APIs, concepts, guides, and more
⚙️ Software APIs
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
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 Sample Apps
 Axis: ConfigurationLearn how to configure different characteristics for an axis
 Axis: HomingExamples of various ways to home a drive
 Axis: StatusLearn how to read axis status
 Axis: Touch ProbeExample of Touch Probe for Panasonic Drives
 BasicsBasic template you can use to get up and running quick
 CompensatorThis sample application demonstrates how to use the compensator
 Error LoggingRead RSIError objects from the error log. it is recommended to do this during the creation of RapidCode object and if ThrowExceptions(false) is set
 Helper MethodsThis class includes the source code of all our SampleAppsCS helper functions
 IO: Input & OutputLearn how to use IO
 Motion: Camming & GearingSample apps showing how the position of an axis can be driven by that of another axis
 Motion: G-CodeThis is a sample program to assist in the integration of the RMP motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires
 Motion: HoldMotion Hold Move Released By Digital Input sample application
 Motion: ModifyLearn how to use Feed Rate
 Motion: Multi-AxisMulti-Axis motion sample applications
 Motion: PathThis is a sample program to assist in the integration of the RMP motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires
 Motion: Point-to-PointLearn how to use our different point-to-point motion commands
 Motion: StreamingLearn hot to use streaming motion
 RecorderLearn how to use Recorders
 User LimitsUserLimit directly sets a command position sample application
 Velocity Set by Analog InputLearn how to set the velocity based on an analog input value
 BasicsBasic template you can use to get up and running quick
 Controller InterruptController Interrupts sample application
 Hardware Limits
 Helper FunctionsThis namespace includes the source code of all our SampleAppsCPP helper functions
 Motion: Gantry
 Motion: Hold
 Motion: Multi-Axis
 Motion: Multi-Axis (PVT)
 Motion: Path
 Motion: Streaming Buffer Management
 Motion: Sync Outputs
 Motion: Sync Outputs (w/ Element ID)
 Sync Interrupt
 Update Buffer Points
 User Limits: on Digital Input
 PythonLearn to setup your RapidCode program using our Python wrapper for the RapidCode API
 Hello Axis Motion
 Hello RapidCode
 Helper Functions
 IO Point
 Sample Apps
 Quick StartLearn how to create a MotionController, set an AxisCount and get Axis status
 Axis Streaming MotionLearn to use the RapidCodeRemote API to do streaming motion
 Quick StartLearn how to create a MotionController, set an AxisCount and get Axis status in Python