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APIs, concepts, guides, and more
Latest features, improvements, and fixes.
Mar 13, 2025
RapidCode - Axis::PostTrajectoryGearingScaledOffsetGet().New
RapidCode - Axis::DigitalInputs/OutputsGet(), Axis::DedicatedInputs/OutputsGet().New
RapidCode.NET XML and Python documentation for improved IDE experience.New
RapidCodeRemote - Axis Status general digital inputs and outputs.New
RapidCodeRemote - Axis Config FeedRate.New
RapidCodeRemote - Axis Action for OperationMode.New
RapidSetupX - Axis feed rate and operation mode added.New
RapidSetupX - navigation controller item axes-clear faults/enable right-click commands.New
RMPNetwork - NetworkNode axis count set during discovery.Update
RMPNetwork - simplified, expanded, and improved NetworkLogMessages.Update
RapidCode - Axis::StatusBitsGet() improved execution speed.Update
RapidENI - FSoE Automatic safety byte alignment when generating.Update
Windows - RMP EtherCAT sample rates limited by INtime Kernel Clock Rate.Update
rsiconfig - Linux - globalization-invariant mode for Docker compatibility.Update
rapidserver - Linux - set WorkingDirectory to /rsi for rapidserver.service.Fix
rapidserver - RecorderCount greater than 16 allowed.Fix
RapidSetupX - MultiAxis data not updating.Jan 28, 2025
rsiconfig - Axis XML - optional NetworkNode validation before writing SDO values.New
Yaskawa SGDXW 2-Axis and SGDXT 3-Axis support.Update
MotionController Reset() and Refresh() delete internal objects before recreatingUpdate
RapidSetupX - Recorder - Scope renamed to Recorder, simplified trace adding, and CSV loading improved.Update
Linux - rsiconfig upgraded from .NET 7 to .NET 8 (LTS).Fix
Linux - libpython3.11 dependency removed from RMP debian package.Fix
Axis - Home methods 119 to 130 no longer incorrectly set Home Action before stage four.Fix
RapidSetupX - IO not updating and axis repeat motion not working.Dec 23, 2024
Linux - Python (3.9, 3.10, 3.11) support.New
RapidCode - SDO Read/Write bytes support.New
RapidCode - MotionController::Get() for getting an already running RMP.New
RapidSetupX - Copy license to server.Update
RapidSetupX - Improve network timing metrics.Update
RapidSetupX - TreeView redesign.Update
RMPNetwork - EtherCAT discovery process improved.Fix
Linux - MotionController::NetworkShutdown works irrespective of the starting process.Nov 22, 2024
RMPNetwork - Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE) Windows support.New
Moons’ MDX support.New
rsiconfig - SDOConfigValues support byte arrays.New
RapidCode - MotionController::NetworkEniGenerate().New
RapidSetupX - ENI file generation.New
RapidSetupX - master based homing.Update
RapidSetupX - all watch windows enums are selectable.Update
RapidCodeRemote - Axis - moved homing configuration to Action and Status.Fix
rapidserver - improved reliability on MotionController Shutdown action.Nov 6, 2024
Linux - Cartesian Robot/G-Code support.New
RapidCode - EL1918 Safety Controller support.New
RapidCode - Axis/MultiAxisAddressTypeCURRENT_FEEDRATE.Update
NodeInfo - Panasonic overspeed default InitCmd removed.Update
rsiconfig - More detailed messages for ENI generation.Update
RapidSetupX - PositionError scaled by UserUnits Scope and memory watch.Fix
RapidSetupX - TreeView item order issue.Oct 9, 2024
G-Code - G0 Rapid Positioning.New
RapidSetupX - Scope rearm for repeated captures.New
RapidSetupX - Scope trace scaling, improved file loading, layout.New
RapidSetupX - PreOperational support.New
RapidSetupX - local storage for settings.New
RapidCode - Axis XML OriginPositionSet if manually entered.Update
RapidCode - Windows .NET libraries upgraded from 4.5 to .NET Standard 2.0.Update
rsiconfig - better error messages if/when a Network Start or Discovery fails.Update
RapidCode - RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet() returns true from the time motion starts until it is done.Fix
RapidCode - Axis/MultiAxis MovePT() throws RSIMotionMessageTYPE_INVALID when called with RSIMotionTypePVT.Fix
RapidSetupX - Watch window search and filtering.Sep 16, 2024
Linux - sudo
no longer required.New
RapidSetupX - Axis move furthest button and repeat motion feature.New
RapidSetupX - Scope trigger on motion.New
RapidSetupX - NIC field autocomplete.New
RapidCode - MotionController::RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet().New
RapidCodeRemote - Recorder Configuration trigger on motion added.New
RapidCodeRemote - add short_message to ErrorMessageUpdate
RapidCode - MotionController::MemoryGet improvements for speed and safety.Update
RMPNetwork - Better identification of Wago IO.Update
Linux - improved permissions error messages.Update
Linux - All RMP and RapidCode shared memory objects now start with RSI.
Linux - RMP process will not exit if its creating process is terminated.Update
ESI cache parsing errors logged to RapidENI.log.Update
RapidSetupX - Textbox validation error readability.Update
RapidSetupX - Scope markers added and circular buffer render improvements.Update
RapidSetupX - Logged errors copy functionality improved.Fix
RapidSetupX - Scope render freeze on Linux.Fix
RapidSetupX - List filtering.Aug 29, 2024
RMP Linux - arm64 Debian package.New
RapidCode - RSIMotionAttrMaskNO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE for MovePT/MovePVT startup performance.New
RapidSetupX - supports Arm64 for Windows, Linux and MacOS.New
RapidSetupX - MultiAxis layout.Update
RapidCode - RapidVector moved from Cartesian to RSI::RapidCode namespace.Update
RapidSetupX - Better licensing, and network last log.Fix
RapidSetupX - Scoping values with same name issue.Fix
RapidSetupX - Watch view search and select-box with no values.Fix
RapidServer - Network Status log messages are all returned, not just the last one.Fix
CustomNodeInfo - Replacement handles non-exact matches of NodeInfo entries.Fix
RMP - Improved memory mapping for INtime 7.1.Fix
RMP - Licenses will no longer expire in 2038.Jul 30, 2024
Gcode - G4 (Dwell) command.New
RapidSetupX - PDO view.New
rsiconfig - –verbose option for use with -get-serial and -check-license.Update
RapidSetupX - Improved network topology treeview, node page, dark theme.Fix
G-Code - Arc moves (G2/G3) with the same start and end point create full circle moves.Fix
RapidSetup - password button click restored.Jul 10, 2024
NiMotion PMM support.New
RapidSetupX - scope tracking feature and improved layout/zooming.New
RapidSetupX - tree view shows network topology.New
MotionController, Axis, MultiAxis InterruptUserDataAddressGet/Set for custom data with each interrupt.New
RMPNetwork - Network clock synchronization diagnostic and adjustment options.New
MotionController address types for NETWORK_CLOCK settings.New
Elmo Platinum fault details.New
Cartesian Robot - rotational units when creating a LinearKinematicModel or converting to/from quaternions.Update
GCode: rotations in degrees and rotation speed is in (degrees/minute).Update
RapidSequencer deprecated.Update
Cartesian Robot: Speed of rotational moves (ABC/RPY) is in (units/second) instead of (10 units/second).Fix
RMPNetwork - AutoDetection now exchanges Inputs/Outputs without a CustomNodeInfo entry.Fix
NodeInfo.xml - Wago removed false positive digital input identification.May 20, 2024
RapidCode - Ready to build C++ sample apps included.New
Beckhoff EL1054 support.New
Cartesian Robot - GCode parsing and processing error message improvements.New
Cartesian Robot - SampleCounterGet/Wait.Update
Cartesian Robot - G92 position offsets.Update
Cartesian Robot - End effector and origin transforms use RobotPosition to support free axes.Update
CustomNodeInfo.xml - node details replaced at the Product level rather than the Vendor Level.Update
RapidSetupX - New page layout, added network timing metrics, and general improvements.Update
RapidSetupX - Improved scope features and UX.Update
RapidSetup - MultiAxis buttons are no longer disabled during motion.Fix
RapidSetup - GCode load & render progress bar gets stuck when the file contains no motion.Fix
RapidCodeRemote - Axis ConfigSet ErrorLimit Duration.Fix
RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis StatusGet() Motion Status Bits updated.Fix
Cartesian Robot - KinematicModel::IsArticulated and improved joint angle normalization.Fix
Cartesian Robot - Free axes trajectories.Apr 1, 2024
INtime - Intel 2.5, 10 and 40 Gbps NICs support (requires INtime 7.1).New
RapidSetupX (Beta) - Continuous improvements.New
RapidSetup - Now suggests CustomNodeInfo entries for unintegrated nodes.New
RapidServer - Logging.Update
RapidSetup - User limits now allow more Outputs variations.Fix
RapidSetup - NetworkData output pin button.Feb 16, 2024
RapidSetupX (Beta) - Tool for Windows, Linux, & MacOS.New
RMP firmware - MathBlocks for real-time math and bit-masking operations.New
RapidServer - NetworkNode Digital and Analog I/O data types updated.New
RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis new actions map, unmap. New status is_mapped. Config set with axes_indices will AxisRemoveAll() first.Update
