  • [New] EtherCAT Teco Drive now supported.
  • [New] Added Ability to add non-standard PDOEntries to PDO sets.
  • [New] RapidCode/RapidSetup expanded to support 32 General Inputs/Outputs.
  • [Change] EtherCAT AKDs now use the standard Control Word Functions for Enabling and Clearing Faults.
  • [Change] rsiConfig.exe probes network and supports new node types.
  • [Change] Improved Analog IOPoint implementation.
  • [Fix] Skylake Processors should now work as expected with the RMP.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue when using RMPNetwork without an ENI file.

7.0.15 2017-03-03

  • [Change] Suppress 2-bit PDO inputs/output error messages

7.0.14 2017-03-02

  • [Change] MotionController object count methods reconfigure dynamic memory allocation only when necessary
  • [Change] Home limit action no longer reverting to Stop action when RapidSetup opens

7.0.13 2017-02-27

  • [New] Position mode post-trajectory electronic gearing for RMP
  • [New] Can Start, Stop and Restart INtime from within RapidSetup and RapidCode.
  • [New] Additional Beckhoff EJs supported.
  • [Change] PositionSet() no longer sets Actual Position for EtherCAT Axes
  • [Change] Controller::UserVersionSet() can now be safely called outside of Initialization.
  • [Change] Controller::SyncInterruptEnableSet(false) can now be safely called outside of Application Teardown.
  • [Fix] DS402 position demand scaled from RMP 64-bit double to 32-bit

7.0.12 2017-02-09

  • [New] Additional Axis Memory locations available via AddressGet(RSIAxisAddressType).

7.0.11 2017-01-31

  • [Change] EtherCAT node clear faults timeout increased to 32 samples
  • [Change] Axis will Amp Fault if an RMP Node fails to reach Operation Enable after 1000 cycles after calling AmpEnableSet(true)
  • [Fix] Dedicated I/O processing for DS402 drives

7.0.10 2017-01-25

  • [New] RapidCode API to set outputs during streaming motion
  • [New] axisFeedRateSet, axisFeedRateGet, and axisFeedRateDisable added to RMPNetworkAPI
  • [New] Motion ElementID works with streaming and path motion, now displayed in RapidSetup
  • [Change] AKD ASCII command speeds optimized, Autotuning now available using RapidWorkbench
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with GetRtSystemTimerValues.

7.0.9 2017-01-13

  • [New] Added Diagnostic methods for Delta Robot
  • [New] EtherCAT network clock adjustments updated for Intel Skylake processors
  • [New] Bonfiglioli drive support
  • [Fix] Improved access to RSI license file

7.0.8 2017-01-04

  • [Change] Homing Method None (Current Position) is now selected by default in RapidSetup.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue which caused an error in RapidSetup when you minimized RapidSetup mid-Homing.
  • [Change] Added a custom DeltaRobot feature.

7.0.7 `2016-12-22

  • [Change] Homing now Advances to Stage Three for Index only Homing Max Travels.

7.0.6 2016-12-21

  • [Change] RSI_AXIS_HOME_FAILED_TO_REACH_MAX_TRAVEL reported when homing fails to reach it while looking for edge.
  • [Change] Homing Error Enumeration and Messages Changed.

7.0.5 2016-12-19

  • [Change] 11 previously dynamic Homing Error Messages have been enumerated.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue where HomeStage wouldn't advance with active low Homing Limits.
  • [Fix] Homing now Restores Initial Home Action and Trigger State on Errors.

7.0.4 2016-12-16

  • [Change] The Default Home Offset is now set to 0 rather than -1
  • [Change] EtherCAT AKDs now use Homing Defaults rather than Motion defaults to move to the zero-angle when homing
  • [Change] Home Stages now supports Active Low Homing Implementation
  • [Change] Delta Functions now return Success Status.

7.0.3 2016-12-15

  • [New] Added StopOnErrorSet() to DeltaRobot to enable/disable throwing exceptions near singularities
  • [New] Added UnmapDelta
  • [Change] Changed the locations in the Homing process when we advanced Homing Stages

7.0.2 2016-12-13

  • [New] Velocity Mode support for EtherCAT Nodes
  • [New] MovePT now supports Spline, Bessel, and BSpline2 options
  • [Change] Adjusted Names and PDOs for Schneider EtherCAT Nodes
  • [Change] Added additional error messages for failed Homing cases
  • [Change] Improved DumpDiff.
  • [Fix] Fixed a matching issue with RMP Inputs/Outputs
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue where HomingStage wasn't advancing when it should
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with the Homing Process when Abort was called at just the wrong time

7.0.1 2016-12-02

  • [Fix] Fixed an issue where we were linking to the wrong sqNodeLib.lib file

7.0.0 2016-11-23

  • [New] 64-bit RapidCode libraries for SynqNet 04.04.02
  • [Change] All host addresses are stored as type uint64 for 32-bit and 64-bit libraries
  • [Change] MotionCamMasterStartSet requires master Axis object to scale startPostion with UserUnits
  • [Fix] EtherCAT Axis ClearFaults() now waits for Fault bit to be cleared before returning
  • [Fix] Axis::MotionCamMasterStartSet now properly scaled by Origin position
  • [Fix] AmpEnableSet(true) now works in STOPPED state
  • [Fix] MultiAxis SYNC_START and SYNC_END attributes

6.5.1 2016-11-16

  • [New] Delta Robot Kinematics

6.5.0 2016-11-16

  • [New] Axis::MoveCamCubic
  • [Fix] Axis::MotionCamMasterStartSet

6.4.6 2016-11-14

  • [Change] Upgrade to INtime 6.2
  • [Change] Changed the Default max speed for the Panasonic Drive from 120 RPM to 20000 RPM

6.4.5 2016-10-31

  • [New] Added new banner option for customer RapidSetup skin
  • [New] OptoForce Sensor added.
  • [New] Added HomeTravelDistanceSet & HomeStageGet allowing for Max Travels to Homing Segments.
  • [Change] Adjusted Beckhoff's EL2521 Default Configuration
  • [Change] LimitDurationGet no longer calls HomeUserLimitConfigSet
  • [Change] Improved setting values from Textboxes when hitting Enter or Esc.
  • [Fix] MultiAxis Delete Improved.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with EL2521s which caused a problem on Network Restarts.
  • [Fix] New Synqnet Firmware ....916A6.bin built which corrects for an issue where NEAR_TARGET triggered incorrectly

6.4.4 2016-10-04

  • [Change] Improved Drive Status message display when a Node was in an Error State.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with AmpEnableSet.

