APIs, concepts, guides, and more
API Comparison

RMP API performance, ease of use, & requirement comparison.

🔹 Overview

The document compares the following four variations:

API Variation Description
RapidCode RapidCode RapidCode for Windows
RapidCode RapidCodeRT RapidCode for INtime RTOS
Note: In this document, if we call out RapidSequencer, assume it applies to both variations.

🔹 Performance

Bytecode is generally slower than native code. This applies to RapidSequencer as well.


On an RTOS, the code synchronization mechanisms that allow for deterministic code execution also slow down the execution of code. That is to say that real-time code is slower than but more deterministic than non-real-time code and that RapidCodeRT is no different.

Computation Speed

In the order of decreasing speed/processing throughput:

  1. RapidCode (for Windows)
  2. RapidCodeRT


In order of decreasing determinism:

  1. RapidCodeRT
  2. RapidCode (for Windows)

🔹 Ease of use


Variation Requirement(s)
RapidCode Requires using Visual Studio (or an IDE of choice) and correctly configuring headers and runtime libraries.
RapidCodeRT Requires the same as RapidCode but also installing the INtime SDK, configuring compilation and runtime libraries against the INtime runtime, and developing a true RTOS application.

Development Complexity

In order of increasing complexity (easier to harder):

  1. RapidCode (for Windows)
  2. RapidCodeRT

🔹 Requirements

Variation Requirement(s)
RapidCode - Windows 10
- MSVC 2015/2017/2019/2022 runtime
- INtime Runtime (6.4 or newer)
RapidCodeRT - Same as RapidCode
- Additional INtime node (requires multi-node runtime)
- INtime SDK (6.4 or newer)