RapidCode - Objects upgraded to global, named locks for interprocess synchronization and safety.Update
Cartesian Robot - PathState returns Idle if/when joints are moved directly.Update
RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis Status amp_enabled and Motion parameters renamed.Fix
RapidCode - Default values for Axis now retrieved from RMP memory for multi-process consistency.Fix
RapidCodeRemote - RapidServer no longer recreates RapidCode object on MotionControllerConfigGet.Fix
Linux - RMPNetwork no longer outputs argument help when started via RapidCode.Fix
Linux/rsiconfig - default path separator for Axis XML files.Jan 16, 2024
DS402 Drives - Faster integration with automatic detection of most Network Indexes.New
rsiconfig - AxisFrameBufferSize support (getting/setting).New
Cartesian Robot - KinematicModelBuilder can add free axes to a kinematic model.New
Cartesian Robot - RapidVector for supporting std::vector in C++ and C# added.New
Cartesian Robot - RobotPosition uses RapidVector for Free Axes.New
Cartesian Robot - Implement Free Axis Motion.New
Cartesian Robot - G-Code motion group is modal. G1, G2, G3, G4.New
Cartesian Robot - GcodeCallback support for M-Codes.New
Cartesian Robot - Actual/CommandPoseGet() overloads allow different LinearUnits.Update
Cartesian Robot - PathPlannedPositionsGet() replaces PathPlannedPointsGet().Update
Cartesian Robot - Gcode methods moved to Gcode object. Use Robot.Gcode.Update
Cartesian Robot - Gcode.PlannedPositionsGet() added.Update
MotionController.CreationParameters member names adjusted.Update
RMP - AxisFrameBufferSizeDefault updated to 1024 from 512.Fix
RapidSetup - NetworkData pin missing color.Fix
RapidSetup - Now recreates config files if corrupted.Fix
RapidCodeRemote - RapidServer improved locks for MotionController Config object counts.Sep 28, 2023
rsiconfig - "-eni" option to generate an ENI file.New
Axis::StatusBitsGet() added.New
RapidSetup - new Clean ENI cache button.-New
LS iX7NH drive support.New
RSINodeTypeBECKHOFF_EL4022 enumerated.New
RapidCodeRemote - Recorder record retrieval moved from Status to Action.Update
RapidCodeRemote - Axis actions, Network actions and status, Node info.Update
rsiconfig - uses System.CommandLine.Jul 6, 2023
MotionController::NetworkNodeGet() creation method.New
MotionController::Create() with parameter structure.New
CustomNodeInfo.xml includes improved descriptions and examples.New
RapidCodeRemote - SampleRate, Constants and ErrorSource added.New
Yaskawa GA700, Odear DSEX16Y16L-MW, and Odear DSA2D2Y8L support.New
RSIControllerAddressTypeNETWORK_TIMING_DELTA added.New
MotionController::FirmwareTimingDeltaGet() in RapidCode, RapidCodeRemote, RapidSetup.New
Ability to order Network Inputs Outputs by Node order (Add CustomNodeInfo.xml -> Settings -> StrictNodeOrder Tag).Update
RapidCodeRemote - reuse AddressInfo message for Network and Node IO.Update
ENI generation handles missing expected entries in ESI files.Update
SMC-EX260 Outputs autodetected.Fix
MotionController configuration changes (AxisCountSet(), etc.) now throw if any Axis is in motion or any Recorder is recording.Fix
RapidCodeRemote - Axis::StopTimeSet and Axis::EStopTimeSet().Apr 14, 2023
RSIAxisAddressTypePOST_TRAJECTORY_GEARING_POSITION added to allow calculations with current gear position.Mar 27, 2023
RapidCode for Python 3.10.New
RapidSetup - Sequencer globals clear button and running scripts display.New
RSIAxisAddressTypeAMP_ENABLE_AMP_FAULT_TIMEOUT to get/set the time before an Amp Fault after AmpEnableSet(true).New
RapidSequencer - GlobalVariablesClear RPC.New
RapidSequencer - compiler now emits error when redefining global variable as another type.Fix
RapidSequencer - EngineTaskListGet TaskInfo source and compiled filenames.Fix
RapidSetup - ClearAllFaults action from tree view item.Fix
RapidSetup - Dashboard view not fully expanding.Fix
RapidSetup - Sequencer globals boolean property selection.Fix
Beckhoff EP4378 analog input support.Jan 20, 2023
RapidCodeRemote and RapidSequencer .proto files released.New
cartesianrobot.h released.New
MDP and IO Link support.New
Wago support.New
ifm AL1930 support.New
Sanyo Denki RS3 support.New
Beckhoff EL6900 Safety support.Update
RsiError adds objectIndex field and is displayed in RapidSetup.Update
CartesianRobot - path motion algorithm optimized for velocity and acceleration with small lines.Update
rsiconfig - errors if ExpectedNodeCount is greater than the discovered node count.Update
CartesianRobot - .NET operator overrides renamed.Fix
RapidSetup - Axis page ABORT button sometimes fails to abort proper axis index. (introduced 10.3.10)Sep 30, 2022
Please use version 10.4.0 or greater.
Festo CMMT-AS Home bit added.New
Cartesian Robot - EStop(), Abort(), Stop(), EStopAbort() added.Update
RapidSetup - MultiAxis StopTime and EStopTime settings.Update
Cartesian Robot - PathRun() and GcodeRun() changed to Run().Update
Cartesian Robot - Able to move axes independently (and command robot motion after)Fix
Cartesian Robot - Run() no longer calculates internal timeout.Fix
RMPNetwork - discovery delay for slow system/drive combinations (rare).Sep 20, 2022
Please use version 10.4.0 or greater.
RapidSetup -.NET Framework 4.6.1 now required.Update
rsiconfig - RSINodeTypeUNKNOWN skips NetworkNode type checking.Fix
RapidCode - Corrected Beckhoff EL1088 and EL2008 RSINodeType enum values.Fix
Cartesian Robot - Resolve time rounding issue.Fix
Cartesian Robot - PathPlannedPointsGet() matches run points.Sep 14, 2022
Please use version 10.4.0 or greater.
Cartesian Robot - PathIsRunning() and GcodeIsRunning().New
RSIAxisAddressTypeFRAME_INDEX and FRAME_LOAD_INDEX for streaming motion recordings.Update
Bonfiglioli Agile drive - increased SafeOp to Op timeout.Fix
Cartesian Robot final line velocity fixed.Sep 2, 2022
Please use version 10.4.0 or greater.
NodeInfo - SafeopOpTimeout adjustment added.Update
Cartesian Robot - path moves can be shorter than StopTime.Update
Cartesian Robot - path motion updates forward kinematics from joints positions before the first move.Fix
Cartesian Robot - path motion improved when using small decelerations.Aug 23, 2022
Please use version 10.4.0 or greater.
CustomNodeInfo.xml feature.New
RapidSetup - Network IO screen: Single location to see all IO.New
Fastech Ezi-IO EtherCAT AD08, IN16OUT16, DA04 support.Update
RMPNetwork discovery requests nodes transition to Init state.Update
Adjusted enable behavior to ensure always setting of intended firmware value.Update
RapidSetup - Error screen new design.Fix
RapidSetup - GCode navigation issue.Jul 5, 2022
RapidCode constants.New
rsiconfig.exe - SampleRate added to XML settings.Update
Improved Axis AMP_FAULT when AmpEnableSet(true) times out at high sample rates.Update
RapidSetup - GCode UI redesign.Update
Rapidsetup - Sequencer IDE Improvements.Update
Cartesian Motion API - Simplify offset transforms.Update
Cartesian Motion API - Configurable internal motion bufferFix
RapidSetup - Sequencer discovery improvement.Fix
RapidCodeRT - support for trial serial numbers.Jun 1, 2022
MotionController.RecorderDataAddressesSet(...) for setting multiple addresses at once.Update
FSoE now supports multiple Black Channels.Update
MotionController configuration methods (AxisCountGet(), etc.) execution time improved.Fix
BodeTool Plant measurement for RMP.Fix
RapidSetup IO label name issue.May 20, 2022
Kollmorgen AKD2G drive support.New
Nanotec PD4 drive support.New
rsiconfig.exe network start timeout field.New
Cartesian Robot improved configurability of kinematic models.New
ENI generation errors for networks with too many nodes or PDOs.New
AxisAddressType Demand Scale Channels 0-3.Update
Kollmorgen S700 Operation Mode support added.Update
Streamlined Mitsubishi J5 implementation.Update
Lexium28 General IO and FaultInfo.Update
rsiconfig.exe no longer probes twice.Update
RapidSequencer moved into RapidServer.exe/rta.Update
RMPNetwork improved acyclic frame reading for large networks (>50 nodes).Fix
Beckhoff EL1088, ESD ESXDI08, and ControlTechniques 753 no longer show up as unknown nodes.Fix
RapidSetup MultiAxis page performance improvements.Apr 7, 2022
AmpEnableSet() improved. Waits for AMP_ACTIVE before discontinuing command=actual.Apr 4, 2022
AddressDataTypeGet() added to MotionController, Axis and MultiAxis.New
Cartesian Robot point-to-point moves: absolute and relative.Update
Cartesian namespace for Robot, Path and G-code.Update
Mitsubishi MR-J5 - Additional error messages and default Home bit.Feb 1, 2022
Axis/MultiAxis AmpEnableSet() overload for timeout waiting for AMP_ACTIVE.New
G-Code work offsets (codes G54-G59).New
TPM SVR-K221 drive support.New
JVL Mac400 drive initial support.New
Elmo Platinum drive initial support.Update
Axis/MultiAxis MoveRelative() additional thread-safe locking.Update
Axis/MultiAxis MoveRelative() restores relative attribute mask on failure.Fix
Axis homing with custom home input issue (introduced in 10.3.2).Fix