6.4.3 2016-09-16

  • [Fix] SqNode name deletion was causing error when closing RapidSetup

6.4.2 2016-09-01

  • [New] InitCmds are now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [New] DcDataOpMode is now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [New] PDO String Matching is now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [Change] Unknown EtherCAT Nodes will now load the SDO screen when clicked on.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue using the Service Channel after you issue a string command.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with node identification for large networks.

6.4.1 2016-08-01

  • [New] MailBox PollTime is now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [Change] Updated RapidSetup Documentation Link.
  • [Change] Improved RapidSetup's TreeView.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue with Stopping and Restarting RMPNetwork from RapidSetup.

6.4.0 2016-07-22

  • [New] RapidWorkbench for AKD added.
  • [New] CompensatorTableClear function added.
  • [New] RMP Status window added. You can now see DS402 standard interpretations in the bottom right of the axis screen.
  • [Change] API Behavior Change - Controller is now a Singleton, reducing chance of Invalidating objects when programming.
  • [Change] VPLkp.xml renamed to EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.
  • [Change] Standardized PDO names. Most applications should generate new ENI files using RapidSetup to match new pattern.
  • [Change] Improved RapidSetup MultiAxis support.
  • [General Changed] Increased maximum number of EtherCAT Input/Output PDOs from 255 to 1024. Added a useful Error Message when past max.
  • [Fix] No longer crash attempting to use a Controller object that was invalid due errors in creation.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup XBox controller library updated.
  • [Fix] Axis PostFilter XML serialization now removes extra postfilers when loading from a smaller postfiler source (xml).
  • [Fix] Corrected an issue when hitting Enter or Tabbing out of the User Units entry box.
  • [Fix] Added dll needed for the BodeTool.

6.3.6 2016-06-14

  • [New] RapidENI API (.NET) to automatically generate ENI file from discovered network
  • [Fix] Resolved AKD Enable Position Enable Offset
  • [Fix] Resolved AKD fault text display

6.3.5 2016-06-03

  • [New] Schneider LXM28E EtherCAT drive support added.
  • [New] KBus support added to RapidENI.
  • [Change] Improved RMP Clear Faults Timing
  • [Change] You can now create EtherCAT IO nodes even if they don't have traditional Digital/Analog Inputs/Outputs associated with them

6.3.4 2016-05-17

  • [Change] FeedbackDeltaPointerGet() and FeedbackDeltaPointerSet are deprecated. Please use FeedbackPointerGet() and FeedbackPointerSet instead.
  • [Change] Improved Gantry CS Project and included Cpp version.
  • [Fix] Longer Ascii commands are now supported

6.3.3 2016-05-11

  • [New] MotionController memory methods to read/set double values
  • [New] Data Recorder bulk read methods
  • [New] Yaskawa SGD7S support added
  • [Fix] Improved AKD Clear Faults Capability
  • [Fix] Fixed a Bug with Loading from XML that would cause trouble with Torque Systems.

6.3.2 2016-04-20

  • [New] Direct Velocity Control of AKDs added.

6.3.1 2016-04-18

  • [Change] Removed assemblies SynqNetSystem4.dll, RapidENILib.dll and RapidSetupControls.dll. The controls in these assemblies are now located in RSI.System.dll
  • [New] Rsiconfig.exe now supports RMP.
  • [Fix] Corrected a timing issue which could cause instability for Kollmorgen and AMC systems.

6.3.0 2016-03-28

  • [New] RapidSetup will now auto select an RMP when it is appropriate to do so.
  • [New] BodeTool included for use with the RMP on drives with Torque Mode support.
  • [New] XML Configurations Axis file names are now saved to and loaded from rsi.ini.
  • [Change] RMP is now built for INtime 6. Please make sure you upgrade your INtime Version to 6.1.15345.1 or later.
  • [Change] Improved the Menu options for SynqNet & RMP to exclude non-useful options.
  • [Change] Index (zero-angle) based homing routines now available for AKD drives.
  • [Fix] Large node counts causes RapidSetup to become sluggish when updating the SqNode Packet Error Counts.

6.2.31 2016-02-16

  • [New] Methods to get estimated SynqNet cable lengths
  • [Change] Changed the display name on several drives
  • [Change] Included many new EtherCAT ESI with our release.
  • [Change] Improved Missing Vendor/Product/Revision Display information when you are missing an ESI file.

6.2.30 `2016-02-01

  • [Change] Updated AMC ESI to include Vendor's latest.
  • [Change] Removed unnecessary release files.

