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Install RMP for Windows

How to install and configure RMP for Windows.

🔹 Install the INtime RTOS

The RMP for Windows uses the INtime RTOS to run the RMP motion and IO firmware.

If you bought an sRMP (Industrial PC) from RSI INtime will be pre-installed and you can skip this step.

1. Download INtime

This is the real-time operating system (“RTOS”) required to run RMP EtherCAT
  • Download INtime. There are two ways to do this:
    1. (Customers only) Navigate to the downloads page in the portal and download the latest.
    2. (Demo users or customers) Contact us for the latest link at licen.nosp@m.se@r.nosp@m.oboti.nosp@m.csys.nosp@m..com
  • Run (double-click) the downloaded installer file.


2. Run the Installer

These next steps apply to INtime version 7. To download the older version INtime 6, proceed here.
  • Some pop-ups may appear. Allow the app to make changes to your device/computer.


  • Click Yes to reboot the device/computer.


  • Once the computer is rebooted, click Yes to continue installing INtime.

Continue Installation

For the following pop-up windows, you will click "Next" a couple of times:

  • Popup 1: Welcome to the INtime 7 Runtime Installation Wizard (Click Next)
  • Popup 2: Readme Information (Click Next)
  • Popup 3: Destination Folder (Click Next)
  • Popup 4: Select Installation Type: Default (Complete Runtime Installation) (Click Next)
  • Popup 5: User Information (Optional) (Click Next)
  • Popup 6: Ready to Install the Application (Click Next)
  • Popup 7: INtime 7 Runtime has been successfully installed (Click Finish)
  • Popup 8: System restart required (Click Yes)


Install INtime 6 (Only if you are not installing version 7 already)

  • Some pop-ups may appear. Allow the app to make changes to your device/computer.
  • Click Yes to reboot the device/computer.
  • Once the computer is rebooted, click Yes to continue installing INtime.

For the following pop-up windows, you will click "Next" a couple of times:

  • Popup 1: Welcome to the INtime for Windows Runtime Installation Wizard (Click Next)
  • Popup 2: (Check I accept the license) the license agreement and then (Click Next)
  • Popup 3: Readme Information (Click Next)
  • Popup 4: Destination Folder (Click Next)
  • Popup 5: Select Installation Type: Default (Complete Runtime Installation) (Click Next)
  • Popup 6: User Information: Is optional to enter your info (Click Skip)
  • Popup 7: Ready to Install the Application (Click Next)
  • If you are prompted with a Windows Security pop-up (click Install)
  • Popup 8: INtime Runtime has been successfully installed (Click Finish)
  • Popup 9: System restart required (Click Yes) to reboot the device.

🔹 3. License INtime

  • Open (C:)>Program Files1 (x86)>INtime>bin>inconfig.exe or open on the Start Menu under INtime, and as a yellow tray icon.
  • The INtime Configuration Panel will open. Double-click to open the License Manager.
  • The "LicMan" dialog will appear asking if you want to activate it over the Internet. Click NO.
  • The License Management dialog will appear. There are two ways to add a license:

Option 1: From USB Hardware Key

  1. Locate the USB Hardware key and insert it into an available USB port (RSI Industrial PC comes with the USB dongle pre-installed)
  2. Included in the USB hardware key package, there should be a card with a 30-digit license code (License code for this USB Key:).
  3. Click the “Enter String” button.
  4. Enter the 30-digit code (with or without dashes) into the box and click OK.

Option 2: From File

  1. Download the *.lic file attached to our email and add it using the INtime License Manager.
  • Verify the License was successfully installed. It will show up in the Installed Licenses box. Click OK.
  • A message should pop up saying that the INtime kernel Manager service must be restarted to use the new license. Click Yes.

🔹 4. Configure INtime

Proceed here. The same steps apply for INtime 7 and 6.

3. License INtime

Select the tab below that applies to you:

  • Customer

    • Move INtime to your system trays always visible section (OPTIONAL)


    • Right-click the INtime system tray icon and launch (INtime Configuration)


    • Launch the (License Manager)


    • If your INtime dongle is plugged in your license might be automatically detected (Click Yes)


    • If your license fails to activate after automatic detection, enter your License String manually.


    • If activation is successful you could be able to see "valid for use" (Close the License Manager)


  • Evaluation User (30-Day)

    1. Open INtime Configuration (from tray icon)
    2. Click the item License Manager
    3. Click the button Enter String
    4. Enter the license string provided by RSI and click the OK button

4. Configure INtime

For the RMP to run correctly certain INtime settings must first be configured.

  • Right-click the INtime system tray icon and launch (INtime Configuration)

    INtime Configuration

  • Click on the Node Management item
  • Select NodeA from treeview items
  • Navigate to Kernel tab
  • Edit the following settings for NodeA (Save between each setting change):

    1. Start automatically = Yes
    2. Kernel memory = 512
    3. Kernel Clock Rate = 50

    Node Management Values

  • Close Node management when all settings are changed.

🛑 If you encounter the error -> Failed to allocate memory 512 MB

Failed to allocate memory 512 MB

  • Check the Advance Memory Configuration checkbox and click the Edit Area button.

    Memory Edit Area

  • Check Legacy address space (<4GB)
  • Select Force High for systems with more than 4 GB of physical RAM installed.

    Legacy and High Memory Selection

If you encounter the error: Failed to allocate memory on Legacy

Failed to allocate memory on Legacy

  • Check Force high address space (>4GB) instead.

5. Pass your "NIC" to INtime

  • Right-click the INtime system tray icon and launch INtime Configuration

    INtime Configuration

  • Click on the INtime Device Manager item
  • In the tree view, expand Windows devices, then expand Network adapters
  • Select any available NIC (Make sure it is compatible with INtime, See compatible NICs)
  • Right-click on the NIC, then select Pass to INtime using MSI
  • Click ❗ to confirm your changes

    Pass NIC via MSI

  • Close the INtime Device Manager
  • Reboot by clicking Yes


  • Check the INtime Device Manager to confirm NIC was passed successfully

    NIC Passed Successfully

6. Start INtime

  • On Windows, in the bottom right menu, click the INtime icon under INtime (The yellow tray icon) (see image below).

    INtime Tray Icon

  • If the icon is NOT red, click Start NodeA

    Start NodeA

You should see a RED INtime logo in your system tray if everything was successful.

INtime Red Icon

🔹 Install the RMP Motion Controller

If you have not yet installed INtime or do not have an email account connected to your RSI account please go back to the previous steps.

Download the Installer

  1. Download RMP (Contact RSI for the latest link at licen.nosp@m.se@r.nosp@m.oboti.nosp@m.csys.nosp@m..com)
    1. Open (double-click) the downloaded file.
      MSI (Installer) File

      MSI (Installer) File

    2. Run the file. (only if Windows popup shows)
    3. Click Next.
    4. Read the License Agreement and if you accept it click Next
    5. Click Next (x.x.x represents the version number of the RMP you are downloading)
    6. Install the RMP
    7. Some pop-ups may appear. Allow the app to make changes to your device/computer
    8. Click Finish
If everything is successful you should be able to launch the RapidSetup application.

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