Axis.HomeTravelDistanceSet(STAGE_FOUR) interference with HomeBehavior.Fix
RapidSequencer - improved error message when compiling missing file.Dec 15, 2021
RapidCodeObject::CacheEnableSet() removed.Update
Expanded Linmot implementation to include more drives.Update
RapidSetup polling performance improvements (lower CPU usage).Update
Jenny Science XENAX drive support.Nov 17, 2021
CartesianRobot class for advanced path motion and G-Code with kinematics.New
RapidSetup Dashboard.New
RapidSetup NetworkData filtering and pinning.New
RapidSetup mouse wheel zoom.New
RMPNetwork auto-detect link speed support.Update
Axis.TargetPositionGet() support restored.Update
Axis.AddressGet() includes RSIAxisAddressTypeTARGET_POSITION.Update
Axis improved homing methods support low trigger state.Update
K-bus support restored.Update
Technosoft iPOS8015 support.Update
Beckhoff EL2819 support.Update
Mitsubishi JET drive support.Update
Linmot C1250 drive support.Update
Beckhoff EL2505 default IO support.Update
Beckhoff EL6910 without Safety.xml support.Fix
Axis torque mode gantry supports PIV filter.Fix
VM3 - fix writing double precision values.Fix
RapidSequencer - improved stepping out of loops when debugging.Fix
Resolved issues with some drives not starting as the first node in the network.Sep 2, 2021
Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) support (requires feature license).New
RapidSequencer C# API.Update
Nidec M750 drive support.Update
RapidSetup - new UI for the G-Code feature.Update
RapidCode - checking for INtime minimum version of 6.4.x.Update
NodeInfo - Yaskawa default support of Velocity Actual added.Update
RapidSequencer - improve idle performance.Update
RapidSequencer - discovery speed improvement.Update
RapidSequencer - UI improvements.Fix
RapidSequencer - fix output when debugging.Fix
RapidSequencer - fix uninitialized integrals in compiler errors.Fix
RapidSetup - improved handling of missing ESI files.Aug 18, 2021
RapidSetup Sequencer IDE vastly improved.Update
RapidSetup requires .NET Framework 4.6.Update
RapidSequencer requires INtime 6.4.21125.2.Update
RapidSequencer changed server architecture to be fully asynchronous.Update
RapidSequencer migrated IPC/RPC mechanisms to gRPC.Fix
RapidSequencer with various general improvements.Aug 18, 2021
Additional Lenze error code support.Fix
DumpDiff and VM3 (-load) license errors.Jul 7, 2021
G-Code functionality added to MultiAxis.Update
AMC FlexPro drive support.Update
Capitan XCR drive support.Fix
RapidSetup - fixed Axis page where error source was not being cleared.Fix
RapidSetup now shows all startup exceptions.Fix
RapidSetup issue displaying UserUnits on Axis and MultiAxis.Fix
RapidSetup multi-selection I/O style improved for readability.Fix
Axis.MotionCamMasterStartGet() issue resolved.May 5, 2021
MultiAxis input arrays are no longer modified.Update
RapidCode API arrays updated with const contract.Fix
ENI generation issue with multiple Beckhoff EK11xx nodes (port type failure).Fix
Beckhoff EL7041 ESI file updated for RMP compatibility.Feb 16, 2021
RsiError message improvements.New
Visual C++ 2019 x64 redistributables included in installer.New
RapidCode64.dll embedded in RapidCode64.NET.dll (also true for x86 DLLs).Update
Schneider ILA support.Update
Mitsubishi MRJ5 MultiAxis drive support.Fix
Legacy license file issue.Jan 21, 2021
NodeInfo.xml <Unsupported state="bootstrap" /> support.New
Axis.BacklashValueGet() added.Update
RapidSetup and utilities provided as 64-bit (x64) apps instead of 32-bit (x86).Update
RSI.System.dll code moved into RapidCode64.Net.dll.Update
ENI generation library update.Update
Leadshine CS3E Drive support.Update
Hiwin ED1F support.Update
MotionController.SerialNumberGet() returns an unsigned 32-bit integer.Update
Schneider drive warning support.Fix
RapidSetup - when changing MultiAxisCount.Nov 11, 2020
Festo CMMT supported.Update
Axis.OperationModeGet/Set are now supported with all DS402 axes.Fix
Sequencer UI components license no longer missing.Fix
RapidSetup Axis velocity jogging issue.Fix
RapidSetup Master homing issue.2020-10-20
RapidCode / RMP firmware version mismatch warning.New
RapidSequencer array support.Update
MotionController::FirmwareVersionGet returns const char*.Update
RapidSequencer Globals API simplification.Update
Mitsubishi MR-J5 support.Fix
RapidSetup Sequencer output window loading issue.Fix
RapidSequencer XML creation issue.Fix
RapidSequencer node selection issue.2020-10-08
eRMP support in MotionScope, VM3 and other command-line utilities.Update
Copley XEL support.Update
Documentation moved to rsi.h. Enumerations now in rsienums.h.Fix
RapidSetup phantom axes display properly.Fix
RapidSetup Drive Based Homing can now be canceled.2020-09-17
Digital Outputs added to Fuji Alpha7.Update
RapidSetup MultiAxis rework.Update
Better support for Realtek NICs.Update
Drive based homing supported for nodes with cyclic ModeOfOperation exchange.Fix
Use current working directory for utilities (VM3, MotionScope, etc).Fix
Drive based homing would be disabled if you had more than one node of the same type.2020-09-08
FileName member added to RsiError.Update
MotionController::Create error messages more descriptive.2020-09-01
RapidSequencer global variables.Update
EtherCATNodeInfo.xml renamed to NodeInfo.xml.Update
RapidSequencer Language and Editor improvements.Update
Nexcom NEIO1812 support.Update
Delta R1 Pulse Module support.Update
Sick Flexi Soft Safety Controller support.Update
RapidSequencer improvements.2020-08-05
Expanded IOPoints to work with memory addresses and network PDOs.New
rsiconfig.exe adds serial number and licence checking with –help option.New
RapidSetup dark theme.Update
C# and RapidSequencer sample apps updated.Update
Kollmorgen AKD-N drive support.Update
B&R X20 System support.Update
Moons STF stepper drive support.Update
Moons SSDC Series Step-Servo drive support.Update
Fuji Electric Alpha7 drive support.Update
Fastech Ezi-SERVOII Mini stepper drive support.Update
Beckhoff P module support.Update
Panasonic Minas 6 support.2020-07-02
RSI version improvements.2020-06-30
RapidSequencer and RapidSequencerRT.New
RapidCodeRT libraries.New
Run RMP on any INtime node.New
Delta R1 Series IO support.Update
INtime 6.4.20030.1 or higher required.Update
RapidCode libraries renamed.Update
RapidCode requires 2015/2017/2019 VC runtime.Update
rsi.h uses stdint types (ex int32 => int32_t).2020-06-08
Yaskawa SGD7S 400V support.New
CTB GH support.New
EP4378 support.New
Network Data Type Getters.New
Error Code support for Copley Drives: XEC, TE2, and XE2.Update
Offline documentation is now zipped HTML, included with releases (not CHM).Update
Improved CompensatorConfigSet.Fix
Yaskawa SGDV default PDO entry changes.2020-04-28
RMP firmware internal memory structure changes prevent a rare MultiAxis TRIGGERED_MODIFY bug.2020-04-14
Ability to create Compensators with the same input and output Axis.Update
Compensators use raw encoder counts and not User Units.Update
Fastech EZI-SERVO EtherCAT drive support.Update
Fastech EZI-SERVO ALL drive support.Update
SDO Read/Write and AKDASCIICommand() thread-safe locking.Fix
VM3 when viewing memory dump file's word orientation for 64-bit double precision values.2020-03-11
Triggered Modify behavior with streaming motion.Fix
dumpframes, dumpevents and bodetool utilities no longer complain of missing license file.2020-02-19
Support for INtime USB keys with 32-bit serial numbers (was 16-bit).New
Position compensation tables: 1D and 2D, multiple compensators additive.New
Oriental NETC01 support.New
rsiConfig now supports Recorders and Compensators.Update
EtherCATNodeInfo.xml Yaskawa digital IO changes.Update
RMPNetwork - reduced FoE logging when transferring large files or using a small mailbox.Update
C4251 and C4091 C++ warnings eliminated.Fix
rsiConfig - Fixed problem setting Axis XML without path.2020-01-31
Default FoE Mailbox size set to 128 bytes.2020-01-21
Improved DS402 Master Based Homing.New
Adding MOTOR_DATA_STATUS to AddressGet.New
RapidSetup displays packet error counters.New
XE2 support.Update
RapidSetup Error Messages redesign.Update
SMC_EX600 Updates.Update
rsiConfig expanded path support.Update
RapidSetup MessageBox and NetworkData PDO Input Changes.Fix
Fixed an issue with FoE at the end of some transfers.Fix
Fixed a rare initialization issue with UserLimit Setup.2019-09-09
SDO status buffer created once per node rather than once per call.Fix
PageFault related to continuous SDO reads during loss of network.2019-08-29
iBase TPM STP-K121 drive support.New
rsiConfig -generate will create an ENI file if missing.Update
RapidSetup - desktop shortcut includes version number.Update
EtherCATNodeInfo.xml now supports comments.Update
SMC-EX600 support.Update
EL9510 support.Fix
PageFault related to running RMPNetwork.rta without RMP.rta running.Fix
PageFault related to multi-axis drive IO.2019-07-08
UserLimit Output feature can copy any value in firmware to output.New
TC_ACTUAL_POSITION & TC_COMMAND_POSITION added to RSIAxisAddressTypes.2019-06-28