6.2.29 2016-01-29

  • [Change] Regenerate your Topology (ENI) files in order for IO to index properly! Switched from 1 Ordinate Module to 0 Ordinate Module for RapidENI support. Search Terms: IO on wrong Node.
  • [Change] Modify UI for Controller Configuration on EtherCAT
  • [New] AMC Drive support for RapidENI
  • [Fix] SDO string write issue
  • [Fix] Phantom Axes not showing under correct node in RapidSetup treeview
  • [Fix] INtime exception after multiple network restarts

6.2.27 2016-01-06

  • [New] Support for SynqNet 04.03.16
  • [New] RapidENI Utility to auto-generate ENI file from discovered network topology integrated with RapidSetup

6.2.26 2015-12-11

  • [New] RapidSetup can automatically detect configuration and generate an ENI file for many configurations.
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug which could cause errors if an EL2521 wasn't setup as intended.
  • [Fix] Data Recorder object interrupts not working with EtherCAT.

6.2.25 2015-11-11

  • [Change] Internal Release

6.2.24 2015-10-31

  • [New] Delta ASDA-A2-E (EtherCAT) Drives now supported by the RMP.
  • [New] Crevis I/O now supported by the RMP.
  • [Fix] Bad ENI files could crash INtime. Added Config Validation.
  • [Fix] MotionController::RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion not triggering on motion start

6.2.23 2015-10-19

  • [Change] Improvements to EtherCAT SDOs. Better messaging and RapidSetup sign support.
  • [Change] Improvements to DS402 state transitions to Operation Enable.
  • [New] 1D and 2D Compensation table support
  • [Fix] EncoderRatio for EtherCAT, EncoderCountGet/Set

6.2.22 2015-10-06

  • [Change] Added support for Vendor ID 0x2e1 for FlexiPro Drives.

6.2.21 2015-09-24

  • [Change] Added DOUT1 and DOUT2 support to the AKD EtherCAT Drive
  • [Fix] MulitAxis::AxisGet returns an axis with an invalid NetworkNode object

6.2.20 2015-09-18

  • [Change] RapidSetup requires .NET Framework 4.0
  • [New] RapidENI utility to auto-generate ENI file from discovered network topology
  • [New] Torque Mode support for the Panasonic EtherCAT drive
  • [Fix] MultiAxis::ClearFaults for EtherCAT

6.2.19 2015-07-29

  • [New] Interfaces added for all RapidCode .NET classes. (IMotionController, IAxis, etc.)
  • [Fix] Fixed a Bug with the RSIQDNET4 dll that prevented the use of CreateFromSoftware(rtaPath).

6.2.18 2015-07-09

  • [New] Automatically download RMP licenses.
  • [Change] Restored Multiaxis Delay functionality.

6.2.17 2015-06-23

  • [New] Added Dedicated Homing, Positive, and Negative Limit support to the Panasonic MinasA5 EtherCAT Drives

6.2.16 2015-06-03

  • [New] .NET overload for CreateFromSoftware() to specify working folder (path to RMP.rta)
  • [New] Added support for Beckhoff BK1150 series IO Modules to the RMP.
  • [New] Added support for ESD ECX-DIO8 IO Modules to the RMP.
  • [Fix] Adjusted Kollmorgen AKD Parameters REGEN.TYPE & REGEN.WATTEXT to ensure proper setting from RapidCode and RapidSetup.
  • [Fix] Fixed (Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Boolean LockTake()) error Spam with Early Versions of .Net 2.0

6.2.15 2015-05-27

  • [Change] Cleaned up the Homing Screen for RMP Releases.
  • [New] Support for EtherCAT nodes with 64-bit DC

6.2.14 2015-05-14

  • [New] Torque Mode support for the AMC EtherCAT drive.
  • [Change] The Tuning Box should no longer display when inappropriate.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup exception when setting UserVersion
  • [Fix] Fixed a validator that prevented the use of high indexes for SDO Control


  • [New] RapidCode now supports most Post Filters.
  • [New] Supported added for Panasonic MinasA5 series EtherCAT drives.
  • [Change] FilterLowPassSet(double) is deprecated. Please use PostFilterLowPassSet(int, double) instead where int is the Post Filter number.
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug where RapidSetup would load bad PostFilter values from a corrupted XML file.
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug with SampleRateSet which caused an Access Violation Exception.


  • [Change] NetworkNode::HasIO() always returns true for EtherCAT nodes
  • [New] MFC Runtime DLL included in release for RMP MotionScope
  • [Fix] Fixed errors trying to use axis after re-initializing EtherCat network
  • [Fix] Fixed the Incorrect display of Controller I/O for the RMP

6.2.11 2015-03-12

  • [Change] Axis and MultiAxis Motion ID methods use uint16 data type
  • [Change] RapidSetup dependencies included in RapidSetup.exe.

6.2.10 2015-03-03

  • [New] ServiceChannelRead/Write overload for string values
  • [New] AMC Digital Input support for General and Dedicated IO

6.2.9 2015-02-19

  • [Fix] Corrected EL1088/EL1008 Labels

6.2.8 2015-02-19

  • [New] Support for Beckhoff EL1088 Digital Input Modules

6.2.7 2015-02-16

  • [New] Support for Beckhoff 2521 Step Pulse Train

6.2.6 2015-02-06

  • [Change] Classify EtherCAT nodes using Vendor ID and Product Code

6.2.5 2014-12-09

  • [New] HomeLimitCustomConfigSet method added to enable homing from any input bit on the network
  • [New] RMPNetwork supports some Realtek and Broadcom gigabit NICs
  • [Fix] RMP NetworkInput (and Output) names now stored in RapidCodeNetwork

6.2.4 2014-11-14

  • [Change] RapidCode for RMP requires Administrator privileges
  • [New] New Methods to double check previous Home Set Methods.
  • [New] Axis::HomeMethodGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeOffsetGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeVelocityGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeSlowVelocityGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeAccelerationGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeDecelerationGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeJerkPercentGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeCaptureTypeGet()
  • [New] Axis::HomeCaptureMotorFeedbackGet()

