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IO: Input & Output

Learn how to use IO.

This is a sample program to assist in the integration of the RMP motion controller with your application. It may not contain all of the logic and safety features that your application requires. We recommend that you wire an external hardware emergency stop (e-stop) button for safety when using our code sample apps. Doing so will help ensure the safety of you and those around you and will prevent potential injury or damage.

The sample apps assume that the system (network, axes, I/O) are configured prior to running the code featured in the sample app. See the Configuration page for more information.

πŸ“œ Dedicated IO
This application demonstrates how to access Dedicated IO.

// Retrieve dedicated inputs with generic and specific function.
Console.WriteLine("RSIMotorDedicatedInLIMIT_HW_NEG: {0} and {1}",
Console.WriteLine("RSIMotorDedicatedInLIMIT_HW_POS: {0} and {1}",
Console.WriteLine("RSIMotorDedicatedInHOME: {0} and {1}",
Console.WriteLine("RSIMotorDedicatedInAMP_FAULT: {0} and {1}",
Console.WriteLine("RSIMotorDedicatedInAMP_ACTIVE: {0} and {1}",

Learn more in the concept page.

πŸ“œ Network Inputs and Outputs
This sample apps will demonstrate how to read the different values from your system's interchangeable PDOs and SDOs.

// Get Input Values
int inputCount = controller.NetworkInputCountGet(); // Get number of Network Inputs (PDOs)
for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
int size = controller.NetworkInputBitSizeGet(i); // Read Input BitSize
int offset = controller.NetworkInputBitOffsetGet(i); // Read Input BitOffset
string name = controller.NetworkInputNameGet(i); // Read Input Name
UInt64 value = controller.NetworkInputValueGet(i); // Read Input Value
// Get Output Values
int outputCount = controller.NetworkOutputCountGet(); // Get number of Network Outputs (SDOs)
for (int i = 0; i < outputCount; i++)
int size = controller.NetworkOutputBitSizeGet(i); // Read Output BitSize
int offset = controller.NetworkOutputBitOffsetGet(i); // Read Output BitOffset
string name = controller.NetworkOutputNameGet(i); // Read Output Name
UInt64 value = controller.NetworkOutputSentValueGet(i); // Read Output Value
controller.NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet(i, value);

Learn more in the concept page.

πŸ“œ IO Points
This sample apps will demonstrate how to use the IO point object to read and write to network data.

const int NODE_INDEX = 0; // The EtherCAT Node we will be communicating with
//const int INPUT_INDEX = 0; // The PDO Index in that Node
const int OUTPUT_INDEX = 0; // The PDO Index in that Node
IOPoint output0 = IOPoint.CreateDigitalOutput(controller.NetworkNodeGet(NODE_INDEX), OUTPUT_INDEX); // Automatically gets the memory index of a specified node and input index
Assert.That(output0.Get(), Is.False, "The getter function should return a value equal to false");

Learn more in the concept page.

πŸ“œ Single Axis Sync Outputs
This sample application will show you a basic demonstration on how to set up Sync Outputs, so that you can easily change any IO’s state based on a specified point index (or ElmentID) on your steaming motion.

const int TOTAL_POINTS = 4; // total number of points
const int EMPTY_CT = -1; // Number of points that remains in the buffer before an e-stop
const int OUTPUT_INDEX = 0; // This is the index of the digital output that will go active when the user limit triggers.
const int NODE_INDEX = 0; // The EtherCAT Node we will be communicating with
double[] positions = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }; // These will be the streaming motion 5 positions.
double[] times = { 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 }; // These will be the streaming motion 5 positions' time.
int outputEnableID = 2; // The motion element ID at which to set the output
int outputDisableID = 3; // The motion element ID at which to set the output
// Set up the inputs
// IOPoint output0 = IOPoint.CreateDigitalOutput(axis, RSIMotorGeneralIo.RSIMotorGeneralIo16); // Retrieve DOUT 1, Method 1: requires you know the io adress in memory, slightly faster
IOPoint output0 = IOPoint.CreateDigitalOutput(controller.NetworkNodeGet(NODE_INDEX), OUTPUT_INDEX); // Retrieve DOUT 1 Method 2: only need to know node index
output0.Set(false); // Set the output low
// Set up Sync Outputs
axis.StreamingOutputsEnableSet(true); // Enable streaming output.
// ENABLE the Sync Output(s)
axis.StreamingOutputAdd(output0, true, outputEnableID); // This will turn DOUT1 High when the streaming motion reaches its 3rd motion point.
axis.StreamingOutputAdd(output0, false, outputDisableID); // This will turn DOUT1 Low when the streaming motion reaches its 4th motion point.
// DISABLE the Sync Output(s)
// axis.StreamingOutputAdd(output0, false, outPutEnableID);
axis.MovePT(RSIMotionType.RSIMotionTypePT, positions, times, TOTAL_POINTS, EMPTY_CT, false, true); // Start Streaming Motion
while (!axis.MotionDoneGet())
if (axis.MotionIdExecutingGet() > outputEnableID && axis.CommandPositionGet() < outputEnableID)
Assert.That(output0.Get(), Is.EqualTo(true), "The output should be triggered");
Assert.That(output0.Get(), Is.EqualTo(false), "The output should NOT be triggered");
axis.StreamingOutputsEnableSet(false); // Disable Sync Outputs.
axis.AmpEnableSet(false); // Disable the motor.

Learn more in the concept page.

πŸ“œ IO Point User Buffer
This sample application will show you how to create a simulated IOPoint from base on a memory address and index.

const int INPUT_INDEX = 0;
const int OUTPUT_INDEX = 1; // The PDO Index in that Node
UInt64 userBufferAddress = controller.AddressGet(RSIControllerAddressType.RSIControllerAddressTypeUSER_BUFFER, 0); // Grabing an memory address to store a simulated IO point.
IOPoint input0 = IOPoint.CreateDigitalInput(controller, userBufferAddress, INPUT_INDEX); // Automatically gets the memory index of a specified node and input index
IOPoint output0 = IOPoint.CreateDigitalOutput(controller, userBufferAddress, OUTPUT_INDEX); // Automatically gets the memory index of a specified node and input index
Assert.That(output0.Get(), Is.False, "The getter function should return a value equal to false");
Assert.That(output0.Get(), Is.True, "The getter function should return a value equal to true");
controller.MemorySet(input0.AddressGet(), 0);
Assert.That(input0.Get(), Is.False, "The getter function should return a value equal to false");
controller.MemorySet(input0.AddressGet(), 1);
Assert.That(input0.Get(), Is.True, "The getter function should return a value equal to true");

Learn more in the concept page.