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RapidSetup Menu

The RapidSetup menu bar.

RapidSetup Menu

🔹 File

RapidSetup File Menu

  • Open Working DIrectory allows you to open the directory where RapidSetup is running. It contains all the RapidCode files: RSI.dll, rsi.lic, etc.
  • Save Memory Dump to File allows you to save your RMP controller's memory to a file. Use DumpDiff.exe to compare memory dumps.
  • Exit will close the RapidSetup application.

🔹 View

RapidSetup View Menu

  • Refresh will allow you to initialize the RMP MotionController and refresh the view of RapidSetup.
  • Network Data is a page that allows you to observe the exchanged network PDO inputs and outputs.
  • Network IO is a page that allows you to observe the network IO.
  • Error Messages will open the error message window.
  • Network Timing Window will open a window that you can use to measure EtherCAT network packet timing.
  • Packet Errors will open a window that you can use to view packet errors for each EtherCAT port for every EtherCAT node.
  • Expert Mode enables multiple different fields within RapidSetup such as:
    • Tuning Tab on Axis Page
    • Start Network to PreOperational Button on RMP MotionController Page
    • Setting Command Position and Origin Position on Axis Page
    • Opening RSI Folder on File menu item

🔹 Tools

RapidSetup Tools Menu

  • VM3 is a GUI designed for advanced users to view RMP firmware memory directly.
  • MotionScope is a GUI that allows you to record and display up to 32 traces.
  • RapidWorkbench is a GUI created by Kollmorgen to configure their AKD drives.

🔹 INtime

RapidSetup INtime Menu

  • Start allows you to start your INtime nodeA/nic connection.
  • Stop allows you to stop your INtime nodeA/nic connection.
  • Restart allows you to restart your INtime nodeA/nic connection.

🔹 Help

RapidSetup Help Menu

  • RapidPortal will open our RapidPortal website.
  • Documentation will open our RapidSetup online user manual.
  • Send us an email will allow you to contact us for any questions or concerns.
  • About will display the version of RapidSetup you are using.