6.2.3 2014-10-21

  • [New] Support for SynqNet 04.03.11

6.2.2 2014-09-18

  • [Fix] RMPNetwork GPF after shutdown due to linker mismatch

6.2.1 2014-08-26

  • [New] RMP and RMPNetwork built for INtime 5.2.14045.2
  • [Fix] RMPNetwork rebooting when restarted due to uninitialized topology memory

6.2.0 2014-08-21

  • [Change] RSI::RapidCode::SynqNet namespace changed to RSI::RapidCode
  • [Change] RapidCode objects throw RsiError const& instead of RsiError* (C++ only)
  • [Change] RapidSetup only sets Home action to STOP for SynqNet when homing
  • [Change] MotionController object counts are refreshed automatically when the EtherCAT network reaches operational state
  • [New] RapidSetup can start network in PREOPERATIONAL state
  • [New] NetworkStartMode parameter for NetworkStart() overload
  • [New] NetworkLogMessageGet for reading NetworkStart() log messages
  • [New] RapidSetup shows network error messages if state transitions from OPERATIONAL
  • [New] Axis homing supports homing without Position Capture
  • [Fix] FeedRateSet throwing unexpected error

6.1.23 2014-06-03

  • [New] NetworkNode supports ServiceChannel (SDO) and ASCII commands
  • [New] MotionController::CreateFromSoftware() has optional working directory parameter
  • [Change] UserLimitOutSet now works with andMask & orMask. An overload for valueSet has been added to preserve old behavior.

6.1.22 2014-05-14

  • [Change] Axis::FeedbackDeltaPointerGet now returns a host address
  • [New] NetworkNode Analog Input/Output support
  • [New] MechaWare PIV Gain Table and Reset blocks supported in RapidCode/Setup

6.1.21 2014-03-26

  • [New] Support for SynqNet 04.03.08
  • [New] PositionSet added to RapidSetup Axis Command Position
  • [New] MechaWare PID Gain Table Block supported in RapidCode/Setup
  • [New] Network IO methods for EtherCAT
  • [New] MotorType added as top-level element in Axis XML configuration
  • [New] MotionController::ProcessorUsageClear (double-click in RapidSetup to clear)
  • [Change] Selecting Stepper Loopback in RapidSetup disables Encoder Ratio control

6.1.20 2014-01-09

  • [New] SynqNetInit() added to .NET libraries

6.1.19 2013-12-05

  • [New] MotionController::NetworkTypeGet method
  • [New] NetworkStart, Shutdown methods added for EtherCAT
  • [New] IOPoint analog values accessible in .NET libraries
  • [Fix] Capture objects not enabled properly with greater than 16 axes
  • [Fix] IOPoint analog values now function correctly

6.1.18 2013-10-31

  • [New] RapidSetup AKD SynqNet firmware download
  • [New] Kollmorgen AKD SynqNet drive monitor support
  • [Fix] RapidSetup file download GUI hangs

6.1.17 2013-09-27

  • [New] SynqNet 04.03.05 support with AKD firmware 1.10 for smoother amp enable

6.1.16 2013-07-23

  • [Change] RsiError inherits from std::exception
  • [Change] RSIMotionAttrMask values changed
  • [Fix] APPEND motion attribute mask not working

6.1.15 2013-06-26

  • [New] rsiconfig.exe command-line utility for reading/writing configurations
  • [Fix] Serialized/XML Axis not disposing of its resources properly

6.1.14 2013-06-24

  • [New] RapidSetup Axis Origin shown if Actual Position label is clicked
  • [Fix] Phantom axes displayed under Node 1 in RapidSetup

6.1.13 2013-06-14

  • [Fix] Additional thread-safe locking added to InterruptMaskSet()

6.1.12 2013-06-11

  • [New] RapidSetup Axis tab page remembered when switching
  • [Fix] RapidSetup not restarted after setting Axis or Motion count

6.1.11 2013-06-06

  • [New] NetworkStateGet, Shutdown method for SynqNet or EtherCAT
  • [New] RapidCodeNetworkNode object
  • [New] EtherCAT node topology discovery
  • [New] RapidSetup displays network counter
  • [Fix] MotionController software and firmware version info out of scope
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Axis screen display precision not updating after downloading from XML
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Diagnostics screen displaying multiple instances
  • [Change] RapidSetup replication copies label xml and ini files when creating replication
  • [Change] RapidSetup replication restore option removed

6.1.10 2013-04-26

  • [New] RapidSetup diagnostic screen
  • [New] Network diagnostic methods work for SynqNet and EtherCAT - NetworkNodeCountGet(), etc.
  • [New] New Trace types CUSTOM and TIME
  • [New] MultAxis AxesAdd method to add multiple Axis objects at once
  • [Change] Axis UserUnits removed from RapidSetup INI file
  • [Fix] Additional thread-safe locking to MultiAxis AxisAdd, AxesAdd, AxisRemoveAll methods
  • [Fix] MultiAxisGet does not report an error when passed an invalid motionNumber.
  • [Fix] MotionController::InterruptWake() not waking MotionController::InterruptWait()

6.1.9 2013-03-18

  • [New] Support for QMP-PCIe
  • [Fix] Additional thread-safe locking added to StateGet() and all Move methods

6.1.8 2013-03-01

  • [Change] MSVC++ 2005 Redistributable updated to 8.0.50727.6195 and MSVC++ 2010 Redistributable added
  • [Change] CapturePositionGet now scaled by encoder ratio when relevant
  • [New] EncoderRatioPrimary/SecondaryGet/Set with strings for use with Axis XML
  • [Fix] CaptureConfigSet ignoring PRIMARY vs SECONDARY feedback parameter

6.1.7 2013-02-22

  • [New] Axis/MultiAxis MotionHoldGateNumberGet/Set and MotionController MotionHoldGateSet