Axis.DriveIndexGet support.New
NetworkNode.AxisCountGet() added.New
Custom timeouts available with overloads to NetworkStart and Service Channel functions.New
Custom ControlWord Bits On/Off added to EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.New
Expanded options available to NetworkOutputAddressGet.New
Working Directory Display Added to File Tab.Update
Added Digital Inputs/Outputs and Actual Velocity to default Yaskawa implementation.Update
Improved SDO Error messages.Update
Improved IO support for EtherCAT IO Nodes.Update
Missing ESI File Dialog Rework.Update
NetworkStart set to timeout after 30 seconds.Fix
Fixed an issue with Remote Desktop when using USB dongle licenses.Fix
Fixed Error 7170 (thread running) when calling MotionController::Delete().2019-04-02
RapidSetup Axis and MultiAxis repeat motion disabled on errors, amp disabled, and switching views.Update
RMPNetwork sets Amp Fault for each axis on shutdown.Update
UserLimit methods now use cached AxisCount to improve performance.Update
SourceNameGet() no longer throws exception when it cannot read extra Amp Fault text.Fix
RapidSetup - SDO Read/Write string values.Fix
64-bit RapidCode libraries now support tracing and home logging.Fix
RMPNetwork intermittent shutdown issues when nodes lose power or are disconnected.Fix
RapidSetup - Axis Master-based Homing: Move To Zero and Log Homing were reversed.Fix
RapidSetup - unable to set Home Method 18.2019-03-06
64 bit library support for INtime USB keys.Update
Reworked Exceptions, Properties, and Commands in RapidSetup.Update
No longer report logging messages to stdout for trace/homing.Fix
Fixed an Issue which showed two AI & AO for AKDs.2019-02-07
FoE (File over EtherCAT) added to the RMP.Update
Minor tweaks made to RapidSetup.2019-02-01
User Limits in RapidSetup.New
User Limits Single-Shot feature.New
User Limits API additions to get configurations.New
MotionController::AddressFromString and StringFromAddress methods.New
Support for INtime USB keys.Update
Additional Beckhoff Analog Input detection.Update
UserLimitConditionSet for 32-bit masking now uses uint32 for bitmasking types.Update
UserLimitConditionSet for 64-bit double comparison no longer requires a mask parameter.Update
Global Mutex for windows services.Update
RapidSetup error reporting improvements.2018-11-28
Added Rollover support for more feedback resolutions.Fix
Fixed an AKD Index Homing issue caused by changes in newer firmware.2018-10-30
Parker Drive support.New
Sick Encoder support.New
axisControlwordOutputGet added to NetworkAPI.2018-10-01
Added two gains to the PIV Tuning Window.Fix
Motion Scope startup issue.Fix
StreamingOutputs frame allocation issue.Fix
64-bit library fixes for FeedbackPointerGet/FeedbackPointerSet, NetworkStart and NetworkIndexGet.2018-09-28
FilterDualLoop is now supported with the RMP.Update
IO Node Address and Mask accessors improved.Update
Panasonic drives now use the new IO Implementation of EtherCATNodeInfo.Fix
Fixed an Issue with User Limit creation.Fix
Fixed an Issue with Beckhoff Stepper Limits.2018-09-21
ABB Microflex EtherCATNodeInfo Changes.2018-09-18
INVT DA200 support.New
ABB Microflex support.Update
Improved Datagram/Sync0 Alignment.Update
Name change removing Axis from NetworkIndexSet, NetworkIndexGet, & NetworkIndexType.Update
Various minor RapidSetup ImprovementsFix
Analog Outputs now work from an IO Page.Fix
System Time no longer adjusted when in Master Shift Mode.2018-08-13
Secondary Feedback support for DS402 Drives.New
DS402 16 Bit Encoder support.New
NetworkAxisIndexSet & NetworkAxisIndexGet Added.New
MultiAxis AddressGet Added.New
FeedRate can be set with User Limits.Update
Generic DS402 reworked to be more flexible.2018-07-09
AL Status & Code collected by the EtherCAT Master.New
Data Link Layer now accessible via ServiceChannel calls.Update
RMP Velocity Mode processing now enabled by default.Fix
Fixed two issues with Beckhoff Steppers.2018-06-18
New Version RapidSetup - requires .NET 4.5.New
UserData for UserLimits. See UserLimits Topic, InterruptUserDataGet, and UserLimitInterruptUserDataAddressSet.New
Lenze I550 support.New
UserLabels for MultiAxis.New
IO NumberGet returns the associated Node Number.Update
SynqNet Capture functions removed from RMP Releases.2018-05-24
Additional configurations of S700s supported.2018-05-17
Index support for S700 Master Homing.New
Mitsubishi MR-J4-TM support.Update
Festo CMMP now starts up in CSP rather than IP.Update
Changed Sync0 start time to about 80 milliseconds out.Update
Axis default parameters stored in RMP memory.Update
NetworkNode defaults to ThrowExceptions(true).Update
Improved Repeat Camming Implementation.Fix
Fixed a issue reading SDO Integers after reading Strings.Fix
Fixed a issue with IO showing up on the wrong Node.2018-03-27
Streaming Outputs API simplified.Update
Beckhoff ESI files updated.Update
Modify Events + MultiAxis + Gearing now supported.Fix
MultiAxis Streaming Outputs fixed when there are multiple streaming outputs per PT point.2018-03-16
Save RMP MemoryToFile menu item added to RapidSetup.New
AKD implementation now uses DS402 model.New
S700 support.New
RSIActionE_STOP_MODIFY_ABORT and RapidCodeMotion::EStopModifyAbort() added.New
MotionController NetworkOutputIntendedValueGet, NetworkOutputOverrideValueSet, NetworkOutputOverrideValueGet, NetworkOutputSentValueGet functions added.Update
IO rework. Support for multi-bit Digital PDO Entries.Update
Axis default velocity, acceleration and deceleration set to 1.02018-01-09
RSIActionTRIGGERED_MODIFY and associated functions added.New
Triggered Modify support for Master Based Homing (HomeBehaviorGet/Set).New
motorStatusGet Added to RMPNetworkAPI.Update
RapidSetup C# improvements.2017-12-14
DS402 Drive based Homing Control added to RapidSetup.New
Backlash Compensation added for Position Mode.New
MotionController.MemoryToFile function added.Fix
EStopModify no longer causes out of frames EStop in firmware 918A5Fix
MultiAxis Streaming Outputs fixed.2017-11-21
NewtorkOutputOverride Get/Set added. RapidSetup Network I/O checkbox added.New
RSIVersionMajor(), RSIVersionMinor(), RSIVersionMicro() added.New
NetworkNode ProductNameGet and VendorNameGet added.Update
RapidSetup tuning visibility.Update
IOPoint objects are now deleted when the MotionController is deleted.2017-10-27
SMC EX260 EtherCAT module support.Fix
MotionScope, VM3, DumpDiff, RapidWorkbench fixes.2017-10-25
RSIQVC64 and RSIQDNET64 added for 64-bit support.New
SDO Writes support for Axis Configuration xmls.New
Added RSIVersionMajor(), RSIVersionMinor(), RSIVersionMicro() to RapidCodeObject.Update
RMP and MPI upgraded to 918A4 and 04.04.02.Update
Improved Copy/Paste inside RapidSetup.2017-10-02
Keyence NU-EC1 support.Update
RapidWorkbench for AKD - improvements when switching axes.Update
Service channel SDO read execution time reduced.Fix
Streaming Outputs only worked for 1 axis.2017-09-20
Copley TE2 Stepnet Plus drive support.New
CTB drive support.New
MultiAxis node support.Update
MotorDemandMode Get/Set/Enum replaced with OperationMode Get/Set/Enum and supported with EtherCAT.2017-09-16
Post Trajectory Gearing fixed.2017-09-14
Schneider LXM28E EtherCAT drive support.New
Additional Elmo & Schneider Error Messages supported.Fix
Network process shutdown improvements.2017-08-29
ProcessorUsage info adjustments in RapidSetup.Update
MotionScope easier to access in RapidSetup.Fix
StatusBitGet fixes for MultiAxis objects.2017-08-21
Estun ProNet EtherCAT drive support.New
Home Stage settings saved to/from Axis XML.Update
RMP and RMPNetwork thread synchronization improvements.Fix
Axis XML no longer fails with ambiguous method exception.2017-08-03
Elmo EtherCAT drives support.New
Beckhoff EL7041 steppers support.New
NetworkTiming Feature in RapidSetup.Update
SynqNet deprecated.Update
AddEntry to PDOs without RemoveContent.Update
Axis numbers to Homing Logging.Update
Synchronization diagnostics and filterDepth improvements.Update
RTOS Start/Stop.Update
Improved IO identification in EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.Update
RapidENI error on modify a fixed PDO.Fix
AdjustTimer improved for Skylake processors.2017-06-02
Added RSIHomeStageSTAGE_FOUR. Covers motion to Zero after HomeOffsetSet has been used.New
Added support for Copley's XEC-230-12 drive.New
Added TraceFileClose. The ability to Close a file that was open for logging.Fix
Fixed an issue with vendor and product ids above the max int size.2017-05-22
Added some additional Homing logging.Fix
Fixed an issue where some systems would report different identifiers when running with reduced privileges.2017-05-15
RapidCode no longer requires Windows Administrator privilegesNew
Improved SourceNameGet to include more information about RMP Amp Faults for most drives.New
Yaskawa EtherCAT Torque/Velocity Mode support.New
Added support for Applied Motion Products SS EtherCAT drive.New
Added support for Panasonic MMDHT2C09BD1 EtherCAT drive.New
RSIMotorDedicatedInWARNING now supported for EtherCAT AKDs.New
