Represents the RMP soft motion controller. This class provides an interface to general controller configuration, firmware upload/download, network, user limits and data recording. To make a MotionController object, use MotionController creation methods..
Axis * | AxisGet (int32_t axisNumber) |
| AxisGet returns a pointer to an Axis object and initializes its internals.
MultiAxis * | MultiAxisGet (int32_t motionSupervisorNumber) |
| MultiAxisGet returns a pointer to a MultiAxis object and initializes its internals.
MultiAxis * | LoadExistingMultiAxis (int32_t motionSupervisorNumber) |
| Get/Create a MultiAxis object from one that already exists (previously setup) on the RMP motion controller firmware.
NetworkNode * | NetworkNodeGet (int32_t nodeNumber) |
| NetworkNodeGet returns a pointer to a RapidCodeNetworkNode object using its node number and initializes its internals.
IO * | IOGet (int32_t nodeNumber) |
| IOGet returns a pointer to an IO object using its node number and initializes its internals.
void | Delete (void) |
| Delete the MotionController and all its objects.
void | Reset () |
| Reset the controller which stops and restarts the RMP firmware.
void | Refresh () |
| Refresh / reinitialize the motion controller. Required after changing dynamic memory object counts.
void | Shutdown () |
| Shutdown the controller.
void | MemoryToFile (const char *const fileName) |
| Saves an RMP firmware memory dump which can be compared with others.
int32_t | SampleCounterGet () |
| Get the current value of the controller's processor's sample counter.
double | ProcessorUsageGet () |
| Get the processor usage percent.
void | ProcessorUsageClear () |
| Clear the processor usage percent.
uint32_t | FirmwareTimingDeltaGet () |
| Get the most recent time (in microseconds) between samples.
uint32_t | SerialNumberGet (void) |
| Get the controller's serial number.
void | SampleWait (uint32_t samples) |
| Wait for controller firmware to execute samples.
RSIControllerType | ControllerTypeGet () |
| Get the type of motion controller.
const char *const | ServerNameGet () |
| Get the name of the server. (Valid if controller type is CLIENT.)
int32_t | ServerPortGet () |
| Get the TCP port of the server. (Valid if controller type is CLIENT.)
RSIProcessorType | ProcessorTypeGet () |
| Get the processor type.
void | SampleRateSet (double sampleRate) |
double | SampleRateGet () |
int32_t | AxisCountGet () |
| Get the number of axes processing.
void | AxisCountSet (int32_t axisCount) |
| Set the number of allocated and processed axes in the controller.
void | AxisCountSet (int32_t axisCount, bool setMotorFilterSupervisor) |
bool | IsLicensed () |
| Check to see if this MotionController is licensed.
int32_t | PackageVariantGet () |
| Get the motion controller package.
int32_t | AxisLicenseCountGet () |
| Get the number of licensed Axis objects on this motion controller. If you need more, call RSI.
bool | MechaWareLicenseGet () |
| Returns true if this motion controller is licensed to run MechaWare.
int32_t | UnsupportedOptionSet (int32_t option) |
| deprecated
int32_t | MotionCountGet () |
| Get the number of Motion Supervisors available in the firmware.
void | MotionCountSet (int32_t motionCount) |
| Set the number of processed Motion Supervisors in the controller.
int32_t | UserVersionGet () |
| Get a customer designated Version for the application.
void | UserVersionSet (int32_t version) |
| Sets a customer designed Version for the application.
int32_t | ExternalMemorySizeGet () |
void | AxisFrameBufferSizeSet (int32_t axisNumber, int32_t frameBufferSize) |
| Set Frame buffer size for the axis.
int32_t | AxisFrameBufferSizeGet (int32_t axisNumber) |
| Get Frame buffer size for the axis.
const char *const | FirmwareVersionGet () |
| Get the firmware version.
int32_t | FirmwareOptionGet () |
| Get the firmware option number.
bool | HasMechaWare () |
| Returns true if this RMP firmware supports MechaWare.