6.1.6 2013-02-19

  • [Fix] Motion Hold Gate logic inverted
  • [Fix] AxisCountSet should never decrease MotionCount
  • [New] Support for SynqNet 04.03 releases

6.1.5 2013-01-11

  • [Change] Axis::CommandPositionSet() reverts to SynqNet 3 behavior (uses Origin internally)
  • [New] Axis::CommandPositionDirectSet() enables direct setting of command position
  • [Fix] Vector Velocity and Acceleration not updating between Path segments

6.1.4 2013-01-03

  • [New] Raw CapturePosition in RapidSetup (not scaled by Origin or UserUnits)
  • [New] SynqNetSystem DLL for .NET 4.0
  • [Change] 32-bit float values now 64-bit double precision. Tolerances, durations, feedrates, Stop times, etc.
  • [Change] read-only Axis XML files are allowed
  • [Fix] MultiAxis motions now use absolute value of velocities, accelerations, etc. if UserUnits are negative

6.1.3 2012-11-07

  • [Change] Axis PositionSet uses CommandOriginSet and AmpEnableSet uses CommandPositionSet
  • [Change] Stepper motor Axis can only use PositionSet when amp is enabled
  • [Fix] Axis XML file stream not closed
  • [Fix] Axis XML now ignores SqNodeUserFaultAddress,MotionHoldUserAddress, and OriginPosition
  • [Fix] Axis XML now deletes temporary drive parameter file
  • [Fix] Axis XML restores ThrowExceptions to default (true) when saving to / restoring from XML
  • [Fix] Axis SourceGet now reports NODE_FAILURE correctly when any Node has failed

6.1.2 2012-10-25

  • [Change] Updates for SynqNet 4.2 Production Release

6.1.1 2012-10-02

  • [New] Fastech stepper drive support and automatic setup
  • [New] Stepper motor pulse configuration methods
  • [Change] Axis::PositionSet now works with stepper motors
  • [Change] Axis::PositionSet COMMAND_NOT_SET now treated as error, not warning

6.1.0 2012-09-05

  • [New] QMP motion controller and SynqNet 4.2 support
  • [New] S-curve path planning type
  • [Change] Standard data types modified for future 64-bit support
  • [Change] BEFORE_SYNQNET_0402 preprocessor definition required if using SynqNet 4.0 or 4.1
  • [Change] MotionController Reset() now deletes the control handle before resetting
  • [Change] Stop() no longer throws exception if already stopped or stopping
  • [Change] Homing methods 23, 25, 27 and 29 modified for consistent capture direction
  • [Fix] RapidSetup velocity goto labels not updating
  • [Fix] RapidSetup homing using status caching, causing capture errors

6.0.12 `2012-08-14

  • [Fix] Axis SourceGet() correctly reports HOME (Capture Status) source
  • [Fix] Homing move-to-zero feature now works without going to STOPPING or STOPPED state
  • [New] Homing now supports S-Curve velocity profiles
  • [New] RapidSetup implements more data caching for better performance
  • [Change] Homing now defaults to time-based position capture

6.0.11 2012-07-25

  • [Fix] Axis default velocity no longer checked in MoveVelocity()
  • [Fix] Axis GearingEnable() now sets axis/motor number properly when using FEEDBACK sources
  • [Fix] Axis GearingMasterAxisNumberGet() and GearingSourceGet() now read current values from the controller
  • [Change] RapidSetup stores SynqNet folder info for CurrentUser, not LocalMachine
  • [Change] RapidSetup no longer requires Administrator privileges

6.0.10 2012-07-02

  • [New] UserLimitStatus added to ControllerAdddressType
  • [Fix] RapidSetup relative motion goto positions not updating

6.0.9 2012-05-25

  • [New] LimitEnabledMask added to ControllerAdddressType

6.0.8 2012-05-23

  • [New] Simulation server and RMP controller support
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Position Capture supports 64 axes

6.0.7 2012-04-02

  • [New] SyncInterrupt for .NET

6.0.6 2012-02-27

  • [New] RapidSetup now supports editing of PID values in MechaWare models
  • [Fix] EMPTY_COUNT attribute now supported for PT and PVT motion types

6.0.5 2012-02-07

  • [New] RSIQDNET and RSIQDNET4 signed with a strong name

6.0.4 2012-01-18

  • [Change] MultiAxisGet() now requires MotionSupervisorNumber parameter, must be >= Axis count
  • [Change] MultiAxis::AxisRemove removed, use AxisRemoveAll instead
  • [Change] RSI Constants displayed as hexadecimal to eliminate C++ compiler warnings
  • [New] MotionCount configuration added to RapidSetup
  • [New] UserLimitCountGet/Set added to MotionController
  • [New] Kollmorgen AKD support

6.0.3 2011-12-16

  • [Fix] RapidSetup AutoTuner now works with UserUnits
  • [Fix] MotionControllerDigitalIn MaskGet() now works for E-Stop input (bit 6)
  • [Fix] Negative values now allowed for Axis UserUnits

6.0.2 2011-10-24

  • [New] Axis Capture configuration supports drive general purpose I/O
  • [New] MotionController AddressGet() now supports multiple data recorders
  • [Change] Axis Capture configuration global parameter removed

6.0.1 2011-09-15

  • [New] IO position capture supported for HSIN32
  • [New] Axis XML files from RapidCode 4.x supported
  • [Change] Setting an Axis to Phantom type no longer disables limits automatically
  • [Fix] MotionController FlashClear() now saves cleared flash

