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◆ MoveSCurve() [2/3]

void MoveSCurve ( double position,
double vel,
double accel,
double decel,
double jerkPct )
MoveSCurve command a point-to-point motion, with a S-Curve velocity profile.
This type of motion has an "S" shape to the acceleration and deceleration phases. It uses the JerkPercent parameter to decide how much of the acceleration and deceleration phases is curved. A JerkPercent of zero produces a trapezoidal profile.
positionTarget Position in units.
velMaximum velocity, units/second.
accelMaximum accleration , units/second/second.
decelMaximum deceleration , units/second/second.
jerkPctJerk Percent, which defines the percentage of acceleration time which is smoothed, 0.0 to 100.0 .
In most cases, a servo motor has a feedback device mounted. Depending on feedback device resolution, one motor shaft rotation will produce fixed value of counts. Example: motor has a resolution of 8192 counts. This means if 8192 is entered as distance to move, motor will move single revolution. User can implement UserUnitsSet() to change to a different unit (ex: mm, inches, etc) from encoder counts.
Non-Blocking Execution Motion commands return instantly and do not pause code execution. Use MotionDoneWait() post-call to block execution until motion completes, or MotionDoneGet() to poll for completion.

Part of the Motion method group.

Sample Code:
axis.MoveSCurve(Constants.POSITION); // Command SCurve Motion. This overload willuse default velocity, acceleration, deceleration, jerk values for the axis. See axis config to learn how to set those values.
axis.MotionDoneWait(); // Wait for motion to finish
Go to axis screen->Motion Profile box (left) to select type of motion
Go to axis screen->Motion Parameters box (right) to select values for motion
Motion Scope:
Trapezoidal Move profile shown below:
See also
Point to Point, MoveSCurve, MoveRelative, MoveVelocity, MovePT, MovePVT
GearingCamming.cs, HelperFunctions.cs, Motion.cs, MotionModify.cs, PointToPoint.cpp, and UserLimit.cs.