int32_t | MemoryGet (uint64_t address) |
| Read controller memory.
double | MemoryDoubleGet (uint64_t address) |
| Read a 64-bit double value from controller memory.
void | MemoryBlockGet (uint64_t address, void *dataStart, int32_t size) |
| Read controller memory.
void | MemorySet (uint64_t address, int32_t data) |
| Write a value to controller memory.
void | MemoryDoubleSet (uint64_t address, double dataDouble) |
| Write a 64-bit double value to controller memory.
void | MemoryBlockSet (uint64_t address, const void *const dataStart, int32_t size) |
| Set controller memory.
uint32_t | FirmwareAddressGet (uint64_t hostAddress) |
| Convert a host controller address to a firmware address.
uint64_t | HostAddressGet (uint32_t firmwareAddress) |
| Convert a firmware address to a host controller address.
int32_t | BackgroundCycleCounterGet () |
| Get the current value of the controller's processor's background cycle counter.
uint64_t | AddressFromStringGet (const char *const addressName) |
| Get a controller memory address from string.
const char *const | StringFromAddressGet (uint64_t hostAddress) |
| Get a human-readable string from a memory address.
uint64_t | AddressGet (RSIControllerAddressType type) |
| Get the an address for some location on the MotionController.
uint64_t | AddressGet (RSIControllerAddressType type, int32_t objectIndex) |
| Get the an address for some location on the MotionController.
RSIDataType | AddressDataTypeGet (RSIControllerAddressType type) |
| Get the data type for an address on the MotionController.
RSIDataType | AddressDataTypeGet (RSIControllerAddressType type, int32_t objectIndex) |
| Get the data type for an address on the MotionController with a specified object index.
bool | MotionHoldGateGet (int32_t gateNumber) |
| Get the state of the hold gate.
void | MotionHoldGateSet (int32_t gateNumber, bool hold) |
| Set the Motion Hold Gate.
RSINetworkTechnologyType | NetworkTechnologyTypeGet () |
| Get the network technology type EtherCAT.
RSINetworkType | NetworkTypeGet () |
| Returns network type. (Currently only STRING type is supported.)
int32_t | NetworkNodeCountGet () |
RSINetworkEniResult | NetworkEniGenerate () |
| Generate the network ENI file, EtherCAT.xml.
const char *const | NetworkEniGenerateOutputGet () |
| Retrieve the text output from the previous NetworkEniGenerate() call.
void | NetworkStart () |
| Start the network with RSINetworkStartupMethodNORMAL.
void | NetworkStart (RSINetworkStartupMethod startupMethod) |
void | NetworkStart (RSINetworkStartMode startMode, RSINetworkStartupMethod startupMethod) |
void | NetworkStart (RSINetworkStartMode startMode, RSINetworkStartupMethod startupMethod, uint32_t timeoutMilliseconds) |
void | NetworkShutdown () |
| Shutdown the network. For EtherCAT, this will kill the RMPNetwork process.
RSINetworkState | NetworkStateGet () |
int32_t | NetworkCounterGet () |
| Read the network counter. This increments by one for each cycle of the network.
int32_t | NetworkInputCountGet () |
| Get the number of PDO inputs found on the network.
int32_t | NetworkInputBitSizeGet (int32_t index) |
| Get the size (in bits) of a network input.
const char *const | NetworkInputDataTypeNameGet (int32_t index) |
int32_t | NetworkInputBitOffsetGet (int32_t index) |
const char *const | NetworkInputNameGet (int32_t index) |
| Get the name of a PDO network input.
uint64_t | NetworkInputValueGet (int32_t index) |
uint64_t | NetworkInputAddressGet (int32_t index) |
int32_t | NetworkOutputCountGet () |
int32_t | NetworkOutputBitSizeGet (int32_t index) |
| Get the size (in bits) of a PDO output.
const char *const | NetworkOutputDataTypeNameGet (int32_t index) |
int32_t | NetworkOutputBitOffsetGet (int32_t index) |
| Get the raw PDO offset for an output.