6.0.0 2011-8-03

  • [New] Datatypes redefined for future 64-bit OS support (long becomes int32, etc.)
  • [New] S200 filtered drive velocity now available for Drive Monitor
  • [New] HomeCaptureMotorFeedbackSet added for an Axis that uses secondary feedback
  • [New] RapidSetup supports backlash compensation
  • [New] RapidSetup supports EncoderRatio
  • [New] RapidSetup has better support for European Windows regional settings
  • [New] RapidCodeObject interface added for .NET classes ease-of-use
  • [Change] 03.03.xx SynqNet releases no longer supported
  • [Fix] Axis CapturePositionGet() only uses UserUnits if the feedbackAxisNumber is the same as the Axis number
  • [Fix] RapidSetup now supports 24A and 48A S200 drives
  • [Fix] Xbox 360 controller right thumbstick processing reversed in RapidSetup
  • [Fix] Xbox 360 controller trigger invert not applied in RapidSetup
  • [Fix] RapidCode works with MechaWare firmware (4.0)
  • [Fix] Axis UserLabel is properly updated from XML in RapidSetup
  • [Change] RadidSetup homing automatically sets Home action to STOP
  • [Change] CaptureArm now waits for capture to arm before returning. Overload makes it optional.
  • [Change] Xbox 360 controller uses cubic function for velocity control
  • [Change] Xbox 360 controller will Abort all when disconnected in RapidSetup
  • [Change] RapidSetup goes to FPGA download page if Node MAC mismatch
  • [Change] MemoryBlockGet/Set now uses arrays for .NET instead of pointers
  • [Change] Axis XML files now support SqNode properties

4.1.25 2009-4-22

  • [New] Gain Scheduling support added to RapidSetup
  • [New] Final Velocity motion overloads added to Axis

4.1.24 2009-3-27

  • [Change] Improved support when using MechaWare firmware

4.1.23 2009-3-19

  • [New] Axis::GearingSourceGet() added

4.1.22 2009-2-12

  • [New] InterruptMask methods allow for generating specific interrupts
  • [New] MultiAxis::MoveVectorRelative
  • [New] Axis and MultiAxis MotionIdExecutingGet() returns currently executing MotionID
  • [Change] Axis::SaveToFlash will now attempt to save SynqNet Topology first
  • [Fix] RapidSetup File->Exit fixed (introduced in 4.1.21)
  • [Fix] IOPoint::MaskGet() not working for Axis Digital Inputs and Outputs
  • [Fix] Axis::SourceGet() won't report SQNODE_USER_FAULT without I/O Abort set

4.1.21 2008-12-02

  • [New] RapidCode IOPoint class added, provides common interface to any SynqNet I/O point
  • [New] RapidSetup can copy Axis settings from another Axis
  • [New] RapidSetup Axis Save-To-Flash moved to context menu (right click)
  • [New] MotionController::SynqNetHotReplaceRestart for using HotReplace
  • [Fix] RapidSetup now compatible with MechaWare firmware
  • [Fix] Axis::AmpEnableSet(true) fails if filter algorithm is set to NONE
  • [Fix] RapidSetup no longer shows warnings when viewing online documentation
  • [Fix] RapidCode object locking initialization

4.1.20 2008-08-20

  • [New] MotionController::RecorderBufferSizeGet/Set helpful when using multiple recorders and high Axis counts
  • [New] MotionDoneWait() now optionally accepts timeoutMilliseconds parameter and returns waited time
  • [New] RapidSetup offers choice of Time or Position Capture for Homing
  • [New] Axis::HomeCaptureTypeSet()
  • [New] RsiError messages now include object number

4.1.19 2008-08-01

  • [New] MotionController::RecorderReset()
  • [New] RSIControllerAddressTypeUSER_BUFFER
  • [New] MultiAxis Motion Hold now supported
  • [Fix] Axis::MotionHoldPositionGet/Set should not be scaled by UserUnits

4.1.18 2008-07-25

  • [New] Axis::FilterDualLoopSet utilizes load and motor encoders for PIV dual loop control
  • [New] MotionController now supports up to 32 data Recorders
  • [New] RapidSetup new Axis tab for setting Actions and Limits
  • [New] RapidSetup now displays MotorTorque Drive Monitor for Yaskawa

4.1.17 2008-06-06

  • [New] Axis::Home(bool moveToZero) added, for optionally moving to Zero after homing (also in RapidSetup)
  • [New] MotionController:CommandAction for commanding an action with a Sequencer
  • [Fix] RapidSetup brake mode and settings not applied

4.1.16 2008-05-21

  • [New] MotionController:ExternalMemorySizeGet helps when resizing Axis frame buffers or Recorder buffer
  • [New] Axis::FramesToExecuteGet
  • [Change] Axis::MoveCamLinear and MoveCamCubic now use double arrays, instead of 32-bit integers

4.1.15 2008-04-30

  • [New] Axis::EncoderMultiTurnReset in RapidCode and RapidSetup
  • [New] MotionController::ProcessorUsageGet in RapidCode and RapidSetup – helps determine maximum sample rates

4.1.14 2008-04-14

  • [New] MultiAxis user interface added to RapidSetup (Absolute, Relative, Velocity, PT)
  • [New] Axis Filter Gain Scheduling – Axis can change gain tables automatically
  • [New] Axis::UserLimitReset(...) used to clear latched UserLimits
  • [Fix] PathTimeSliceSet did not set internal value

4.1.13 2008-02-26

  • [New] RapidSetup – Drive Monitor support

4.1.12 2008-01-31

  • [New] MotionController::RecorderBufferHighCountSet
  • [New] RapidSetup – Xbox 360 Controller support for jogging
  • [New] Axis::DefaultVelocityGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::DefaultAccelerationGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::DefaultDecelerationGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::DefaultJerkPercentGet/Set
  • [New] Enumerations added for 32bit LSB and MSB position recording for 64-bit positions
  • [Fix] MovePT and MovePVT did not use UserUnits correctly
  • [Change] MovePT and MovePVT now internally enable interrupts, so the library can stream points

