APIs, concepts, guides, and more
Spin an axis

Guide on how to spin an axis/motor with RapidSetupX.


  • Ensure your working environment is safe and stable before continuing.
  • Make sure your EtherCAT nodes/subdevices are connected correctly.

This guide assumes you are in an Operational network state. If you are not, please follow this guide.

  1. Verify you are in an Operational state


  2. Navigate to the "Axis" page
    Here you will enter in a few values


  3. Enter User Units
    This value can be easily determined by zeroing out the position, and turning the motor spindle one complete rotation. Take the position value and input th at to your user units. Learn more here.


  4. Input Velocity, Acceleration, and Deceleration
    It is recommended to start with low values. You can also change the motion ty pe from Absolute to Relative or Velocity.


  5. Zero Out Position


  6. Enter desired ending position
    This value is based off User Units


  7. Move Forward
    Make sure your motor is in a safe and secure location. When adjusting parameters, motors can sometimes have unexpected behavior. The motor will stop once it has reached the designated position.


  8. Check Limits and Action
    Adjusting limits and actions can have unintended consequences. Kindly implement essential safety measures to safeguard both yourself and those around you. Feel free to reach out to us for tailored guidance on enhancing the security of your system.


  9. Monitor DS402 Bits as you go