Homing Moves during RSIHomeStage_TWO & RSIHomeStage_THREE now have their own velocity, accel, decel, and jerk values which can be set independent of RSIHomeStage_ONENew
Homing Logging Added. Use Axis.TraceMaskOnSet(RSITraceCUSTOM) & Axis.TraceFileSet(fileName) to use.New
TraceInjectMessage(RSITrace traceLevel, msg) to add your own messages to the output log.Update
Improved Beckhoff EJ3004, EL1259, EL3064, & EL3356 Implementations.Update
Made changes to pNetwork values saved by an EtherCAT AKD.Update
Region locking for PDO read/write data.Fix
Custom Home configuration initialized properly.2017-03-23
EtherCAT Teco Drive now supported.New
Added Ability to add non-standard PDOEntries to PDO sets.New
RapidCode/RapidSetup expanded to support 32 General Inputs/Outputs.Update
EtherCAT AKDs now use the standard Control Word Functions for Enabling and Clearing Faults.Update
rsiConfig.exe probes network and supports new node types.Update
Improved Analog IOPoint implementation.Fix
Skylake Processors should now work as expected with the RMP.Fix
Fixed an issue when using RMPNetwork without an ENI file.2017-03-03
Suppress 2-bit PDO inputs/output error messages2017-03-02
MotionController object count methods reconfigure dynamic memory allocation only when necessaryUpdate
Home limit action no longer reverting to Stop action when RapidSetup opens2017-02-27
Position mode post-trajectory electronic gearing for RMPNew
Can Start, Stop and Restart INtime from within RapidSetup and RapidCode.New
Additional Beckhoff EJs supported.Update
PositionSet() no longer sets Actual Position for EtherCAT AxesUpdate
Controller::UserVersionSet() can now be safely called outside of Initialization.Update
Controller::SyncInterruptEnableSet(false) can now be safely called outside of Application Teardown.Fix
DS402 position demand scaled from RMP 64-bit double to 32-bit2017-02-09
Additional Axis Memory locations available via AddressGet(RSIAxisAddressType).2017-01-31
EtherCAT node clear faults timeout increased to 32 samplesUpdate
Axis will Amp Fault if an RMP Node fails to reach Operation Enable after 1000 cycles after calling AmpEnableSet(true)Fix
Dedicated I/O processing for DS402 drives2017-01-25
RapidCode API to set outputs during streaming motionNew
axisFeedRateSet, axisFeedRateGet, and axisFeedRateDisable added to RMPNetworkAPINew
Motion ElementID works with streaming and path motion, now displayed in RapidSetupUpdate
AKD ASCII command speeds optimized, Autotuning now available using RapidWorkbenchFix
Fixed an issue with GetRtSystemTimerValues.2017-01-13
Added Diagnostic methods for Delta RobotNew
EtherCAT network clock adjustments updated for Intel Skylake processorsNew
Bonfiglioli drive supportFix
Improved access to RSI license file2017-01-04
Homing Method None (Current Position) is now selected by default in RapidSetup.Fix
Fixed an issue which caused an error in RapidSetup when you minimized RapidSetup mid-Homing.Update
Added a custom DeltaRobot feature.2016-12-22
Homing now Advances to Stage Three for Index only Homing Max Travels.2016-12-21
RSI_AXIS_HOME_FAILED_TO_REACH_MAX_TRAVEL reported when homing fails to reach it while looking for edge.Update
Homing Error Enumeration and Messages Changed.2016-12-19
11 previously dynamic Homing Error Messages have been enumerated.Fix
Fixed an issue where HomeStage wouldn't advance with active low Homing Limits.Fix
Homing now Restores Initial Home Action and Trigger State on Errors.2016-12-16
The Default Home Offset is now set to 0 rather than -1Update
EtherCAT AKDs now use Homing Defaults rather than Motion defaults to move to the zero-angle when homingUpdate
Home Stages now supports Active Low Homing ImplementationUpdate
Delta Functions now return Success Status.2016-12-15
Added StopOnErrorSet() to DeltaRobot to enable/disable throwing exceptions near singularitiesNew
Added UnmapDeltaUpdate
Changed the locations in the Homing process when we advanced Homing Stages2016-12-13
Velocity Mode support for EtherCAT NodesNew
MovePT now supports Spline, Bessel, and BSpline2 optionsUpdate
Adjusted Names and PDOs for Schneider EtherCAT NodesUpdate
Added additional error messages for failed Homing casesUpdate
Improved DumpDiff.Fix
Fixed a matching issue with RMP Inputs/OutputsFix
Fixed an issue where HomingStage wasn't advancing when it shouldFix
Fixed an issue with the Homing Process when Abort was called at just the wrong time2016-12-02
Fixed an issue where we were linking to the wrong sqNodeLib.lib file2016-11-23
64-bit RapidCode libraries for SynqNet 04.04.02Update
All host addresses are stored as type uint64 for 32-bit and 64-bit librariesUpdate
MotionCamMasterStartSet requires master Axis object to scale startPostion with UserUnitsFix
EtherCAT Axis ClearFaults() now waits for Fault bit to be cleared before returningFix
Axis::MotionCamMasterStartSet now properly scaled by Origin positionFix
AmpEnableSet(true) now works in STOPPED stateFix
MultiAxis SYNC_START and SYNC_END attributes2016-11-16
Delta Robot Kinematics2016-11-16
Upgrade to INtime 6.2Update
Changed the Default max speed for the Panasonic Drive from 120 RPM to 20000 RPM2016-10-31
Added new banner option for customer RapidSetup skinNew
OptoForce Sensor added.New
Added HomeTravelDistanceSet & HomeStageGet allowing for Max Travels to Homing Segments.Update
Adjusted Beckhoff's EL2521 Default ConfigurationUpdate
LimitDurationGet no longer calls HomeUserLimitConfigSetUpdate
Improved setting values from Textboxes when hitting Enter or Esc.Fix
MultiAxis Delete Improved.Fix
Fixed an issue with EL2521s which caused a problem on Network Restarts.Fix
New Synqnet Firmware ....916A6.bin built which corrects for an issue where NEAR_TARGET triggered incorrectly2016-10-04
Improved Drive Status message display when a Node was in an Error State.Fix
Fixed an issue with AmpEnableSet.2016-09-16
SqNode name deletion was causing error when closing RapidSetup2016-09-01
InitCmds are now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.New
DcDataOpMode is now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.New
PDO String Matching is now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.Update
Unknown EtherCAT Nodes will now load the SDO screen when clicked on.Fix
Fixed an issue using the Service Channel after you issue a string command.Fix
Fixed an issue with node identification for large networks.2016-08-01
MailBox PollTime is now Configurable from EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.Update
Updated RapidSetup Documentation Link.Update
Improved RapidSetup's TreeView.Fix
Fixed an issue with Stopping and Restarting RMPNetwork from RapidSetup.2016-07-22
RapidWorkbench for AKD added.New
CompensatorTableClear function added.New
RMP Status window added. You can now see DS402 standard interpretations in the bottom right of the axis screen.Update
API Behavior Change - Controller is now a Singleton, reducing chance of Invalidating objects when programming.Update
VPLkp.xml renamed to EtherCATNodeInfo.xml.Update
Standardized PDO names. Most applications should generate new ENI files using RapidSetup to match new pattern.Update
Improved RapidSetup MultiAxis support.Fix
No longer crash attempting to use a Controller object that was invalid due errors in creation.Fix
RapidSetup XBox controller library updated.Fix
Axis PostFilter XML serialization now removes extra postfilers when loading from a smaller postfiler source (xml).Fix
Corrected an issue when hitting Enter or Tabbing out of the User Units entry box.Fix
Added dll needed for the BodeTool.2016-06-14
RapidENI API (.NET) to automatically generate ENI file from discovered networkFix
Resolved AKD Enable Position Enable OffsetFix
Resolved AKD fault text display2016-06-03
Schneider LXM28E EtherCAT drive support added.New
KBus support added to RapidENI.Update
Improved RMP Clear Faults TimingUpdate
You can now create EtherCAT IO nodes even if they don't have traditional Digital/Analog Inputs/Outputs associated with them2016-05-17
FeedbackDeltaPointerGet() and FeedbackDeltaPointerSet are deprecated. Please use FeedbackPointerGet() and FeedbackPointerSet instead.Update
Improved Gantry CS Project and included Cpp version.Fix
Longer Ascii commands are now supported2016-05-11
MotionController memory methods to read/set double valuesNew
Data Recorder bulk read methodsNew
Yaskawa SGD7S support addedFix
Improved AKD Clear Faults CapabilityFix
Fixed a Bug with Loading from XML that would cause trouble with Torque Systems.2016-04-20
Direct Velocity Control of AKDs added.2016-04-18
Removed assemblies SynqNetSystem4.dll, RapidENILib.dll and RapidSetupControls.dll. The controls in these assemblies are now located in RSI.System.dllNew
Rsiconfig.exe now supports RMP.Fix
Corrected a timing issue which could cause instability for Kollmorgen and AMC systems.2016-03-28
RapidSetup will now auto select an RMP when it is appropriate to do so.New
BodeTool included for use with the RMP on drives with Torque Mode support.New