4.1.11 2007-12-14

  • [Fix] MultiAxis::PathRatioSet did not set internal ratio values correctly

4.1.10 2007-11-28

  • [New] RapidSetup – Kollmorgen S300 supported in drive tab

4.1.9 2007-10-24

  • [New] Axis::GantryTypeGet and Set
  • [New] Axis::FeedbackDeltaPointerGet and Set
  • [New] Axis::EncoderCountGet and Set

4.1.5 2007-09-27

  • [New] Axis and MultiAxis MotionAttributeMaskOn/MaskOff(...) Get and Set methods added


  • [New] RapidSetup – Glentek - Added capability to read Proportional Current Gain and Integral Current Gain

4.1.3 2007-09-08

  • [New] Axis::EncoderRatioSet used to provide a ratio for raw encoder values (requires 03.04.xx SynqNet or newer)
  • [Fix] InterruptWake() no longer throws exception

4.1.2 2007-08-07

  • [Fix] Axis::Address get modified for differences between XMP and ZMP hardware

4.1.0 2007-07-23

  • [New] UserLabelGet/Set methods added to Axis, MotionController, SqNode
  • [New] MotionController::UserVersionGet/Set
  • [New] MotionController::SynqNetIdleCableNumberGet
  • [New] MotionController::RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion
  • [New] MotionController::RecorderRecordDataRetrieve
  • [New] MotionController::RecorderRecordDataValueGet
  • [New] MotionController::Custom97VersionGet and other Custom97 methods
  • [New] Axis::ActualVelocityGet
  • [New] Axis::EncoderScaleGet/Set (SynqNet version 03.03.xx and older only)
  • [New] Axis::EncoderPointerGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::MotorDemandModeGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::MotorFaultMaskGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::StepperMotorLoopbackGet/Set
  • [New] Axis::MotionCamRepeatStop
  • [New] Axis::DriveParameterFileGet/Set
  • [New] MultiAxis::Map/Unmap
  • [New] RapidCodeSqNode::DriveParamRestore

4.0.3 2006-12-06

  • [New] RapidSetup – Version Management feature for automatic upgrades to latest SynqNet versions
  • [Change] RsiError class moved to RSI.RapidCode.dotNET namespace in .NET (C#) assembly DLL (also supports error log)
  • [Change] MultiAxis motion methods now require that individual axis positions, etc. are given in UserUnits
  • [Fix] Axis::AmpEnableSet() contained an uninitialized variable which could cause unintended motors to be enabled

4.0.2 2006-10-05

  • [New] RapidSetup – "Send to RSI" feature allows uploading of version and exception info to www.roboticsys.com
  • [New] RapidSetup – screen introduced for SqNode information and FPGA download
  • [New] RapidSetup – Version Utility added to MotionController form and Tools menu
  • [Fix] DriveFirmware version and download methods added to Axis class and RapidSetup
  • [Fix] PIV Support for FilterCoeffGet/Set methods restored
  • [Change] PathRatioSet(...) can now be used before PathListStart(...)

4.0.1 2006-08-02

  • [New] MultiAxis::FeedRateGet & MultiAxis::FeedRateSet added.
  • [Fix] RapidSetup – SqNode Flash Download button can't find default filename
  • [Fix] Settling Criteria values need absolute values when using negative user Units
  • [Fix] Velocity tolerance not scaled by User Unit
  • [Change] RapidSetup – set fixed point scaling on command, Actual, and Error positions when using User Units
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Set Digital Output State does set the output of the slice IO
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Node Error array past index with more than 6 nodes on a ring
  • [Fix] RapidSetup Glentek Omega tab fails to update Current Limit Trip Current and Trip Time under the Motor Safety Tab
  • [Fix] RapidSetup – Space Bar not causing Abort action in Axis screen
  • [Fix] RapidSetup – Enter key causes button press when setting filter gains

4.0.0 2006-06-19

  • [Change] Many methods changed to use enumeration values instead of longs
  • [Change] Axis and IO now contain SqNode class
  • [Change] RapidCode Objects Renamed
  • [Change] Objects are created and initialized from the MotionController Class

2.2.19 = 2006-04-11

  • [New] E-Stop, Modify action now supported – specify decel rate instead of decel time
  • [New] UserUnits added to RsiAxis and RapidSetup
  • [New] Segment info and I/O methods added to RsIO
  • [New] Resume method added to RsiMultiAxis
  • [New] TargetPositionGet() added to RsiAxis.

2.2.18 = 2006-03-06

  • [New] All 30+ Home Methods now supported in RsiAxis and RapidSetup
  • [Fix] RsiAxis::SaveToFlash was modified internally to execute about 3x faster (was ~50 seconds, now ~15 seconds)
  • [Fix] RapidSetup drive parameter list is now cleared when switching to another RsiAxis
  • [Fix] RsiAxis::Home didn't verify capture status in 2.2.17 before setting home state = true
  • [New] RsiAxis::SourceNameGet added to get text about error sources. Also added to RapidSetup below Axis State.
  • [New] DriveIndexGet added to RsiAxis to get drive index for multi-drive SqNodes.
  • [New] User Fault and Node Failure Action Get/Set methods added to RsiAxis
  • [New] Auto-tuning capability in RapidSetup

2.2.17 = 2006-01-30

  • [Fix] RsiController::FirmwareUpload did not need to create internal flash object
  • [New] RsiAxis::HomeStateGet/Set now reads/writes the home state to the controller's memory, though it cannot be saved to flash.
  • [New] Drive Fault and Drive Warning methods added to RsiAxis and RapidSetup
  • [New] MovePT(...) and MovePVT(...) added to RsiAxis
  • [Fix] SynqNetTopologySave/Clear not saving/clearing topology correctly in flash memory
  • [New] SqNode Packet Error and CRC Error status methods added
  • [New] HomeCancelSet() added to RsiAxis
  • [New] MemoryBlockGet/Set added to RsiController

2.2.16 = 2006-01-10

  • [New] RsiError members added: functionName, lineNumber and shortText
  • [New] Drive Monitor features added to RsiAxis
  • [New] RsiAxis Home methods can be cancelled with E-Stop or Abort
  • [New] SqNode I/O Abort configuration methods added to RapidCode

2.2.15 = 2005-12-15

  • [Fix] RapidSetup RsiAxis General Inputs state displayed incorrectly

2.2.14 = 2005-12-09

  • [New] RsiAxis::DirectionInvertGet/Set can invert the polarity of the filter output and the actual position
  • [Change] RsiController Digital I/O methods changed to accept bit number parameters instead of bit mask.