const char *const | NetworkOutputNameGet (int32_t index) |
| Get the name of a PDO output.
uint64_t | NetworkOutputValueGet (int32_t index) |
| Gets the value sent out over EtherCAT.
void | NetworkOutputValueSet (int32_t index, uint64_t outputValue) |
| Sets a PDO output directly.
uint64_t | NetworkOutputAddressGet (int32_t index) |
| Returns an Address of a Network Output.
uint64_t | NetworkOutputAddressGet (int32_t index, RSINetworkOutputAddressType type) |
uint64_t | NetworkOutputIntendedValueGet (int32_t index) |
| Gets the value set by the cyclic RMP processes.
void | NetworkOutputOverrideSet (int32_t index, bool outputOverride) |
| Set NetworkOutputValue to override RMP cyclic value.
bool | NetworkOutputOverrideGet (int32_t index) |
| Gets if the NetworkOutputValue or the RMP cyclic value is exchanged over EtherCAT.
void | NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet (int32_t index, uint64_t outputValue) |
| Sets a PDO output directly.
uint64_t | NetworkOutputOverrideValueGet (int32_t index) |
| Sets a PDO output directly.
uint64_t | NetworkOutputSentValueGet (int32_t index) |
| Gets the value sent out over EtherCAT.
int32_t | NetworkLogMessageCountGet () |
RSINetworkStartError | LastNetworkStartErrorGet () |
| Get the last (most recent) network start error.
const char *const | NetworkLogMessageGet (int32_t messageIndex) |
void | NetworkTimingEnableSet (bool enable) |
| Enable or disable the firmware to start timing the network packets.
void | NetworkTimingClear () |
| Clear all the network timing values.
uint32_t | NetworkTimingDeltaGet () |
| Get the number of microseconds since the previous network packet was sent.
uint32_t | NetworkTimingMinGet () |
| Get the minimum microseconds recorded between network packets.
uint32_t | NetworkTimingMaxGet () |
| Get the maximum microseconds recorded between consecutive network packets.
void | NetworkTimingThresholdLowSet (uint32_t microseconds) |
| Set a low threshold. The RMP will count the number of network packets sent below this threshold (too short between packets).
void | NetworkTimingThresholdHighSet (uint32_t microseconds) |
| Set a high threshold. The RMP will count the number of network packets sent above this threshold (too long between packets).
uint32_t | NetworkTimingThresholdLowCountGet () |
| Get the number of network packets that were sent to quickly (below the low threshold)
uint32_t | NetworkTimingThresholdHighCountGet () |
| Get the number of network packets that were sent to slowly (above the high threshold).
bool | NetworkSynchronizedGet () |
| Returns true if the network is synchronized with distributed clocks.
void | InterruptEnableSet (bool enable) |
| Control interrupts for this class.
void | InterruptWake () |
| Wake all threads waiting for a controller interrupt.
void | SyncInterruptEnableSet (bool enable) |
| Configure Sync (periodic) interrupts for the controller.
void | SyncInterruptPeriodSet (uint32_t samples) |
| Configure the period for the Sync Interrupt on the controller.
int32_t | SyncInterruptWait () |
| Suspend the current thread until an interrupt arrives from the controller.
bool | ServiceThreadStateGet () |
| Returns true if the service thread was started.
int32_t | SyncInterruptHostProcessTimeGet () |
| Get the total number of microseconds availble for host processing.
int32_t | SyncInterruptHostProcessFlagGet () |
| Get the host process flag.
void | SyncInterruptHostProcessFlagSet (bool hostProcessFlag) |
| Set the Host Process flag.
bool | SyncInterruptHostProcessStatusBitGet () |
| See if the host was processing too int32_t on previous Sync Interrupt.
void | SyncInterruptHostProcessStatusClear () |
| Clear the Host Process status bit.
void | ServiceThreadEnableSet (bool enable) |
| Enable or disable the service thread.
