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 Pose ()
 Default constructor. Vector(0,0,0) Quaterion(1,0,0,0)
 Pose (const Pose &pose)
 Constructor from an existing Pose.
 Pose (const Quaternion &quaternion)
 Pose (const Vector3d &position)
 Constructor from an existing position Vector3d.
 Pose (const Vector3d position, const Quaternion &quaternion)
 Pose (double x, double y, double z)
 Constructor from X,Y,Z with an identity "no rotation" default Quaternion.
bool Equals (const Pose &rightHandSide, double tolerance) const
 Approximate equality check. Checks whether all components are within the tolerance of each other.
bool EqualsOrientation (const Pose &rightHandSide, double tolerance) const
 Approximate equality check. Checks whether all components are within the tolerance of each other. For orientations q and -q are considered equal.
Pose Inverse () const
 Returns an inverted copy of this. this * this.inverse() = I.
Pose operator* (const Pose &rightHandSide) const
 Transforms rightHandSide by this. Rotates rightHandSide.position by this, adds this.position to it, and rotates rightHandSide.orientation by this.orientation.
Vector3d operator* (const Vector3d &rightHandSide) const
 Transforms rightHandSide by this. Rotates rightHandSide by this, and adds this.position to it.
Pose Rotate (const Pose &rightHandSide) const
 Rotates rightHandSide by the rotation component of this (ONLY the rotation component)


Quaternion Orientation
 The orientation component of the Pose.
Vector3d Position
 The position component of the Pose.



Definition at line 404 of file cartesianrobot.h.