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Start the network

Learn how to start the network with RapidSetup.

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Kindly implement essential safety measures to safeguard both yourself and those around you. Feel free to reach out to us for tailored guidance on enhancing the security of your system.
This guide assumes you have completed the all Setup

Example of a user starting the network with RapidSetup

🔹 1. Connect your EtherCAT device to your PC

  • Connect your EtherCAT device to your PC using an ethernet cable. One end should be connected to your device's EtherCAT IN port and the other end should be connected to your PC's NIC that was passed to INtime during the INtime installation guide.

🔹 2. Start the EtherCAT Network using RapidSetup

  1. In your RMP folder, open the RapidSetup tool.
  2. RapidSetup will open to the MotionController RMP page. The Network State should be red UNINITIALIZED as shown in the image below:

    Uninitialized RapidSetup

  3. Verify that the EtherCAT.xml file exists and it is found by RapidSetup.

    EtherCAT.xml found

  4. If the EtherCAT.xml file is missing:

    Missing EtherCAT.xml

    • Click the DISCOVER NETWORK NODES button.

      Discover Network Nodes button

  5. You should see a non-zero Node Count. (The node count should match the number of EtherCAT nodes available in your system/topology)

    Node Count

  6. Click the GENERATE ENI FILE button.

    Generate ENI File button

    Do not proceed with the guide until the EtherCAT.xml file has been created and found.
  7. Click the START NETWORK button.

    Start Network button

  8. After a few seconds, the Network State should change to green OPERATIONAL and the EtherCAT nodes on the network should populate in the project tree.

    Initialized RapidSetup

  9. If you do not get an OPERATIONAL state, try checking the following:
    • Verify that the NIC (Network Interface Controller) is controlled by INtime. (See the Passing NIC control guide section_)
    • Verify that the INtime Kernel "NodeA from the tray icon" is running.
    • Hardware Nodes must be connected to the NIC which is controlled by INtime.
    • The EtherCAT.xml file (your hardware-specific EtherCAT Topology) must be located in the C:\RSI\X.X.XX folder.
    • Check that you are using one of the known compatible NIC hardware options. (See here)
    • Close RapidSetup, Restart Node A, Open RapidSetup, and run C:\RSI\X.X.XX\RMPNetwork.rta. This will initialize the Network and display relevant error messages.
  10. Once an OPERATIONAL Network state is achieved and the connected nodes appear in the project tree.