int32_t | RecorderCountGet () |
| Get the number of Recorder available in the firmware.
void | RecorderCountSet (int32_t recorderCount) |
| Set the number of processed Recorders in the controller.
void | RecorderPeriodSet (uint32_t samples) |
| Set the number of samples between records on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderPeriodSet (int32_t recorderNumber, uint32_t samples) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderCircularBufferSet (bool enable) |
| Configure recorder as circular buffer (or not) on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderCircularBufferSet (int32_t recorderNumber, bool enable) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderDataCountSet (int32_t count) |
| Set the number of data values to be recorded on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderDataCountSet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t count) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderDataAddressSet (int32_t index, uint64_t address) |
| Setup the addresses to be recorded on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderDataAddressSet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t index, uint64_t address) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderDataAddressesSet (int32_t recorderNumber, const uint64_t *const addresses, int32_t addressCount) |
| Setup multiple addresses to record at once.
void | RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion (Axis *axis, bool triggerOnMotion) |
| Configure the Recorder 0 to trigger on Axis motion.
void | RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion (int32_t recorderNumber, Axis *axis, bool triggerOnMotion) |
| Configure the recorder to trigger on Axis motion.
void | RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion (MultiAxis *multiAxis, bool triggerOnMotion) |
| Configure Recorder 0 to trigger on MultiAxis motion.
void | RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion (int32_t recorderNumber, MultiAxis *multiAxis, bool triggerOnMotion) |
| Configure the recorder to trigger on MultiAxis motion.
void | RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t motionNumber, bool triggerOnMotion) |
| Configure the recorder to trigger on motion with a specific motion number.
bool | RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| Check to see if the Recorder is set to trigger on motion.
bool | RecorderEnabledGet () |
| Determine if the recorder is recording on Recorder 0.
bool | RecorderEnabledGet (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
int32_t | RecorderRecordCountGet () |
| Get the number of records that are stored and ready for reading on Recorder 0.
int32_t | RecorderRecordCountGet (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
int32_t | RecorderRecordMaxCountGet () |
| Get the maximum number of records the recorder can store on Recorder 0.
int32_t | RecorderRecordMaxCountGet (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderStart () |
| Start recording data.
void | RecorderStart (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderStop () |
| Stop recording data on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderStop (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
const int32_t *const | RecorderRecordDataGet () |
| Get one record of recorded data on Recorder 0.
const int32_t *const | RecorderRecordDataGet (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderRecordDataRetrieve () |
| Retrieve one record of recorded data on Recorder 0.
int32_t | RecorderRecordDataRetrieveBulk (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t recordCount) |
| Retrieve a group of records of recorded data.
void | RecorderRecordDataRetrieve (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
int32_t | RecorderRecordDataValueGet (int32_t index) |
| Get one value from a retrieved record on Recorder 0.
int32_t | RecorderRecordDataValueGet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t index) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
int32_t | RecorderRecordDataValueGet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t recordIndex, int32_t dataIndex) |
| Get one indexed data value from collected data.
double | RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet (int32_t index) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
double | RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t index) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
double | RecorderRecordDataDoubleGet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t recordIndex, int32_t dataIndex) |
| Get one indexed double value from collected data.
void | RecorderBufferHighCountSet (int32_t bufferHighCount) |
| Set the high count for the recording buffer on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderBufferHighCountSet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t bufferHighCount) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | RecorderReset () |
| Reset the recorder on Recorder 0.
void | RecorderReset (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
int32_t | RecorderBufferSizeGet (int32_t recorderNumber) |
| Get Frame buffer size for the Recorder.
void | RecorderBufferSizeSet (int32_t recorderNumber, int32_t bufferSize) |
| Set buffer size for the Recorder.
int32_t | CompensatorCountGet () |
| Get the number of Compensators available in the firmware.
void | CompensatorCountSet (int32_t compensatorCount) |
| Set the number of Compensators available in the firmware.
int32_t | CompensatorPointCountGet (int32_t compensatorNumber) |
| Get the number of points for use with a Compensator.
