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RapidSetupX: Node page

RapidSetupX Node Page

  • Analyze device info.
  • Read/write SDOs.
The Node page is enabled only if the Network is created and operational.

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RapidSetupX Node Overview Section

Some important information is shown at the top of the page:

  • Name: Displays the name of connected node.
  • Index: Displays index of the node (0-based) as discovered.
  • Axis Count: Displays the number of Axis objects supported by the node.
  • IO Count: Displays the available IO.


RapidSetupX Node Info Section

Product information is displayed here.

  • Node Type: Displays the RSINodeType of the connected node. See TypeGet.
  • Vendor Name: Displays the vendor name, as displayed in the NodeInfo file. See VendorNameGet.
  • Vendor ID: Displays the Vendor ID, as discovered. See VendorIdGet.
  • Product Code: Displays the Product Code, as discovered. See ProductCodeGet.
  • Hardware Revision Displays the Hardware Revision, as discovered. See RevisionGet.
  • Station Alias Displays the Station Alias, as discovered. See StationAliasGet.
  • Serial #: Displays the Serial Number, as discovered. See SerialNumberGet.

SDO Read and Write

RapidSetupX Node Configuration Section

Here, you can read and write SDO values, to/from the connected node. See ServiceChannelRead and ServiceChannelWrite.

  • Index: Refers to the location in the object dictionary where a specif ic piece of data or parameter is stored. The "index" is a 16-bit address in th e dictionary, represented in hexadecimal format.
  • Sub-Index: Further specifies the particular element within the indexed object.
  • Byte count: Determines how many bytes of data you want to read from the specified index and sub-index.
  • Timeout: Maximum time the system will wait for the read operation to complete.
  • Is string: Set this field to "true" to read the SDO value as a string, "false" to read the SDO value as an integer.
  • Read: When clicked, RapidSetup will attempt to retrieve the data from the specified index and sub-index.
  • Value: Displays the value of the SDO read.
  • Write: Write an SDO value with the previous parameters.