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Activate and download your RMP License.

- RMP licenses are hardware-locked to a USB dongle.
- Please make sure it is connected to the PC before continuing with this guide and/or activating your RMP license.
This guide assumes you have completed previous guides to get the RMP running.

1️⃣ Serial Number Retrieval

The RMP license serial number can be retrieved in different ways, follow one method:

  • RapidSetup

    1. Open the RapidSetup tool from your desktop shortcut or C:\RSI\x.x.x
    2. Click copy button so the serial number (decimal value) is in your clipboard.


  • INtime Card

    1. Get a Hex-SerialNumber from the card that was shipped with you pc (1A2B3 in this case).


    2. Convert Hex-SerialNumber(1A2B3) to Decimal-SerialNumber(107187).
      • Open a calculator app and switched it to programmer mode.
      • Type in Hex-SerialNumber


    3. Decimal-SerialNumber(107187) is the correct value to be downloaded from License Server.
    4. Keep that number, you will need it later in Step 4. (to Enter Customer Serial#).

2️⃣ License Download

Download the RMP rsi.lic from our customer portal.

  1. Follow the link to the customer portal and click any of the two Log in buttons.


  2. Login with the account that RSI has authorized for your company.
  3. Navigate to the license page.


  4. Once you are in the new Licenses page, you should see your available POs as so:

    This customer only contains 2 Purchase Orders in total with custom info.

  5. Expand the desired PO you want to download a license for:

    This particular PO only contains 1 PO Group. All 5 licenses in this PO Group will be identical.

  6. To download a license, click on the download icon.


  7. A pop up should appear, enter your RMP serial number, then click the Download button:

    Feel free to enter some more extra info or a the Machine S/N where the license will run (not needed).

  8. A file should download with its name being _"RMP Serial Number"_.lic
  9. To use, rename your license to rsi.lic, then move the file to the C:/RSI/X.X.X/ folder