void | CompensatorPointCountSet (int32_t compensatorNumber, int32_t pointCount) |
| Set the number of points for use with a Compensator.
int32_t | CompensatorDimensionGet (int32_t compensatorNumber) |
| Get the dimension of the compensator.
void | CompensatorConfigSet (int32_t compensatorNumber, int32_t firstInputAxisNumber, RSIAxisMasterType firstInputAxisType, double firstInputAxisMinimum, double firstInputAxisMaximum, double firstInputAxisDelta, int32_t secondInputAxisNumber, RSIAxisMasterType secondInputAxisType, double secondInputAxisMinimum, double secondInputAxisMaximum, double secondInputAxisDelta, int32_t outputAxisNumber, RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const double *const table) |
| Configure a 2D compensator.
void | CompensatorConfigSet (int32_t compensatorNumber, Axis *firstInputAxis, RSIAxisMasterType firstInputAxisType, double firstInputAxisMinimum, double firstInputAxisMaximum, double firstInputAxisDelta, Axis *secondInputAxis, RSIAxisMasterType secondInputAxisType, double secondInputAxisMinimum, double secondInputAxisMaximum, double secondInputAxisDelta, Axis *outputAxis, RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const double *const table) |
| Configure a 2D compensator. This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | CompensatorConfigSet (int32_t compensatorNumber, int32_t inputAxisNumber, RSIAxisMasterType inputAxisType, double inputAxisMinimum, double inputAxisMaximum, double inputAxisDelta, int32_t outputAxisNumber, RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const double *const table) |
| Configure a 1D compensator.
void | CompensatorConfigSet (int32_t compensatorNumber, Axis *inputAxis, RSIAxisMasterType inputAxisType, double inputAxisMinimum, double inputAxisMaximum, double inputAxisDelta, Axis *outputAxis, RSICompensatorOutputType outputType, const double *const table) |
| Configure a 1D compensator.
void | CompensatorTableSet (int32_t compensatorNumber, const double *const table) |
| Override the table for a configured compensator.
void | CompensatorTableGet (int32_t compensatorNumber, double *table) |
| Read the table for a configured compensator.
double | CompensatorPositionGet (int32_t compensatorNumber) |
| Get the compensator position.
void | CompensatorTableClear (int32_t compensatorNumber) |
| Sets all values in the compensator table to 0.
void | CompensatorDisable (int32_t compensatorNumber) |
| Disables the compensator only if it will not cause errors.
void | CompensatorDisable (int32_t compensatorNumber, bool force) |
| Disable a compensator with the option to force the action. This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | CompensatorEnable (int32_t compensatorNumber) |
| Enables the compensator only if it will cause no errors.
int32_t | UserLimitCountGet () |
| Get the number of UserLimits processing in the firmware.
void | UserLimitCountSet (int32_t userLimitCount) |
| Set the number of processed UserLimits in the MotionController.
void | UserLimitConfigSet (int32_t number, RSIUserLimitTriggerType triggerType, RSIAction action, int32_t actionAxis, double duration, bool singleShot) |
| Configure a User Limit.
void | UserLimitConfigSet (int32_t number, RSIUserLimitTriggerType triggerType, RSIAction action, int32_t actionAxis, double duration) |
RSIUserLimitTriggerType | UserLimitTriggerTypeGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit trigger type.
RSIAction | UserLimitActionGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit action.
int32_t | UserLimitAxisNumberGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit axis number.
double | UserLimitDurationGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit duration (seconds).
bool | UserLimitSingleShotGet (int32_t number) |
| Returns true if the user limit is configured for single-shot.
void | UserLimitConditionSet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber, RSIUserLimitLogic logic, uint64_t addressOfUInt32, uint32_t userLimitMask, uint32_t limitValueUInt32) |
| Set the conditions for a User Limit with a 32-bit integer trigger value.
void | UserLimitConditionSet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber, RSIUserLimitLogic logic, uint64_t addressOfDouble, double limitValueDouble) |
| Set the conditions for a User Limit with a 64-bit double precision trigger value.
