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◆ HomeActionSet()

void HomeActionSet ( RSIAction action)
HomeActionSet Sets the action that will occur when the Home Limit triggers.
This is NOT the action that occurs during master based Homing.
actionAction taken on Home trigger. A RSIAction value.
Available Actions are Abort(), EStop(), Stop(), None, EStopAbort(), and EStopModify()

Part of the Limits and Action Configuration method group.

Sample Code:
Axis: Homing
axis.HardwareNegLimitActionSet(RSIAction.RSIActionSTOP); // Neg Limit action set to STOP.
axis.HomeMethodSet(RSIHomeMethod.RSIHomeMethodImprovedFALLING_HOME_NEGATIVE_START_POSITIVE_MOMENTUM); // Set the method to be used for homing.
axis.HomeVelocitySet(Constants.VELOCITY); // Set the home velocity.
axis.HomeSlowVelocitySet(Constants.VELOCITY / 10); // Set the slow home velocity. (used for final move, if necessary)
axis.HomeAccelerationSet(Constants.ACCELERATION); // Set the acceleration used for homing.
axis.HomeDecelerationSet(Constants.DECELERATION); // Set the deceleration used for homing.
axis.HomeOffsetSet(0.5); // HomeOffsetSet sets the position offset from the home (zero) position.
axis.Home(); // Execute the homing routine.
if (axis.HomeStateGet() == true) // HomeStateGet returns true if the Axis is homed.
Console.WriteLine("Homing successful\n");
axis.ClearFaults(); // Clear faults created by homing.
axis.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the motor.
Go to axis screen->Limits & Actions. In image below, HomeActionSet sets the action type shown in the Home Fault box. It is currently set to STOP.
See also
HomeActionGet HomeBehaviorSet
AxisConfig.cs, Homing.cs, PhantomAxis.cpp, and SampleAppsHelper.h.