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◆ DigitalOutSet()

void DigitalOutSet ( int32_t digitalOutNumber,
bool outValue )
DigitalOutSet sets the state of a digital output bit. It is passed a bit ID relative to the Node (not Segment).
digitalOutNumberThe digital output number on the node, starts from 0.
outValueDesired State of the output.

Part of the IO Members method group.

Sample Code:
Set output bit bitNum high.
// -- C++ -- //
// -- C# --//
io.DigitalOutSet(bitNum, true);
Slice I/O has multiple segments of same type (Digital/Analog In/Out) which are grouped together. The reference number for any bit of a given type can be defined as when it is encounted relative to the Slice I/O Node or an individual Slice.
See also