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RapidSetup Network Timing

Use this to see the real-time timing of the RMP's EtherCAT frames. This is a useful tool for troubleshooting performance of the RMP on systems which have poor INtime jitter.

RapidSetup Network Timing

  • Enable Toggle Button turns on (or off) the RMP's time measurement features.
  • Current displays the current time elapsed (in microseconds) between the most recent EtherCAT frames. On a system using the default sample rate of 1 kHz, the nominal value is 1000*us*.
  • Min represents the minimum recorded time between EtherCAT frames.
  • Max represents the maximum recorded time between EtherCAT frames. (On a system with poor INtime jitter performance, you might see larger-than-expected values.)
  • Threshold gives the user control over what values will be counted as abnormal results. There are two values, a low threshold and a high threshold (microseconds). RapidSetup will insert suggested values.
  • Count displays the number of EtherCAT frames which were sent below the low threshold or above the high threshold. This is useful when troubleshooting a system with poor jitter performance, to see how frequently values are occurring outside of a normal expected range.
  • Clear Button will reset the read-only values - Min/Max and the low and high Threshold count values.