XML Configurations Axis file names are now saved to and loaded from rsi.ini.Update
RMP is now built for INtime 6. Please make sure you upgrade your INtime Version to 6.1.15345.1 or later.Update
Improved the Menu options for SynqNet & RMP to exclude non-useful options.Update
Index (zero-angle) based homing routines now available for AKD drives.Fix
Large node counts causes RapidSetup to become sluggish when updating the SqNode Packet Error Counts.2016-02-16
Methods to get estimated SynqNet cable lengthsUpdate
Changed the display name on several drivesUpdate
Included many new EtherCAT ESI with our release.Update
Improved Missing Vendor/Product/Revision Display information when you are missing an ESI file.2016-02-01
Updated AMC ESI to include Vendor's latest.Update
Removed unnecessary release files.2016-01-29
Regenerate your Topology (ENI) files in order for IO to index properly! Switched from 1 Ordinate Module to 0 Ordinate Module for RapidENI support. Search Terms: IO on wrong Node.Update
Modify UI for Controller Configuration on EtherCATNew
AMC Drive support for RapidENIFix
SDO string write issueFix
Phantom Axes not showing under correct node in RapidSetup treeviewFix
INtime exception after multiple network restarts2016-01-06
Support for SynqNet 04.03.16New
RapidENI Utility to auto-generate ENI file from discovered network topology integrated with RapidSetup2015-12-11
RapidSetup can automatically detect configuration and generate an ENI file for many configurations.Fix
Fixed a bug which could cause errors if an EL2521 wasn't setup as intended.Fix
Data Recorder object interrupts not working with EtherCAT.2015-11-11
Internal Release2015-10-31
Delta ASDA-A2-E (EtherCAT) Drives now supported by the RMP.New
Crevis I/O now supported by the RMP.Fix
Bad ENI files could crash INtime. Added Config Validation.Fix
MotionController::RecorderConfigureToTriggerOnMotion not triggering on motion start2015-10-19
Improvements to EtherCAT SDOs. Better messaging and RapidSetup sign support.Update
Improvements to DS402 state transitions to Operation Enable.New
1D and 2D Compensation table supportFix
EncoderRatio for EtherCAT, EncoderCountGet/Set2015-10-06
Added support for Vendor ID 0x2e1 for FlexiPro Drives.2015-09-24
Added DOUT1 and DOUT2 support to the AKD EtherCAT DriveFix
MulitAxis::AxisGet returns an axis with an invalid NetworkNode object2015-09-18
RapidSetup requires .NET Framework 4.0New
RapidENI utility to auto-generate ENI file from discovered network topologyNew
Torque Mode support for the Panasonic EtherCAT driveFix
MultiAxis::ClearFaults for EtherCAT2015-07-29
Interfaces added for all RapidCode .NET classes. (IMotionController, IAxis, etc.)Fix
Fixed a Bug with the RSIQDNET4 dll that prevented the use of CreateFromSoftware(rtaPath).2015-07-09
Automatically download RMP licenses.Update
Restored Multiaxis Delay functionality.2015-06-23
Added Dedicated Homing, Positive, and Negative Limit support to the Panasonic MinasA5 EtherCAT Drives2015-06-03
.NET overload for CreateFromSoftware() to specify working folder (path to RMP.rta)New
Added support for Beckhoff BK1150 series IO Modules to the RMP.New
Added support for ESD ECX-DIO8 IO Modules to the RMP.Fix
Adjusted Kollmorgen AKD Parameters REGEN.TYPE & REGEN.WATTEXT to ensure proper setting from RapidCode and RapidSetup.Fix
Fixed (Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Boolean LockTake()) error Spam with Early Versions of .Net 2.02015-05-27
Cleaned up the Homing Screen for RMP Releases.New
Support for EtherCAT nodes with 64-bit DC2015-05-14
Torque Mode support for the AMC EtherCAT drive.Update
The Tuning Box should no longer display when inappropriate.Fix
RapidSetup exception when setting UserVersionFix
Fixed a validator that prevented the use of high indexes for SDO ControlNew
RapidCode now supports most Post Filters.New
Supported added for Panasonic MinasA5 series EtherCAT drives.Update
FilterLowPassSet(double) is deprecated. Please use PostFilterLowPassSet(int, double) instead where int is the Post Filter number.Fix
Fixed a bug where RapidSetup would load bad PostFilter values from a corrupted XML file.Fix
Fixed a bug with SampleRateSet which caused an Access Violation Exception.Update
NetworkNode::HasIO() always returns true for EtherCAT nodesNew
MFC Runtime DLL included in release for RMP MotionScopeFix
Fixed errors trying to use axis after re-initializing EtherCat networkFix
Fixed the Incorrect display of Controller I/O for the RMP2015-03-12
Axis and MultiAxis Motion ID methods use uint16 data typeUpdate
RapidSetup dependencies included in RapidSetup.exe.2015-03-03
ServiceChannelRead/Write overload for string valuesNew
AMC Digital Input support for General and Dedicated IO2015-02-19
Corrected EL1088/EL1008 Labels2015-02-19
Support for Beckhoff EL1088 Digital Input Modules2015-02-16
Support for Beckhoff 2521 Step Pulse Train2015-02-06
Classify EtherCAT nodes using Vendor ID and Product Code2014-12-09
HomeLimitCustomConfigSet method added to enable homing from any input bit on the networkNew
RMPNetwork supports some Realtek and Broadcom gigabit NICsFix
RMP NetworkInput (and Output) names now stored in RapidCodeNetwork2014-11-14
RapidCode for RMP requires Administrator privilegesNew
New Methods to double check previous Home Set Methods.New
Support for SynqNet 04.03.112014-09-18
RMPNetwork GPF after shutdown due to linker mismatch2014-08-26
RMP and RMPNetwork built for INtime 5.2.14045.2Fix
RMPNetwork rebooting when restarted due to uninitialized topology memory2014-08-21
RSI::RapidCode::SynqNet namespace changed to RSI::RapidCodeUpdate
RapidCode objects throw RsiError const& instead of RsiError* (C++ only)Update
RapidSetup only sets Home action to STOP for SynqNet when homingUpdate
MotionController object counts are refreshed automatically when the EtherCAT network reaches operational stateNew
RapidSetup can start network in PREOPERATIONAL stateNew
NetworkStartMode parameter for NetworkStart() overloadNew
NetworkLogMessageGet for reading NetworkStart() log messagesNew
RapidSetup shows network error messages if state transitions from OPERATIONALNew
Axis homing supports homing without Position CaptureFix
FeedRateSet throwing unexpected error2014-06-03
NetworkNode supports ServiceChannel (SDO) and ASCII commandsNew
MotionController::CreateFromSoftware() has optional working directory parameterUpdate
UserLimitOutSet now works with andMask & orMask. An overload for valueSet has been added to preserve old behavior.2014-05-14
Axis::FeedbackDeltaPointerGet now returns a host addressNew
NetworkNode Analog Input/Output supportNew
MechaWare PIV Gain Table and Reset blocks supported in RapidCode/Setup2014-03-26
Support for SynqNet 04.03.08New
PositionSet added to RapidSetup Axis Command PositionNew
MechaWare PID Gain Table Block supported in RapidCode/SetupNew
Network IO methods for EtherCATNew
MotorType added as top-level element in Axis XML configurationNew
MotionController::ProcessorUsageClear (double-click in RapidSetup to clear)Update
Selecting Stepper Loopback in RapidSetup disables Encoder Ratio control2014-01-09
SynqNetInit() added to .NET libraries2013-12-05
MotionController::NetworkTypeGet methodNew
NetworkStart, Shutdown methods added for EtherCATNew
IOPoint analog values accessible in .NET librariesFix
Capture objects not enabled properly with greater than 16 axesFix
IOPoint analog values now function correctly2013-10-31
RapidSetup AKD SynqNet firmware downloadNew
Kollmorgen AKD SynqNet drive monitor supportFix
RapidSetup file download GUI hangs2013-09-27
SynqNet 04.03.05 support with AKD firmware 1.10 for smoother amp enable2013-07-23
RsiError inherits from std::exceptionUpdate
RSIMotionAttrMask values changedFix
APPEND motion attribute mask not working2013-06-26
rsiconfig.exe command-line utility for reading/writing configurationsFix
Serialized/XML Axis not disposing of its resources properly2013-06-24
RapidSetup Axis Origin shown if Actual Position label is clickedFix
Phantom axes displayed under Node 1 in RapidSetup2013-06-14
Additional thread-safe locking added to InterruptMaskSet()2013-06-11
RapidSetup Axis tab page remembered when switchingFix
RapidSetup not restarted after setting Axis or Motion count2013-06-06
NetworkStateGet, Shutdown method for SynqNet or EtherCATNew
RapidCodeNetworkNode objectNew
EtherCAT node topology discoveryNew
RapidSetup displays network counterFix
MotionController software and firmware version info out of scopeFix
RapidSetup Axis screen display precision not updating after downloading from XMLFix
RapidSetup Diagnostics screen displaying multiple instancesUpdate
RapidSetup replication copies label xml and ini files when creating replicationUpdate
RapidSetup replication restore option removed2013-04-26
RapidSetup diagnostic screenNew
Network diagnostic methods work for SynqNet and EtherCAT - NetworkNodeCountGet(), etc.New
New Trace types CUSTOM and TIMENew
MultAxis AxesAdd method to add multiple Axis objects at onceUpdate
Axis UserUnits removed from RapidSetup INI fileFix