RSIDataType | UserLimitConditionDataTypeGet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) |
| Get the user limit condition data type.
RSIUserLimitLogic | UserLimitConditionLogicGet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) |
| Get the user limit condition logic.
uint64_t | UserLimitConditionAddressGet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) |
| Get the user limit condition address.
uint32_t | UserLimitConditionMaskGet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) |
| Get the user limit condition mask.
int32_t | UserLimitConditionLimitValueGet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) |
| Get the user limit condition value.
double | UserLimitConditionLimitValueDoubleGet (int32_t number, int32_t conditionNumber) |
| Get the user limit condition limit value (as 64-bit double).
void | UserLimitOutputSet (int32_t number, uint32_t andMask, uint32_t orMask, uint64_t outputPtr, bool enabled) |
| Configure a User Limit Output block.
void | UserLimitOutputSet (int32_t number, int32_t valueSet, uint64_t outputPtr, bool enabled) |
| User Limit will output a 32-bit value. This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | UserLimitOutputSet (int32_t number, uint64_t andMask, uint64_t orMask, uint64_t outputPtr, bool enabled) |
| User Limit will output a 64-bit value with an AND and OR masks. This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void | UserLimitOutputSet (int32_t number, double limitValueDouble, uint64_t outputPtr, bool enabled) |
void | UserLimitOutputSet (int32_t number, RSIDataType dataType, uint64_t inputPtr, uint64_t outputPtr, bool enabled) |
| Configure a User Limit Output block to copy a value, then output the value.
bool | UserLimitOutputEnableGet (int32_t number) |
| Returns true if the user limit output is enabled.
RSIDataType | UserLimitOutputDataTypeGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output data type.
uint64_t | UserLimitOutputAddressGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output address. The output will write its value to this address.
uint64_t | UserLimitOutputInputAddressGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output address. The user limit will output the value stored at this address when the user limit triggers.
uint32_t | UserLimitOutputAndMaskGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output AND mask.
uint32_t | UserLimitOutputOrMaskGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output OR mask.
int32_t | UserLimitOutputValueGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output value.
uint64_t | UserLimitOutputAndMask64Get (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output 64-bit AND mask.
uint64_t | UserLimitOutputOrMask64Get (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output 64-bit OR mask.
double | UserLimitOutputDoubleGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the user limit output 64-bit double value.
bool | UserLimitStateGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the state of a User Limit.
bool | UserLimitEnableGet (int32_t number) |
| Get the enabled state of a User Limit.
void | UserLimitEnableSet (int32_t number, bool enable) |
| Enable or disable a user limit to be processed by the RMP firmware.
void | UserLimitDisable (int32_t number) |
| Disable the processing of a User Limit.
void | UserLimitReset (int32_t number) |
| Clear the latched status of a User Limit.
int32_t | UserLimitCountMax () |
| Get the total number of User Limits available.
void | UserLimitInterruptUserDataAddressSet (int32_t number, uint32_t userDataIndex, uint64_t address) |
| Set the User Data address based on a User Limit trigger.
uint64_t | UserLimitInterruptUserDataAddressGet (int32_t number, uint32_t userDataIndex) |
| Get the user limit interrupt user data address.
int32_t | MathBlockCountGet () |
| Get the number of MathBlocks processing in the firmware.
void | MathBlockCountSet (int32_t mathBlockCount) |
| Set the number of processed MathBlocks in the MotionController.
MathBlockConfig | MathBlockConfigGet (int32_t mathBlockNumber) |
| Get a MathBlock configuration.
void | MathBlockConfigSet (int32_t mathBlockNumber, MathBlockConfig &config) |
| Set a MathBlock configuration.
FirmwareValue | MathBlockProcessValueGet (int32_t mathBlockNumber) |
| Get a MathBlock process value.
