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3D Render

Create a 3D render of your G-Code file

3D Render Empty

  • Clear Path Points Clear Path Points: delete all of the current path points
  • Toggle Path Points Toggle Path Points: toggle the current path points between visible and invisible
  • Toggle Render Toggle Render: toggle the current render between visible and invisible
  • Generate Render Generate Render: create a render based on the G-Code file and configuration tab
  • Generate Bounds Generate Bounds: create a bounding box based on the X, Y, and Z axes' software limits
  • Reset Camera Reset Camera: reset the camera back to the default position
  • Toggle Camera Toggle Camera: toggle camera between perspective and orthographic
  • Toggle Size Toggle Size: either expands or shrinks the 3D render window

Change your settings and configuration to the correct values before attempting to create a 3D render.

View a 3D render of your G-Code file inside of your bounding box

After creating a 3D render one can watch points plot in real time. The box represents the current location of your machine. The red points represent where your machine has gone while your G-Code file is running.

3D Render in action