Additional thread-safe locking to MultiAxis AxisAdd, AxesAdd, AxisRemoveAll methodsFix
MultiAxisGet does not report an error when passed an invalid motionNumber.Fix
MotionController::InterruptWake() not waking MotionController::InterruptWait()2013-03-18
Support for QMP-PCIeFix
Additional thread-safe locking added to StateGet() and all Move methods2013-03-01
MSVC++ 2005 Redistributable updated to 8.0.50727.6195 and MSVC++ 2010 Redistributable addedUpdate
CapturePositionGet now scaled by encoder ratio when relevantNew
EncoderRatioPrimary/SecondaryGet/Set with strings for use with Axis XMLFix
CaptureConfigSet ignoring PRIMARY vs SECONDARY feedback parameter2013-02-22
Axis/MultiAxis MotionHoldGateNumberGet/Set and MotionController MotionHoldGateSet2013-02-19
Motion Hold Gate logic invertedFix
AxisCountSet should never decrease MotionCountNew
Support for SynqNet 04.03 releases2013-01-11
Axis::CommandPositionSet() reverts to SynqNet 3 behavior (uses Origin internally)New
Axis::CommandPositionDirectSet() enables direct setting of command positionFix
Vector Velocity and Acceleration not updating between Path segments2013-01-03
Raw CapturePosition in RapidSetup (not scaled by Origin or UserUnits)New
SynqNetSystem DLL for .NET 4.0Update
32-bit float values now 64-bit double precision. Tolerances, durations, feedrates, Stop times, etc.Update
read-only Axis XML files are allowedFix
MultiAxis motions now use absolute value of velocities, accelerations, etc. if UserUnits are negative2012-11-07
Axis PositionSet uses CommandOriginSet and AmpEnableSet uses CommandPositionSetUpdate
Stepper motor Axis can only use PositionSet when amp is enabledFix
Axis XML file stream not closedFix
Axis XML now ignores SqNodeUserFaultAddress,MotionHoldUserAddress, and OriginPositionFix
Axis XML now deletes temporary drive parameter fileFix
Axis XML restores ThrowExceptions to default (true) when saving to / restoring from XMLFix
Axis SourceGet now reports NODE_FAILURE correctly when any Node has failed2012-10-25
Updates for SynqNet 4.2 Production Release2012-10-02
Fastech stepper drive support and automatic setupNew
Stepper motor pulse configuration methodsUpdate
Axis::PositionSet now works with stepper motorsUpdate
Axis::PositionSet COMMAND_NOT_SET now treated as error, not warning2012-09-05
QMP motion controller and SynqNet 4.2 supportNew
S-curve path planning typeUpdate
Standard data types modified for future 64-bit supportUpdate
BEFORE_SYNQNET_0402 preprocessor definition required if using SynqNet 4.0 or 4.1Update
MotionController Reset() now deletes the control handle before resettingUpdate
Stop() no longer throws exception if already stopped or stoppingUpdate
Homing methods 23, 25, 27 and 29 modified for consistent capture directionFix
RapidSetup velocity goto labels not updatingFix
RapidSetup homing using status caching, causing capture errors2012-08-14
Axis SourceGet() correctly reports HOME (Capture Status) sourceFix
Homing move-to-zero feature now works without going to STOPPING or STOPPED stateNew
Homing now supports S-Curve velocity profilesNew
RapidSetup implements more data caching for better performanceUpdate
Homing now defaults to time-based position capture2012-07-25
Axis default velocity no longer checked in MoveVelocity()Fix
Axis GearingEnable() now sets axis/motor number properly when using FEEDBACK sourcesFix
Axis GearingMasterAxisNumberGet() and GearingSourceGet() now read current values from the controllerUpdate
RapidSetup stores SynqNet folder info for CurrentUser, not LocalMachineUpdate
RapidSetup no longer requires Administrator privileges2012-07-02
UserLimitStatus added to ControllerAdddressTypeFix
RapidSetup relative motion goto positions not updating2012-05-25
LimitEnabledMask added to ControllerAdddressType2012-05-23
Simulation server and RMP controller supportFix
RapidSetup Position Capture supports 64 axes2012-04-02
SyncInterrupt for .NET2012-02-27
RapidSetup now supports editing of PID values in MechaWare modelsFix
EMPTY_COUNT attribute now supported for PT and PVT motion types2012-02-07
RSIQDNET and RSIQDNET4 signed with a strong name2012-01-18
MultiAxisGet() now requires MotionSupervisorNumber parameter, must be >= Axis countUpdate
MultiAxis::AxisRemove removed, use AxisRemoveAll insteadUpdate
RSI Constants displayed as hexadecimal to eliminate C++ compiler warningsNew
MotionCount configuration added to RapidSetupNew
UserLimitCountGet/Set added to MotionControllerNew
Kollmorgen AKD support2011-12-16
RapidSetup AutoTuner now works with UserUnitsFix
MotionControllerDigitalIn MaskGet() now works for E-Stop input (bit 6)Fix
Negative values now allowed for Axis UserUnits2011-10-24
Axis Capture configuration supports drive general purpose I/ONew
MotionController AddressGet() now supports multiple data recordersUpdate
Axis Capture configuration global parameter removed2011-09-15
IO position capture supported for HSIN32New
Axis XML files from RapidCode 4.x supportedUpdate
Setting an Axis to Phantom type no longer disables limits automaticallyFix
MotionController FlashClear() now saves cleared flash2011-8-03
Datatypes redefined for future 64-bit OS support (long becomes int32, etc.)New
S200 filtered drive velocity now available for Drive MonitorNew
HomeCaptureMotorFeedbackSet added for an Axis that uses secondary feedbackNew
RapidSetup supports backlash compensationNew
RapidSetup supports EncoderRatioNew
RapidSetup has better support for European Windows regional settingsNew
RapidCodeObject interface added for .NET classes ease-of-useUpdate
03.03.xx SynqNet releases no longer supportedFix
Axis CapturePositionGet() only uses UserUnits if the feedbackAxisNumber is the same as the Axis numberFix
RapidSetup now supports 24A and 48A S200 drivesFix
Xbox 360 controller right thumbstick processing reversed in RapidSetupFix
Xbox 360 controller trigger invert not applied in RapidSetupFix
RapidCode works with MechaWare firmware (4.0)Fix
Axis UserLabel is properly updated from XML in RapidSetupUpdate
RadidSetup homing automatically sets Home action to STOPUpdate
CaptureArm now waits for capture to arm before returning. Overload makes it optional.Update
Xbox 360 controller uses cubic function for velocity controlUpdate
Xbox 360 controller will Abort all when disconnected in RapidSetupUpdate
RapidSetup goes to FPGA download page if Node MAC mismatchUpdate
MemoryBlockGet/Set now uses arrays for .NET instead of pointersUpdate
Axis XML files now support SqNode properties2009-4-22
Gain Scheduling support added to RapidSetupNew
Final Velocity motion overloads added to Axis2009-3-27
Improved support when using MechaWare firmware2009-3-19
Axis::GearingSourceGet() added2009-2-12
InterruptMask methods allow for generating specific interruptsNew
Axis and MultiAxis MotionIdExecutingGet() returns currently executing MotionIDUpdate
Axis::SaveToFlash will now attempt to save SynqNet Topology firstFix
RapidSetup File->Exit fixed (introduced in 4.1.21)Fix
IOPoint::MaskGet() not working for Axis Digital Inputs and OutputsFix
Axis::SourceGet() won't report SQNODE_USER_FAULT without I/O Abort set2008-12-02
RapidCode IOPoint class added, provides common interface to any SynqNet I/O pointNew
RapidSetup can copy Axis settings from another AxisNew
RapidSetup Axis Save-To-Flash moved to context menu (right click)New
MotionController::SynqNetHotReplaceRestart for using HotReplaceFix
RapidSetup now compatible with MechaWare firmwareFix
Axis::AmpEnableSet(true) fails if filter algorithm is set to NONEFix
RapidSetup no longer shows warnings when viewing online documentationFix
RapidCode object locking initialization2008-08-20
MotionController::RecorderBufferSizeGet/Set helpful when using multiple recorders and high Axis countsNew
MotionDoneWait() now optionally accepts timeoutMilliseconds parameter and returns waited timeNew
RapidSetup offers choice of Time or Position Capture for HomingNew
RsiError messages now include object number2008-08-01
MultiAxis Motion Hold now supportedFix
Axis::MotionHoldPositionGet/Set should not be scaled by UserUnits2008-07-25
Axis::FilterDualLoopSet utilizes load and motor encoders for PIV dual loop controlNew
MotionController now supports up to 32 data RecordersNew
RapidSetup new Axis tab for setting Actions and LimitsNew
RapidSetup now displays MotorTorque Drive Monitor for Yaskawa2008-06-06
Axis::Home(bool moveToZero) added, for optionally moving to Zero after homing (also in RapidSetup)New
MotionController:CommandAction for commanding an action with a SequencerFix
RapidSetup brake mode and settings not applied2008-05-21
MotionController:ExternalMemorySizeGet helps when resizing Axis frame buffers or Recorder bufferNew
Axis::MoveCamLinear and MoveCamCubic now use double arrays, instead of 32-bit integers2008-04-30
Axis::EncoderMultiTurnReset in RapidCode and RapidSetupNew
MotionController::ProcessorUsageGet in RapidCode and RapidSetup – helps determine maximum sample rates2008-04-14