RSIEventType | InterruptWait (int32_t milliseconds) |
| Suspend the current thread until an interrupt arrives from the controller.
const char *const | InterruptNameGet () |
| Get the text name of an interrupt type.
int32_t | InterruptSampleTimeGet () |
| Get the sample timer value when the last interrupt was generated.
int32_t | InterruptSourceNumberGet () |
| Get the number (or index) of the object (Axis, Motor, etc) that generated the interrupt.
uint16_t | InterruptMotionIdGet () |
| Get the 16-bit MotionId - only valid if RSIEventType == MOTION_DONE.
void | InterruptMaskClear () |
| Clear the interrupt mask so no interrupts will be generated.
void | InterruptMaskAllSet () |
| Set all the bits of the interrupt mask to get interrupts for ALL sources.
void | InterruptMaskOnSet (RSIEventType eventType) |
| Set a bit in the interrupt mask so you will get interrupts for the given RSIEventType.
void | InterruptMaskOffSet (RSIEventType eventType) |
| Clear a bit in the interrupt mask so you won't get interrupts for the given RSIEventType.
bool | InterruptMaskOnGet (RSIEventType eventType) |
| Get the status of the interrupt mask for the given RSIEventType.
uint64_t | InterruptUserDataGet (uint32_t userDataIndex) |
| Get the user data associated with the interrupt, as a 64-bit unsigned integer.
double | InterruptUserDataDoubleGet (uint32_t userDataIndex) |
| Get the user data associated with the interrupt, as a 64-bit double.
FirmwareValue | InterruptUserDataValueGet (uint32_t userDataIndex) |
| Read the user data associated with the interrupt as a FirmwareValue.
void | InterruptUserDataAddressSet (uint32_t userDataIndex, uint64_t hostAddress) |
| Set the interrupt's UserData address.
uint64_t | InterruptUserDataAddressGet (uint32_t userDataIndex) |
| Get the 64-bit host address from the interrupt's UserData.
const char *const | VersionGet () |
| Get the RSI RapidCode version.
int32_t | MpiVersionMajor () |
| Get the major MPI version.
int32_t | MpiVersionMinor () |
| Get the minor MPI version.
int32_t | MpiVersionRelease () |
| Get the release MPI version.
int32_t | RSIVersionMajor () |
| Get the major RSI version.
int32_t | RSIVersionMinor () |
| Get the minor RSI version.
int32_t | RSIVersionMicro () |
| Get the micro RSI version.
int32_t | RSIVersionPatch () |
| Get the patch RSI version.
int32_t | NumberGet () |
| Get the zero-based index of this object.
int32_t | ErrorLogCountGet () |
| Get the number of software errors in the error log.
const RsiError *const | ErrorLogGet () |
| Get the next RsiError in the log.
void | ErrorLogClear () |
| Clear the error log.
void | ThrowExceptions (bool state) |
| Configure a class to throw exceptions.
const char *const | RsiErrorMessageGet (RSIErrorMessage msg) |
| Get the RSI-specific error message text for a specific RSIErrorMessage.
const char *const | ErrorMessageGet (RSIErrorMessage msg) |
| Get the detailed text message for an RSIErrorMessage.
bool | WarningMsgCheck (RSIErrorMessage msg) |
| Check to see if an RSIErrorMessage is a warning (true) or not (false).
void | Trace (bool state) |
| Enables/Disables trace output.
void | TraceMaskOnSet (RSITrace maskOn) |
| Turn on a particular trace output mask.
bool | TraceMaskOnGet (RSITrace maskOn) |
| Check to see if a particular trace output mask is turned on.
void | TraceMaskOffSet (RSITrace maskOff) |
| Turn off a particular trace output mask.
void | TraceMaskClear () |
| Clear the trace output mask.
void | TraceFileSet (const char *const fileName) |
| Channels Tracing messages to specified file.
void | TraceFileClose () |
| Stops Logging to the file.
void | TraceInjectMessage (RSITrace traceLevel, const char *const message) |
| Add a message to the Trace Log.