2.2.13 = 2005-11-18

  • [New] RSISynqNetCableStatus enumeration adds BUSY status.

2.2.12 = 2005-11-11

  • [New] SynqNetRecoveryModeGet/Set methods added to RsiController and RapidSetup
  • [New] SynqNetCableIdleStatusGet() method added to RsiController
  • [New] RapidSetup: RsiAxis Dedicated and General Purpose I/O now based on Node resources
  • [Change] RsiAxis::DigitalInGet/Set methods changed to accept bitNumber instead of bitMask. Use enum RSIMotorGeneralIo.

2.2.11 = 2005-10-28

  • [New] RapidCode DLL files contain RSI and MPI versions in File Properties
  • [New] RsiAxis::DriveParamGet/Set methods added
  • [New] RapidSetup now supports Drive Parameter for most SynqNet drives.
  • [New] RsiController::SequencerStateGet method added
  • [Change] JerkPercent parameter added to RsiController::CommandMoveVelocity method
  • [Fix] RapidSetup RsiIO Digital Out and Analog Out could be blocked by "Set" buttons
  • [Change] RapidSetup pressing SynqNet Network Initialize will now refresh the TreeView
  • [Change] SqNodeDriveParam methods no longer require driveIndex parameter.

2.2.10 = 2005-10-19

  • [New] Methods added for reading SqNode I/O addresses and masks in RsiAxis, RsiIO
  • [New] RsiController methods to get addresses from string and converting to firmware addresses
  • [New] Preliminary Sequencer support added to RsiController
  • [New] RapidSetup TreeView shows SynqNet Nodes with RsiAxis and RsiIO objects
  • [Fix] RapidSetup resizing causes problems with TreeView
  • [Fix] RapidSetup - RsiAxis Save to Flash button works intermittently (also moved beneath Amp Enable)

2.2.9 2005-10-05

  • [Fix] RsiAxis::SaveToFlash() fails if SqNode does not exist.
  • [New] Camming methods added to RsiAxis
  • [New] RsiAxis frame buffer size get/set methods added
  • [New] New RsiController::Interrupt methods added for processing all interrupts
  • [Fix] ZMP Controller I/O fixed as 3 Outputs and 4 Inputs. Updated in RapidSetup.
  • [New] PathPointAdd() and PathArcAdd() now support changing VectorVelocity and VectorAcceleration inside a PathList.
  • [New] RapidCode available as static library
  • [Fix] RsiAxis::MoveVelocitySCurve(...) causes "Invalid Parameter" error
  • [Change] RsiController::Interrupt methods renamed to SyncInterrupt methods

2.2.8 2005-08-18

  • [Fix] RSIMotorTypePHANTOM not working properly in RapidSetup. This is a useful feature for simulating an axis.
  • [New] Configuration for closed-loop stepper added to RsiAxis (custom firmware required)
  • [Fix] FirmwareDevelopmetIDGet() spelled incorrectly in RsiController. Changed to FirmwareDevelopmentIDGet().

2.2.7 2005-08-08

  • [New] SqNode ServiceCommand method added to RsiIO and RsiAxis classes in RapidCode
  • [New] RsiAxis Electronic Gearing master sources now include Primary and Secondary motor encoders

2.2.6 2005-07-18

  • [New] Low Pass Filter methods added to RsiAxis
  • [Fix] Analog Output values in RsiIO not working in RapidSetup
  • [Fix] Motor Outputs selected (for setting state) in RapidSetup easier to see
  • [New] SqNode Drive Parameter methods added to RsiIO and RsiAxis classes in RapidCode
  • [New] Display Primary and Secondary motor encoder feedback in RapidSetup

2.2.5 2005-06-08

  • [New] RsiIO interface in RapidSetup
  • [New] Data Recorder methods for RsiController class

2.2.4 2005-05-27

  • [New] Add methods to Get/Set up to 32 bits of Digital I/O in RsiIO

2.2.3 2005

  • [Change] Timeout (milliseconds) parameter added to InterruptWait in RsiAxis and RsiMulitAxis

2.2.2 2005

  • [Fix] RsiAxis::PositionSet sets incorrect value
  • [Fix] RapidSetup should only allow one RsiController to be initialized.

2.2.1 2005

  • [Change] NodeStatusBitGet() changed to SqNodeStatusBitGet()
  • [New] MoveVelocity() and MoveSCurve() methods for RsiMultiAxis
  • [New] InterruptWake methods for RsiController, RsiAxis, RsiMultiAxis

2.2.0 2005

  • [Change] AddAxis() changed to AxisAdd() in RsiMultiAxis
  • [Change] ErrorLogGet() will now return RsiError* instead of accepting it as a parameter
  • [New] RsiIO class interface

2.1.1963 2005

  • [Fix] RsiMultiAxis::MoveTrapezoidal requires unsafe code in C#
  • [Fix] RsiMultiAxis::MoveTrapezoidal throws error if in motion