MultiAxis user interface added to RapidSetup (Absolute, Relative, Velocity, PT)New
Axis Filter Gain Scheduling – Axis can change gain tables automaticallyNew
Axis::UserLimitReset(...) used to clear latched UserLimitsFix
PathTimeSliceSet did not set internal value2008-02-26
RapidSetup – Drive Monitor support2008-01-31
RapidSetup – Xbox 360 Controller support for joggingNew
Enumerations added for 32bit LSB and MSB position recording for 64-bit positionsFix
MovePT and MovePVT did not use UserUnits correctlyUpdate
MovePT and MovePVT now internally enable interrupts, so the library can stream points2007-12-14
MultiAxis::PathRatioSet did not set internal ratio values correctly2007-11-28
RapidSetup – Kollmorgen S300 supported in drive tab2007-10-24
Axis::GantryTypeGet and SetNew
Axis::FeedbackDeltaPointerGet and SetNew
Axis::EncoderCountGet and Set2007-09-27
Axis and MultiAxis MotionAttributeMaskOn/MaskOff(...) Get and Set methods addedNew
RapidSetup – Glentek - Added capability to read Proportional Current Gain and Integral Current Gain2007-09-08
Axis::EncoderRatioSet used to provide a ratio for raw encoder values (requires 03.04.xx SynqNet or newer)Fix
InterruptWake() no longer throws exception2007-08-07
Axis::Address get modified for differences between XMP and ZMP hardware2007-07-23
UserLabelGet/Set methods added to Axis, MotionController, SqNodeNew
MotionController::Custom97VersionGet and other Custom97 methodsNew
Axis::EncoderScaleGet/Set (SynqNet version 03.03.xx and older only)New
RapidSetup – Version Management feature for automatic upgrades to latest SynqNet versionsUpdate
RsiError class moved to RSI.RapidCode.dotNET namespace in .NET (C#) assembly DLL (also supports error log)Update
MultiAxis motion methods now require that individual axis positions, etc. are given in UserUnitsFix
Axis::AmpEnableSet() contained an uninitialized variable which could cause unintended motors to be enabled2006-10-05
RapidSetup – "Send to RSI" feature allows uploading of version and exception info to www.roboticsys.comNew
RapidSetup – screen introduced for SqNode information and FPGA downloadNew
RapidSetup – Version Utility added to MotionController form and Tools menuFix
DriveFirmware version and download methods added to Axis class and RapidSetupFix
PIV Support for FilterCoeffGet/Set methods restoredUpdate
PathRatioSet(...) can now be used before PathListStart(...)2006-08-02
MultiAxis::FeedRateGet & MultiAxis::FeedRateSet added.Fix
RapidSetup – SqNode Flash Download button can't find default filenameFix
Settling Criteria values need absolute values when using negative user UnitsFix
Velocity tolerance not scaled by User UnitUpdate
RapidSetup – set fixed point scaling on command, Actual, and Error positions when using User UnitsFix
RapidSetup Set Digital Output State does set the output of the slice IOFix
RapidSetup Node Error array past index with more than 6 nodes on a ringFix
RapidSetup Glentek Omega tab fails to update Current Limit Trip Current and Trip Time under the Motor Safety TabFix
RapidSetup – Space Bar not causing Abort action in Axis screenFix
RapidSetup – Enter key causes button press when setting filter gains2006-06-19
Many methods changed to use enumeration values instead of longsUpdate
Axis and IO now contain SqNode classUpdate
RapidCode Objects RenamedUpdate
Objects are created and initialized from the MotionController Class2006-04-11
E-Stop, Modify action now supported – specify decel rate instead of decel timeNew
UserUnits added to RsiAxis and RapidSetupNew
Segment info and I/O methods added to RsIONew
Resume method added to RsiMultiAxisNew
TargetPositionGet() added to RsiAxis.2006-03-06
All 30+ Home Methods now supported in RsiAxis and RapidSetupFix
RsiAxis::SaveToFlash was modified internally to execute about 3x faster (was ~50 seconds, now ~15 seconds)Fix
RapidSetup drive parameter list is now cleared when switching to another RsiAxisFix
RsiAxis::Home didn't verify capture status in 2.2.17 before setting home state = trueNew
RsiAxis::SourceNameGet added to get text about error sources. Also added to RapidSetup below Axis State.New
DriveIndexGet added to RsiAxis to get drive index for multi-drive SqNodes.New
User Fault and Node Failure Action Get/Set methods added to RsiAxisNew
Auto-tuning capability in RapidSetup2006-01-30
RsiController::FirmwareUpload did not need to create internal flash objectNew
RsiAxis::HomeStateGet/Set now reads/writes the home state to the controller's memory, though it cannot be saved to flash.New
Drive Fault and Drive Warning methods added to RsiAxis and RapidSetupNew
MovePT(...) and MovePVT(...) added to RsiAxisFix
SynqNetTopologySave/Clear not saving/clearing topology correctly in flash memoryNew
SqNode Packet Error and CRC Error status methods addedNew
HomeCancelSet() added to RsiAxisNew
MemoryBlockGet/Set added to RsiController2006-01-10
RsiError members added: functionName, lineNumber and shortTextNew
Drive Monitor features added to RsiAxisNew
RsiAxis Home methods can be cancelled with E-Stop or AbortNew
SqNode I/O Abort configuration methods added to RapidCode2005-12-15
RapidSetup RsiAxis General Inputs state displayed incorrectly2005-12-09
RsiAxis::DirectionInvertGet/Set can invert the polarity of the filter output and the actual positionUpdate
RsiController Digital I/O methods changed to accept bit number parameters instead of bit mask.2005-11-18
RSISynqNetCableStatus enumeration adds BUSY status.2005-11-11
SynqNetRecoveryModeGet/Set methods added to RsiController and RapidSetupNew
SynqNetCableIdleStatusGet() method added to RsiControllerNew
RapidSetup: RsiAxis Dedicated and General Purpose I/O now based on Node resourcesUpdate
RsiAxis::DigitalInGet/Set methods changed to accept bitNumber instead of bitMask. Use enum RSIMotorGeneralIo.2005-10-28
RapidCode DLL files contain RSI and MPI versions in File PropertiesNew
RsiAxis::DriveParamGet/Set methods addedNew
RapidSetup now supports Drive Parameter for most SynqNet drives.New
RsiController::SequencerStateGet method addedUpdate
JerkPercent parameter added to RsiController::CommandMoveVelocity methodFix
RapidSetup RsiIO Digital Out and Analog Out could be blocked by "Set" buttonsUpdate
RapidSetup pressing SynqNet Network Initialize will now refresh the TreeViewUpdate
SqNodeDriveParam methods no longer require driveIndex parameter.2005-10-19
Methods added for reading SqNode I/O addresses and masks in RsiAxis, RsiIONew
RsiController methods to get addresses from string and converting to firmware addressesNew
Preliminary Sequencer support added to RsiControllerNew
RapidSetup TreeView shows SynqNet Nodes with RsiAxis and RsiIO objectsFix
RapidSetup resizing causes problems with TreeViewFix
RapidSetup - RsiAxis Save to Flash button works intermittently (also moved beneath Amp Enable)2005-10-05
RsiAxis::SaveToFlash() fails if SqNode does not exist.New
Camming methods added to RsiAxisNew
RsiAxis frame buffer size get/set methods addedNew
New RsiController::Interrupt methods added for processing all interruptsFix
ZMP Controller I/O fixed as 3 Outputs and 4 Inputs. Updated in RapidSetup.New
PathPointAdd() and PathArcAdd() now support changing VectorVelocity and VectorAcceleration inside a PathList.New
RapidCode available as static libraryFix
RsiAxis::MoveVelocitySCurve(...) causes "Invalid Parameter" errorUpdate
RsiController::Interrupt methods renamed to SyncInterrupt methods2005-08-18
RSIMotorTypePHANTOM not working properly in RapidSetup. This is a useful feature for simulating an axis.New
Configuration for closed-loop stepper added to RsiAxis (custom firmware required)Fix
FirmwareDevelopmetIDGet() spelled incorrectly in RsiController. Changed to FirmwareDevelopmentIDGet().2005-08-08
SqNode ServiceCommand method added to RsiIO and RsiAxis classes in RapidCodeNew
RsiAxis Electronic Gearing master sources now include Primary and Secondary motor encoders2005-07-18
Low Pass Filter methods added to RsiAxisFix
Analog Output values in RsiIO not working in RapidSetupFix
Motor Outputs selected (for setting state) in RapidSetup easier to seeNew
SqNode Drive Parameter methods added to RsiIO and RsiAxis classes in RapidCodeNew
Display Primary and Secondary motor encoder feedback in RapidSetup2005-06-08
RsiIO interface in RapidSetupNew
Data Recorder methods for RsiController class2005-05-27
Add methods to Get/Set up to 32 bits of Digital I/O in RsiIO2005
Timeout (milliseconds) parameter added to InterruptWait in RsiAxis and RsiMulitAxis2005
RsiAxis::PositionSet sets incorrect valueFix
RapidSetup should only allow one RsiController to be initialized.2005
NodeStatusBitGet() changed to SqNodeStatusBitGet()New
MoveVelocity() and MoveSCurve() methods for RsiMultiAxisNew
InterruptWake methods for RsiController, RsiAxis, RsiMultiAxis2005
AddAxis() changed to AxisAdd() in RsiMultiAxisUpdate
ErrorLogGet() will now return RsiError* instead of accepting it as a parameterNew
RsiIO class interface2005
RsiMultiAxis::MoveTrapezoidal requires unsafe code in C#Fix
RsiMultiAxis::MoveTrapezoidal throws error if in motion